Alan Rowberry


Alan Rowberry

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary June 17th 2012

It's been a long time since my last post for various reasons, fast travelling, moving from backpacking in South American to working full time in Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The biggest reason for my lack of writing however, is very simple - broken laptop. After finally earning some money and scraping some cents together I am back in the game and normal business will continue shortly with the posting of my second week on the Alpaca Ranch in Ecuador. In the meantime, BIG NEWS!!! A piece of my travel writing has been chosen to be published in David Slenk's new travel compilation book, From the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall. This book will be released within the week through numerous stores across the globe, in both physical and e-book form. It is a compilation of ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Chimborazo January 13th 2012

Sunday I arrived back in the indigenous community of San Pablo on Sunday afternoon, all I wanted to do was pass out. My weekend back in civilisation hadn't gone quite to plan, on returning to Rio Bamba and preparing to go out, I was gut-punched by a harsh case of travellers sickness – I blame eating with my muddy hands on the mountain-side the blame. As I opened the door to my little house on the side of Chimborazo mountain, I heard voices and I entered to find a French Canadian family. There was a lot of energy I the room and I left quickly to get some air as the threesome of Dominique and her two children, Ariel and Justin were preparing their dinner. I walked through the village, feeling weak, but oddly content as ... read more
Churning Up the Road
Herding the Cows
Juan & the Mute

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Chimborazo January 8th 2012

New Years in Rio Bamba Between Montañita and getting to Volcán Chimborazo there was New Years. I spent it in Rio Bamba, the city nearest to Chimborazo and where I arranged my volunteering I started my night with Wlady and the other agency staff in the office before hits the streets and spent the strike of midnight with a group of locals in a park, speaking almost exclusively Spanish the whole night. Of course I had wanted to spend NYE with Mor, but as I couldn't do that, spending it in this fashion was the best thing for me. Ecuador has a rather fantastic tradition for New Years Eve; huge numbers of effigies are set alight in a symbolic gesture to burn away the bad from the previous year to give the New Year a clean ... read more
Village Mutt
Wool Producing Machine
Should Turn That Toilet Around...

South America » Ecuador » West » Montañita December 29th 2011

Theft in the Night Apologies for starting this entry on a serious note, but for those reading this who may travel Ecuador, I figure it's important to include. During our journey from Baños to Montañita two Argentinean's (not travelling together) had their day-packs stolen; here is how I believe it happened and the simple way to prevent it. There were two times during the hot and horrible journey when the bags were most likely taken. The first point was on arrival in Guayaquil where every single local left the bus, leaving only backpackers on board to carry on towards the coast. It was around 5am and so myself and the rest of the backpackers were in various states of sleep making it easy for an opportunist to grab a bag left on the floor wit little ... read more
Beach Food
Our Luxurious Balcony

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños December 20th 2011

The Challenge and Back to Baños This has been my biggest challenge to write yet. It's the story of how I fell for a girl amidst a bunch of crazy outdoor activities and I hope this entry is as interesting as it is long, whilst somehow not being too detailed. Some things are just for my memory. Enjoy! I met Mor in Latacunga before leaving for the Quilotoa Loop trek. After finishing the second days walk, I bumped into her again by chance and left the people I was the following morning to walk with her and her friend, Shay-li. Once the loop was over, we found ourselves standing up on a bus, bouncing our way back to Latacunga. The terrible journey back took two hours of enduring crippling tiredness after the hike, but finally we ... read more
Heading Out With Smiles
Cute, But Not Looking At The Road!
Beautiful Baños Views

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Quilotoa December 11th 2011

Latacunga I saw so happy to finally board a bus in Quito, happy to be leaving the city and happy to be leaving with friends in Bill and Ryan, two big, fun personalities from the US. As we took our seats they gave me strange looks as I brought BBQ meat from a seller of the bus, but neither that or a hot-dog from outside a cathedral made me sick so I am loving Ecuadorian street food. Nice change from the constant sicknesses I had in Asia.We walked from the terminal and checked into the overpriced Hostal Tiana where we met a wonderfully miscellaneous group of travellers. Those that spring into my memory now are a couple from New York, two German guys, ... read more
Pig in a Barrow
Guinea Pig?
Inisliv;i Being Swallowed

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center December 7th 2011

My time in Quito was a long one, I was there for three weeks during which I achieved very little. For this reason, I'll try to focus on just a few things. I arrived in Quito with my English friends, Lindsay and Julie. The pair were meant to be separating, Lindsay to travel Ecuador before flying to Buenos Aires, Julie to travel Columbia. The first plan for Quito, was actually leave, Lindsay and myself both wanted to do the Quilotoa, Julie not at all. When Julie decided to stay though (I think she was a little afraid to travel solo), the idea went out of the window. It was disappointing, but for the best considering my toe was still recovering from the dislocation. If Lindsay had gone, I would have gone, wrecking my toe further so ... read more
One of Many Churches
The Virgin Overlooking Quito
Valerie and Me

South America » Ecuador » West » Puerto López November 15th 2011

Puerto López is a small coastal fishing town with a population of just 14,000 alongside a pleasant beach. Whilst not a beach destination for travellers, most head to Montañita in Ecuador or Mancora in Peru, Puerto López whilst lacking surf unlike its rivals, does have one thing that pushes it above its relative neighbours, Puerto López actually has plenty going on outside of it's beach, specifically in the shape of Parque Nacional Machalilla, the reason that we were in town. Our first day in town was following our first night bus experience in Ecuador, something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. A war movie was put on for the first two hours and despite their only being a few gringos on the bus, the movie was put on in English, good for us, utterly confusing ... read more
Viewpoint from Machalilla
Heading Through Machalilla
Hat's Required!

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños November 10th 2011

I love Baños so very much. This is the first part of the reason why. I arrived at the bus terminal with my two English friends, Lindsay and Julie. We had been on the road for some hours to Ambato where just had jumped off on instruction from the driver and crossed the road where like clockwork, a couple of minutes later another bus pulled up, taking us to Baños in the late evening. I had a hostel in mind for our time, but due to a lack of energy, when we were approached at the terminal by a tout, we checked out and checked into his hostel which was one of the typically non-guide book unpretentious places that granted us private room, bathroom and television to the delightful tune of $5 each. A good start. ... read more
Virgin Statue
Hiking Up the Mountain
Two of Many Falls

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca November 7th 2011

I arrived in the city of Cuenca, my first stop in Ecuador in the late evening with my two English friends Lindsay and Julia. Little did we know that we had arrived in Cuenca during the last evening of the fiesta celebrations the cities independence. The last night of the fiesta meant the final excuse for the youthful population to celebrate with crazy parties and we struggled our way through the mass of people on the streets, having left our hostel in hope of finding some cheap food. The first thing I noticed of the city was that despite being surrounded by drunk people and bars, the city is beautiful. The colonial elements combine with the modern to great effect and the lighting of the streets is particularly ornate. The second thing Lindsay, Julie and I ... read more
Julia and Lindsay at the Market
My Fleece and Scarf Lady
Cuenca Cathedral

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