Nomads' Guestbook

27th October 2010
Rubber Tree

rubber tree
From Blog: Borderlands
5th June 2010

have a sweet dreams to all of my friends and you.
23rd March 2010

Wonderful. I grew up in Hospet & now I live in the US. Someday I would love to volunteer at the Hampi Children's Trust.
27th February 2010

good kerala coast
i am an indian and i am going to do a project on malabar coast and its excellent
11th January 2010

Thanks for the post. We're heading to Laos tomorrow and it sounds like the 4 thousand islands are definitely worth a visit. I guess they may have changed a bit by now though. We'll see.
11th July 2009

Very interesting! I've been to Goa last year as my fiance is Goan and it was beautiful! We are planning to go there for Christmas this year and I was searching online for some info even though he told me so much already. Very well written, happy you've had a good time! Thank you.
From Blog: Christmas in Goa
18th March 2009

Re: Dentist!
Thanks for your comments David & glad you enjoyed the entry. In retrospect, it was a great experience tho' I probably didn't think so at the time! Thanks too for the suggestion, will try and check it out sometime. LB
7th March 2009

Dentist !
Hi, love to hear your experience with the dentist! Ha ha ha... If in Bangalore try - a completely different experience.!
6th June 2008

Flea City!
Thanks for your comments Zac. Unfortunately, at the budget end of the scale, such experiences are all too common in India . It's a wonderful country but at times, it can test the good humour of a saint. Flea City it is then! LB
From Blog: Hampi Moments
19th March 2008

Funny.. I stayed at the Elite Hotel a couple weeks ago and woke up with well over 50 bites too! Then I came back to Panaji last night and got bites AGAIN at a different hotel!!! I hereby dub this 'Flea City'. -A fellow voyager, Zac
From Blog: Hampi Moments
7th March 2008

really lovely to see that you met and worked with the children of Hampi.. please visit our myspace website too and join up love miss mia
10th December 2007

Bed bugs !! You two sure know how to have fun ! ! I'm envious of the parakeets, the ruins and Divali but I'm not sure about the"Elite" hotel ! Lovely to hear from you xxxxx
From Blog: Hampi Moments
25th November 2007

Sounds Lovely
Hi Guys, Good to hear from you ! India sound a fasinating mix of wonder and terror, with a healthy dose of smelly thrown in. Life in Cornwall continues much the same as ever, starting to gear up for Christmas. Will write again soon Love Shelley & Mark
9th October 2007

Hello my little Darlings, Glad to hear you are both OK and still living the dream, Have been away myself for a few weeks so I am just catching up on your exploits. Hope to see you in the not too distant future all the best Ken and Pauline
3rd October 2007

well you sure covered your w. a. visit pretty thoroughly, your observations spot on. - (especially about me being full of YOUTHFUL ENERGY ha! HA! TRYING to think when I last saw a Pobblebonk ...... how is your back Viv? Hope it's on the mend. Helena is going bananas because she wants to watch Noddy on the computer - while she's here I'll get her to say a few words: HELENA; hELLO! oink oink Bye bye
1st October 2007

Travel Envy
Hi Chaps, I almost feel I'm with you, what a wonderful journal, can't wait for the next instalment. Take care, much love Anitax
28th September 2007

boo hoo
What a great read! But it's made me sad at your departure all over again...
4th September 2007

here is italy!
and there??? where are you now? Hello, i'm laura from rome, we met at Bako Park in the beginning of my trip to Malaysia... Now, after one and half month i'm definitly back to my job and my close office! miss Asia, miss travellers, miss travelling! I have one beautiful pictures to send to you, i will do soon. meanwhile i would like to leave here a short message to say thank you for the time we spent together and for sharing with us your adventure in this blog! wish the best for you and for your trip! laura
From Blog: Into Borneo
31st August 2007

ahhh...I felt all relaxed after reading this entry..just what I needed!
15th August 2007

Yuk, Worms?
Have just read your Penang epistle. Sounds like you are having a great time, in spite of illness and worms (yuk!). It was great to read of your exploits while, back here in the UK, it is chilly and threatening to rain (again). Since we last saw you we have had a fantastic trip to Mauritania and Mali, reaching our hoped for destination - Timbuktu - and going to the Festival au Desert - lots of elaborately dressed camels and dashing men - like something out of Lawrence of Arabia. Lots more stories to tell of our trip but that can wait till we see you and catch up with each other. Hope you are both well now. Love from Trisha and Neil xx
4th July 2007

Yo bro (and sis) it's good to be able to keep up with you like this; nice suntans! Thinking of you, love Wese.
From Blog: Borderlands
29th June 2007

Lucky things!
Hello darlings - would so loved to have been with you in Sumatra! Sounds like Lake Toba hasn't changed. Keep on having glorious times to keep us jealous as we plod through our work!
25th June 2007

Don Det Here I Come!
Laurie & Viv, Your description of Don Det has given me pre-travel goose bumps. I'm in Canada, counting down 3 weeks until I board the jetplane for SE Asia and I've fallen for Laos already. Thanks for the pulsing narrative. Happy travels, Brad
26th May 2007

China Visit
Good to see you're having a good time in China. I suspect that this will be the first of a few journal entries for China. Looking forward to reading the next few. Grant
25th May 2007

Weather is nice here!
you seem to be having a lovely time. oh for your sense of adventure. LOL

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