


29 January London- Miami

13 February Miami- Quito, Ecuador

19 April - Quito - Cali (Colombia)

May - present Santa Marta, Colombia

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta » Taganga August 26th 2011

So, after 4 months in Colombia, I have finally left the country, reluctantly. I did not think that I’d enjoy one country to the extent that I could imagine doing business or even living there for a while. I was sceptic at first, very aware of safety issues and so on. G showed us the family life of uncles, aunts and the holy Easter week celebrations in Popayan. This was a great time. Mainly because everyone was so hospitable and interested in G’s international friends. We were served fabulous Colombian food, made fresh juices, driven around to see the best local attractions and viewing points, bars and what have you. It was a great time. And with G as our local Colombia guide, we were ensured to be given the best prices for all things. Once ... read more

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta » Taganga August 25th 2011

So, after 4 months in Colombia, I have finally left the country, reluctantly. I did not think that I’d enjoy one country to the extent that I could imagine doing business or even living there for a while. I was sceptic at first, very aware of safety issues and so on. G showed us the family life of uncles, aunts and the holy Easter week celebrations in Popayan. This was a great time. Mainly because everyone was so hospitable and interested in G’s international friends. We were served fabulous Colombian food, made fresh juices, driven around to see the best local attractions and viewing points, bars and what have you. It was a great time. And with G as our local Colombia guide, we were ensured to be given the best prices for all things. ... read more

Since the last update has been a while. As you might know I have been working as the Health Projects Coordinator for the local Charit Fundacion Mariposas Amarillas (yellow Butterflies) for the last 6 weeks here in Santa Marta. The organisation is doing great and there are a lot of positive changes happening here at the moment. SO here is a little bit about what we do in our 2 communities with the adult population. We work in 2 neighbourhoods of Santa Marta, Oasis and Fundadores. In Oasis, we have been established longer, which is why things have been happening there since the beginning of the year. We have done questionnaires and gathered valuable information from the women in Oasis to see what the problems were in the area and how we could help. The women ... read more
classroom teaching
little chico
me in Oasis

South America » Colombia » Cartagena May 11th 2011

This update has been long overdue!But we have been very busy. So, I picked up Max end of March. We went to travel to Banos, a beautiful little village in the mountains of Ecuador. Since they are close to volcanoes (which erupted 2 weeks ago!!!), they have lots of thermal spas and we spent a good few hours lazing around in its hot waters. Jana and juan came to meet us there too and we went Canyoning, which was really good fun. Basically u abseil a canyon starting off with a small one, and then increasing up to a height of 45 metres. we Loved it! We also did Ziplinign, where u get strapped to a metal rope and 'fly' 50 metres high over the jungle. We also rented some buggies and drove around Banos and ... read more
Photo 43
Hat and shorts - makes came prepared!?
Photo 45

South America » Ecuador » East » Misahualli March 23rd 2011

so in the last couple of days Jana and I have really learned what hard work is! I'd say the nice days in school are over. The kids have an attention span of a fly and do not participate at all, leave the room, play ball, bash each others heads, it seems everything is more interesting than the lesson-i mean, ok I understand, but still, they only have 4 hours of school a day (if that), so I feel that we can expect someundivided attention here. ANyway, after 2 students completely ignoring the existence of Jana, who repetedly asked themsomething and they just did not react, I got up and told them in a harsh tone to either go home, if they dont want to be here, or else focus! That seemed to have worked wonders ... read more

South America » Ecuador » East » Misahualli March 16th 2011

A lot has happened since the last update. For example, just like in Rio, we too have had carnival. Suchipakari Lodge was booked out for the carnival weekend, and we had to help out lots. It was a lot of work, but we don’t mind, cause we met a lot of very nice people, and the Morales family was here again (the owners), who are all super friendly. Unfortunately, my beloved Pedro had to be put down (I was told). Apparently, because he could not fulfil his ‘dog duties’. He had a limp, something was a bit odd with his leg, and he only ate veggie food (had nothing to do with me!;-)) and was sick a lot. I think in a more developed country, you would have taken him to the vet and helped ... read more
at school
carnival foam party
Carnival in Misahualli

South America » Ecuador » East » Misahualli February 27th 2011

Hello altogether, By now, I think it is time for my first entry into this blog. Particularly because I can only be online once a week, twice if I’m lucky. After hanging out in Quito for a while, which was pretty chilly (only 8 Degrees at times), we ventured 5 hours into the country (towards Brazil), crossed the Andes, and arrived in our temporary home: The Suchipakari Lodge, an hour away from Tena. The Lodge is pretty cool, lots of colours, flowers, hammocks and nothing but jungle around you. On the downside this remoteness means that there is no landline, mobile phone signal and the only way to get into town is to hitch a ride on a pick up truck into town. Rather adventurous! When we got here, there was a group of guests in ... read more
Photo 13
Jana and Tina
Photo 15

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