Bob Pacheco


Bob Pacheco

North America » United States » Texas » Trophy Club May 22nd 2016

Days: 31/32 Distance: 12,685 miles Pictures: 6,044 (not culled and many of the shots where photo streams) Well dear readers, this is my last entry for my walkabout. This past Thursday (last day on the road) started with a scrumptious breakfast with my parents and brother Steve at a local pancake house in Amarillo. After, I picked up US 287 going south towards Dallas/Fort Worth. At Rhome, I turned east onto SR 114 for the final leg of my odyssey. I got home a little after 5 PM, my sojourn complete. It's good to be home. I promised my observations regarding my wandering. I know I've forgotten a ton of observations but the one's below stuck out enough to recall. So here we go in no particular order: Next time, I very much would prefer a ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Amarillo May 18th 2016

Day: 29/30/31 Distance: 12,347 I'm in Amarillo with Mom and Dad (Cyndee and Bob) writing this blog and getting reading to go to dinner with the oldsters. I guess I shouldn't make too much fun of my parents since my kids consider me an oldster. I initially tried to write this blog in Reno, then again this last evening when I was in Cortez, NM but the Internet connections were so bad that I gave up in frustration. Anyway, this entry will contain 3 days worth of traveling (actually 1 whole day and 2 half days). After my last blog entry in Reno, I ended up going to a Costco for a tire rotation. The tires were vibrating the car again. It looks like these tires are shot but fortunately, some of it should be covered ... read more
Outside of Fallon, NV
Snow! This was after it had been driven on a bit.
Glen Canyon National Rec Area

North America » United States » Nevada » Sparks May 16th 2016

Day: 29/30 Distance: 10,837 When last we left our intrepid voyager he was in Crescent City, California. He realized he needed to travel more distance if he wanted to be home Thursday and keep his wife happy (as he has already extended the trip by a week). His conundrum is how to do that and enjoy the views at the same time. Fortunately he is adept at taking photos while driving down the road. He is only slightly more dangerous than someone in a texting argument via phone. So with careful consideration, perhaps he'll minimize photo taking unless absolutely necessary. Alright, enough 3rd person. Right now I am sitting in a service waiting area at a Buick Dealership in Reno after visiting a Costco for a tire rotation. I've some issues with the car unfortunately. Fortunately, ... read more
By Blue Lake
In Lassan National Forest
In my camp

Day: 28/29 Distance: 10,415 miles After posting yesterday's blog, I trucked on out of Raymond. I'm running really late again since it's already after 4 and I haven't done the bulk of my driving. My plan originally was to end the day at around the Oregon/California border. So much for plans. You do know, it's all you gentle readers' fault. If I wasn't doing this blog I would have all the time in the world. So please, feel the appropriate amount of guilt and then read on. OK, it's not only your fault. I have a terrible habit of pulling over for every cool scene or the largest ball of yarn in world attractions. I keep trying to harden myself to just drive on, but sadly, I can't. MUST GET PICTURE. I think by now I ... read more
Along PCH in Oregon
Along PCH in Oregon
Along PCH in Oregon

North America » United States » Washington May 14th 2016

Day: 27/28 Distance: Gotta be getting close to 10K miles by now Hello from Raymond on the Willapa River! I'm sitting at a McDonalds (free wifi) and writing this blog. So after leaving Kingston (only 20 minutes from Poulsbo - we vaca'd there once - fantastic) , I headed west on SR 104 till I hit US 101. I went north on the 101 to travel around the Olympia peninsula. It was a very scenic trip with a mixture of lush forest and ocean vistas. Loved it. Passed through Forks. That was a complete let down. I won't go into the details but I'm not sure why what's here naming (the Twilight series author) choose Forks as the backdrop for her books. I want to say the movie makers did not use the town for the ... read more
Artistic decay in Huh National Rain Forest
Huh National Rain Forest
Huh National Rain Forest

Day: 25/26/27 Distance: 9689 miles Hi Everyone, sorry I didn't blog yesterday but I was driving a good chunk of the day and I was trying to get to Kent & Missy's house in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island. I managed to get there a little after 4PM and was warmly welcomed by Missy and her daughter McKenna. They helped me drag out my tent and tarps and lay them out on their yard to dry out (more on that later). I was able to get a nice shower and do my laundry. Kent came home and we had a great dinner of grilled Salmon. We sat around the table and talked well into the night with only occasional forays into nerd talk with Kent. :) It was a truly a great night and I wished ... read more
Marble Canyon - Rain coming straight for the campgrounds

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Smithers May 11th 2016

So I've been to Homer (doh!) and now I've been to Smithers (excellent). I'm sure I passed through Bart but was not paying attention. Isn't there a song with the lyrics "I've never been to me"? Oh God, now this is going to drive me up the wall today trying to recall the song. Don't you hate it when I go off on a tangent? DON'T answer that. So hear I am after a not so restful sleep in Smithers. I arrived at Smithers around 10:30PM last night after a fairly mild round of DODGE THE WILDLIFE. Really it was a rather disappointing game this time. I had more problems during the day dodging porcupines (4 of them) than anything in the evening. I now understand a little more about how that couple clobbered the porcupine ... read more
Right before I started getting some snow
Grizzlies along CR 37
River Runs Through It

North America » Canada » Yukon » Watson Lake May 10th 2016

Day: 23/24 Distance: 8224 Well yesterday was dedicated a driving day. I had already been on this stretch of the highway so the goal was to get as close to BC as feasible. I got to Watson Lake which was my original destination at around 10:30PM (it was a long day though I did lose an hour leaving Alaska). I'm not sure why I said that this streach was just full of trees and implied it was rather boring because I was mistaken. I must have been talking about leaving Dawson Creek going west on the Alaskan Highway (also referred as Alcan Highway) when I wrote that opinion. In fact, the drive was very beautiful with large lakes, majestic mountains and lots of lots of rain. I'm also not sure how I forgot that portions of ... read more
Some city next to some river on the Alcan Highway
A porcupine

North America » Canada » Yukon » Beaver Creek City May 9th 2016

Day: 22/23 Distance: 7725 miles Hi guys, I'm in Beaver Creek @ 1202 Motor Inn (shout out! They kindly gave me Internet access as well as a great breakfast) just in the inside border of Canada on PR 1 a.k.a. the Alaskan Highway. Yesterday after I left Anchorage, I took Glenn Highway (SR 1) towards Tok. I decided, after the last couple of days of minimal highway driving, that I would make yesterday and today, driving days. I'm trying to get to the Puget Sound area on Wednesday to meet up with Patty's sister and family. (Patty - if you'd be so kind and give me her address, that would be super duper helpful). At this point it might be Thursday. I'll know better tomorrow. The drive was beautiful and it was cool seeing the Alaskan ... read more
Frozen Slana River
Frozen Slana River
Camp off of the Alaskan Highway

North America » United States » Alaska » Anchorage May 8th 2016

Day: 21/22 Distance: 7270 I'm getting nowhere fast, but at least I've been seeing some amazing sites. After I left you at the last blog, I discovered that there is the Homer Spit. The spit, is a gravel extension out into the bay and host a marina and a boardwalk. It's very quaint. I ended up spending a few hours here sightseeing and enjoying freshly caught halibut. Yum. I also had to drive the length of the spit just to be sure to drive as far south as I could go. I'm now WAY behind my schedule on trying to get well on the other side of Anchorage before I find a camping spot for the evening. So I got back on the Sterling Highway (SR 1) and proceeded to retrace my steps back to Anchorage. ... read more
Homer Spit beach
Entrance to tunnel
Inside tunnel

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