Nomads' Guestbook

6th May 2007

The jungle toilet is fab. Will write very soon! Love you both, L & B.
22nd March 2007

Hallo Laurie Viv and girls!
21st March 2007

Still very much enjoying reading about your exploits really look forward to the next instalment, glad you are both well and enjoying the experience. All our Best wishes go with you xx
14th March 2007

got postcards
Thanks foryour p.c. from Cambodia and the latest one received yesterday (13/3) from Myanmar - a treasure indeed! I thinka card fromMyanmar deserves a whole page to itself inmy post-card album!. I don't know who must be more excited - you or the girls at the prospect of their holiday withyou. This blog-site thing is bloomin' marvellous isn't it, being able to share your adventures in a way we never have beforE.LUVYERLOTZ BETTE X X X X
13th February 2007

Lucky Buggers!!!
Here we are at work, closely following your adventures. It's like reading a brilliant travel book, and we can't wait to turn the page.... We feel like we're there (we wish), from your vivid descriptions and photos. Look forward to the next chapters... Take care, love from everyone here, Debbie and Anitaxxx
13th February 2007

Almost cruel
Hi Guys It's a wet, windy and miserable February day here in Blighty. As I sit at my desk in the dreaded Pasty factory I thought I'd look at the "blog" and read about your travels. The second photo of the 'Coracles on the beach' is almost cruel from my window I can see grey sky, windswept bare trees and rain. But now I have a new screen background on my work PC ! ! Much love Shelley xx
28th January 2007

hi you guys, just been talking to ken who put me onto your site. am on night duty at the moment so am happy to chat to you rather than see to a patient!! now i know where you are i will catch up with you both from home. bye for now.
From Blog: Beginnings
14th January 2007

Ah, nice to hear...
... your latest tails. I'll never think of rice quite the same again. Its amazing what we take for granted in our western opulence. Beccie and Steve have sailed off yesterday for France, Spain and Portugal having caught the surfing bug, and they've bought a van. Its starting to give us itchy feet, still, we've booked a weekend in Torquay in February!
11th January 2007

Hi Laurie Can we see the photo of Viv's hairy legs please? Thanks Grant
11th January 2007

Hi there you lucky people, glad things are going well still enjoying reading about your travels but still very envious. Look after yerselves all the best Ken and Pauline xx
3rd January 2007

What ??
What was the one last thing you wanted to do in Laos before crossing into Cambodia ??? Stopping your story there was mean !!! Love Shelley & Mark xxx
21st December 2006

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
Hi Laurie & Viv, just a message to wish you both a lovely Christmas, I'm sure it will be one to remember. The Blogs are fantastic, really look forward to reading them. Lots of Love Kate & Julie.
From Blog: Incountry
18th December 2006

UXO's ! !
So glad your both still in one piece and that for once you heeded all the warning signs. Love the story ! ! Take care Love to you both xxx
From Blog: Incountry
23rd November 2006

Glad you are both ok, I am green with envy all sounds wonderful. really enjoy reading about your exploits. Keep the dream alive and best wishes to you both.
From Blog: 6 Days Later
22nd November 2006

Hey Vivs & Laurie!
Isnt technology great eh?! Thought I'd just say that I love your blog! So great to hear that things are going well with your travels so far... photos are beautiful as always! Anyways, keep intouch where ever possible, because it is really lovely to read where and what your up too! T&Gx
From Blog: 6 Days Later
17th November 2006

Hi Guys, Getting a bit addicted to looking you up. Beats working though! Looks like you have settled in to travelling again, rather to easily for my liking . If you end up in Cambodia or Burma,or both. Please say its awfull , just to make me feel better! None of this having great experience stuff. PLEASE. But seriously, blogs really good no need for me to travel, better make a ten year plan! Happy Travels love Sean
11th November 2006

chuffed to bits you're gettin back in the swing of it all so well. you're sounding like real explorers again. oh, and chuffed to bits i worked out how to find your travelblog at all- a bit of an intrepid (cyber space) explorer myself!
9th November 2006

Mae Hong Son was on my wish list......but now its my priority.......thanks for the beautifully written piece on this unique part of Thailand and giving an historic inside.....Hope to see some more snaps of the region if possible.......Put them in if u have an account...... Santanu Buragohain
6th November 2006

Good to hear you are having such a good time. Wish we were there. Weather brighter since your last commentator. Still must be warmer there. Keep us informed. Happy travelling. Gilly
From Blog: Waterworld
3rd November 2006

G'day from Oz
Hi Folks, Just testing that the first comment I made on your blog site went through. Don't trust this modern technology yet! Love, Bette.
From Blog: Waterworld
24th October 2006

Wow, sounds like you are having a great time, keep us posted on what you're up to. Fi x
20th October 2006

Fair goes your travels well, I trust.
Hope you both have a excellent time. If you ever get lost or your not sure what, place both feet firmly on the ground, slap your chest with both palms, and say out loud 'This is where I am, this is who I am, and there is where I'm going.' Good luck to you both.
From Blog: Beginnings
17th October 2006

Take-off is looming!!
Well, finally you are off. Relief and sadness all at the same time! Having been in close contact during the build up to your trip, we are both very aware of the ups and downs you've endured. All we can say is all the best, lots of love and if you keep the strength and determination you have shown to experience the world again at your 'slightly tender ages' (!), you willl have the trip of a lifetime. Keep in touch xx
From Blog: Beginnings

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