Sal Foran Robusky


Sal Foran Robusky

Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can't laugh at yourself, call me...I'll laugh at you. (Wink wink)

What started out as a way to keep a journal of our family trips on TravelBlog.Org, surprisingly led me to be hired to write travel blogs for a luxury vacation rental company in the Riviera Maya MX. And because of this wonderful job, it led me to contribute blogs to the Work & Family Foundation Canada and Navut.

I love a good quote, and love to share historical information on the area in which we are traveling, and I try & do it all with a sense of humor, insight, and passion for those taking the time to come along with me on my trips. Trust me, we've had our share of "Griswold" family vacations, where something unforeseen happens.

And most of all, we are proud to take our Canadian pride with us where ever we go!
(So honored to have been awarded Blogger of the Week and Treasure Blog Hunt in July 2016!)
Sal Gal / Playagal (Playa-Gal is for my love of Playa del Carmen)

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen October 3rd 2021

"The bad news is times flies, the good news is you're the pilot". ~ I think I gave you all enough time in between blogs not to bore you too much. :) Since my blog of Sept. 12th, I can say this work & pleasure trip to the fab Riviera Maya, Mexico, has had a little bit of everything mixed in. Kind of like a tasty jambalaya; a one-pot comfort food that satisfies the soul. That is what this trip felt like for us. Being away from our second home for so long due to Covid made it all the sweeter to return. It felt like a dream after the past year & a half when our world had become so small. No family visits, no hugs, no holidays with loved ones... So to be able ... read more
Dancing Queens (Giselle on the right, Sarai on the left)
Dancing to that same song all night!
Sarai & Giselle

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen September 12th 2021

"Life Is a Beach; Don't Make Spelling Errors". ~ Hello friends; geez after almost 2 years of not posting a blog, I'm now up to two. I've gone crazy altogether. Time is passing by in a nice quiet way here with me working on the business with new ideas, & I've been touring the condos to see what updates have been done. Lots of changes in 18 months. I met up with our managers to get an understanding of what challenges they're facing these days & how we can improve some things. We LOVE the staff here. They greeted us so warmly & welcomed us back. We haven't done any touring around yet due to work & weather. I work from a secure software so I can't be riding the waves somewhere without my laptop. So ... read more
Me & My Guy
Aww these colors of the sea...
Sargassum Removal

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen September 4th 2021

"Sometimes life changes in an instant. We can't always prepare for it, but we can change how we respond." Holy crap batman, what an 18 month ride we've all been through. If someone told you a pandemic was about to hit the winter of 2020, you'd have thought you'd watched the movie Contagion too many times. It eerily depicted this similar pandemic. If you haven't seen it, be prepared. The film follows the spread of a virus transmitted when sick humans touch surfaces and leave the virus behind that others can catch. Then there's the frantic attempts by the health officials to identify it and control it. Seems familiar right? I won't give the ending away... We're a family of 7 and I will say our young adults totally respected the protocols through the worst of ... read more
Butterfly outside our villa
LOVE the hibiscus here!
Enjoying nature over a lagoon

"Learn to Hit Curve Balls; Life Rarely Pitches Straight". ~ Sweet Jaysus, truer words have never been spoken. Hello all - thought it time we check in via the old blog to let you know how we are doing & what we've been up to. Many of you were concerned about us leaving on our trip given our recent loss. As many of you know by now, Allan lost his cherished sister Shannon (& only sibling) on June 19th, completely out of the blue & without warning. She left behind her husband Craig, and three children Alex (16), and twins Kassie & Matthew (13). I won't delve into too much here given how painful & shocking all of this is, so I'll try to keep this blog as light as I can but talk about it ... read more
Arrival day; tired but grateful for the love
sombrero and all...
Our princess

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando June 2nd 2019

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” ~ Pinocchio. Well gotta say we're living the life of Riley here at our villa to the point old Riley is jealous. :) The pool with the waterfalls is heaven - it's so nice to float the day away in 100F temps since spring at home didn't get the memo it should've arrived by now. :( Although we've not had a lot of pool time since we've been on the go.... read more
Our happy family
Our gal performing at H. Studios
Performing in Indiana Jones :)

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando May 29th 2019

"Motherhood. The days are long but the years are short." We are switching it up here - we're not in the land of margaritas & palm trees... Well we're in the land of palm trees, but more Mickey Mouse than margaritas. We're in Orlando and I'm back to see my boyfriend Mickey Mouse. He seems to be aging quite well despite being 90 years old (must be all that botox he gets!) How Al & I found ourselves with our oldest daughter finishing her 2nd year of university, our 2nd second daughter graduating high school & heading to university & our youngest gal heading to high school baffles me. Were Al & I sleepwalking through life? How did our girls grow up so dang fast? It feels like somebody broke into our lives and stole time. ... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen February 10th 2019

"If you're not lighting any candles, don't complain about being in the dark". ~ If there's one thing I would suggest, don't ever complain on social media about any little setbacks you're having while you're on a tropical vacation. Especially when you've escaped the bowels of winter hell like we did. No one will feel sorry for you, nor should they. In fact they may print off your picture & attach it to a dart board. Well maybe they will feel sorry for you if you've been hit by a car, kidnapped by pirates, been in an earthquake, stung by a jellyfish, or stranded by United Airlines for days without any help ? (I just had to throw that one in from our awful trip home in 2017 with them, not once but twice, the same ... read more
Mesmerizing colors
Stunning sea colors
Good times together

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen February 3rd 2019

"Our friendship isn't a big thing, in fact it's a million things"...~ Now where did I leave off? It's been 2 weeks since I did my one & only blog for this friend & family trip. Rest assured I was not abducted by the Pirates of the Caribbean (no matter how hard I tried...some of those pirates are hunky!) Although we did run into a Johnny Depp look-a-like dressed for the Vegas style act they have here at Coco Bongo! Literally he had Captain Sparrow's swagger and alcohol fueled accent. Hiccup. I have been working on this blog for a week now. It's been a combination of being busy with family, doing a bit of work, and the rest being plain lazy. I swear if there was an award for laziness & I won, I'd probably ... read more
Jeeping around
Dining at Carboncitos!

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 17th 2019

"I look best when I'm on holidays"...~ Heh heh. That's my opinion and my opinion only that I look best on holidays. Not sure Al concurs! Happy New Year! Bye bye 2018, and hello 2019. As I type this blog, there are many angry people at home in -30C weather. I'd like to tell you our weather isn't any great shakes here either but I'd be a big fat liar. We've been here 3 days and it's just perfect. Calm, little humidity, no rain, and lots of sun and about 29C. January can be a bit unpredictable in the Riviera Maya & at times windy. Mother Nature knew I was coming and put in a real nice order of sun for me. Oh what power I yield :) I wasn't planning on doing a blog this ... read more

"All the water that will ever be is right now." ~ Good morning to anyone up, sipping a coffee and reading this old blog. I think I last left off a week ago, so you've had a week to build up your strength to read another one. :) This morning is so breezy and warm & it's like heaven to open up the sliding doors to the sparkling ocean, and the boats gently floating over the sea. The radiant Caribbean is flaunting its blue/green dazzling colors which can transfix you for hours. I have my laptop in the shade in a corner of the balcony listening to Mother Nature sing me a morning song. The sargassum (seaweed I referred to in previous blogs) has been well behaved and shows no signs of it landing on the ... read more
Father & son
Burnt pizza box
View from bed this am

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