


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 5th 2012

At the end of every trip it is inevitable one looks back and thinks about the highs and lows of the journey just completed. For me this journey began over 12 months ago with the idea, then the planning, then the comittement both financially and personally for training and preparation to at least give me good shot at reaching Everest Base Camp and Kala Pattar. Whilst I had some doubts along the way, getting beyond Namche in good shape gave me all the confidence I needed that I would achieve my goals, unless that is I suffered from altitude sickness. On that subject, I was aware that drug called Diamox was used quite frequently by trekkers to reduce the risk of altitude sickness, but I and one other in our group chose not to use it. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 4th 2012

With bags packed, it was time to say goodbye to the Himalaya. An early flight from Lukla to Kathmandu awaited. Unlike the flight out to Lukla, the return flight held no concerns - possibly on account of the crazy mad helicopter flight the day before which trumped any short take off or landing flight at Lukla by a country mile. The return flight to Lukla went without a hitch, as did navigating our way out of the domestic terminal to our transport for the hotel. Finally arriving back at the Shangri-La hotel after some 15 days was wonderful - a chance for a proper shower and some decent civilised food and beer - and a super comfy bed by previous standards. The first thing everyone did when arriving at the hotel was head for the morning ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

Mark and I soldiered on in the Irish bar until well after dark. Stepping outside into the dark was somewhat of a suprise - and something neither of us had thought too much about or prepared for. We headed off back towards the airport where our lodge was, and once we passed the last of the lighted shops it occured to us they neither of us had a torch, and in the asbence of any street lights - this was a bit of a predicament. Mark and I stumbled on resolutely in the dark across the rocky and uneven street for a few metres or so, until some nice Nepalese woman appeared out of nowhere and shone her torch at our feet to guide our way. She did this for the 5 minutes it took us ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

..and some of us wanted to go for more beers.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

Some of the group wanted to go for a coffee........ read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

High on adrenalin from the chopper flight, we headed off to our lodge for the morning - for once devoid of any guides or our guide leader to escort us. The first order of the day - to celebrate or calm the nerves, or both, was a round of Everest Beers for the gods of the skies and mountains! Following several more rounds of beers, and then lunch, our room keys and Dirge our guide leader materialised. The res of the day was free (we kind of figured that out) - no more acclimistisation walks, no more uphills other than to negotiate the few metres ascent into Lukla main street itself.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

The pilot flew into Lukla along the path of the runway, the skillfully dropped it onto one of the smal pieces of hard stading to the left of the runway. With shaking legs, a lot of relieved passanegers decamped out of the helicopter, posing for a picture with the Pilot.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Lukla December 3rd 2012

We passed Tengboche on the way back down the valley, and before we were even aware up ahead the unmistakable view of Lukla and its unfeasibly short runway came into view.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas December 3rd 2012

Whizzing past the lower slopes of Ama Dablam.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas December 3rd 2012

Looking up the Western Cwm towards Camp 2... read more

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