Nick Thomas


Nick Thomas

I'm from Scotland, currently living in the lovely city of Edinburgh.

My blogging started in South America (5 months) with a bit of Alaska (1 month), then a 2.5 month cycle trip around the North Sea and up to Narvik in Norway.

Since then, Kilimanjaro, Everest 3 passes, and a few other smaller trips in Scotland. Most recently i've returned to Peru for one more hike (the one that almost killed me).

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Isle of Mull July 28th 2018

Courtesy of guest blogger TWJ Isle of Mull, 3 days, 118 miles... Dad has been talking about cycle touring for a while and I thought what better way to start than with Nick who's crossed continents on his bike! For years I've turned my nose up at cycle touring, but I decided I would do it for dad and it would be 3 days of hell and hard work, but I'd manage. Plus Nick had bought me nice new yellow Ortlieb pannier bags! Day 1 (Oban to Craignure to beach near Iona) We arrived in Oban to pouring rain on Saturday about lunchtime, and a huge faff to get three bikes off the roof rack. As we were taking the bikes off, Nick had a bit of a calamity when his bike toppled over whilst still ... read more
Loch-side approaching the 2nd night's camp
The route!
Leaving Oban

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Huayhuash June 10th 2017

Well it's been a while since we've had a big adventure due to an unfortunate incident snowboarding last year, but things finally mended, and after a more relaxing holiday to the Maldives (which i have to say was amazing - great snorkelling), i managed to coax Tarryn (and her mum) into the idea of a trek that had long been on my mind (since the start of this entire blog in fact!). The plan was to return to Peru and, after acclimatising for a few days in Huaraz (perhaps my favourite location in Peru from previous trip) hit the infamous Cordillera Huayhuash (infamous for the 'Touching the Void' story) and do the famous circuit. The only slight catch being that we'd do it unsupported and carry all our food (or at least food till we got ... read more
Peak of Yerapuja
Suila summit close up
Arrival meal in Lima

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » The Highlands » Rannoch Moor February 24th 2016

You can't beat winter in Scotland on a rare but amazing sunny day... Just thought i'd upload some photos of a recent trip to Glencoe ski resort. Great fresh powder down to the base and a lovely drive to and from Edinburgh. For anyone visiting Scotland I can recommend the drive past Rannoch Moor up to Glencoe, and then if you've time (and you should if you're on holiday) keep on going North as far as you can! For those skiing or snowboarding in Scotland, Glencoe is one of the best places. When conditions are good you can get close to 2500ft of vertical (800m) skiable in one long run. The resort used to be more for intermediate and advanced, having excellent steep terrain especially on the East flank of the mountain (Flypaper, East Ridge, Spring ... read more
Close up mountain with snow line at 500m
View from the Access chairlift, fresh tracks
View down to carpark from Creag Dubh (black route)

Asia » Nepal » Gokyo Lakes April 16th 2014

After the success of our previous year's exploits up Kilimanjaro, another high altitude mountain trip was called for. Initially at least I had to quell Tarryn's desires to summit an 8000m peak, pointing out what I considered the fairly obvious 'danger of death' that no doubt would have had various mothers having kittens. Climbing Kilimanjaro with a set of porters practically carrying us up, would not really equate to strolling up a Himalayan peak on our own across glaciers, crevasses and like. And of course the considerable expense (I do have Scottish genes in me). Fortunately for me at some point Tarryn must have watched a real Himalayan climbing documentary (the one on death on K2), rather than Vertical Limit, and realised that yes it would be a bit extreme. So we settled for an exploratory ... read more
At the airport (take 1)
Coffee in Thamel

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 14th 2013

After much cajoling I finally succeeded in persuading Tarryn that a climb up Kilimanjaro would be a once-in-a-lifetime (ok, well not too much persuading needed there), inspiring and magical thing to do to cap off our trip to Africa. I have to say I almost had second thoughts too when I started getting price quotes from various UK-based and local trekking companies. This was not going to be cheap, no back-to-basics carry everything yourself style hike like I'd done with Lukas in Peru. But in many ways I was glad, since not all memories were fond lugging a 20kg pack over the Andes. The clincher for Tarryn was getting her (our) own private toilet which I begrudingly agreed upon. Many days later perched on said toilet in Barafu camp with the wind gently flapping the tent ... read more
Weird trees descending to Barranco
On the summit with the team 5.35am and cold
Pre-trek preparations

North America September 12th 2010

Happy New Year! Ok, but this entry is from 5 months ago, so need to rewind my memory a bit. August saw me off to the California for another interminable week of meetings with work. This time evenings if not the meetings themselves was perked up somewhat by the inclusion of our favourite Geordie, Barry (see pic), into the fold. Our hotel seemed even more stale than the last. My room view, fine, except for the never-ending car park that stretched forward below me and spanned most of my vision. That is Milpitas! Well one evening I went to visit one of my US workmates who kindly cooked for me and we chatted mainly about our other work mates - it was certainly nice to get away from the hotel for a bit! Anyway, fast forward ... read more
Our first grizzly
Garden Wall, Highway to the Sun
Uninspiring view of a car park in Silicon Valley

Europe August 3rd 2010

No story on these photos, sorry... Gonna put a write up of my recent trip to the US soon! ... read more
Suilven, Assynt, mountains, Scotland
Scotland, frost, loch
football, model, Miniature Wunderland, Hamburg

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh January 12th 2010

I thought I'd chronicle a few days of snowboarding here in Bonnie Scotland for posterity in years to come. It's not every year we get snow like we just had in the last few weeks, and who knows what the following years will bring,,, the demise of skiing in scotland, or a shift in gulf stream and a new beginning? So we had about a foot of snow just at the back of Edinburgh, in the Pentland hills, usually the home of ramblers and mountain bikers, but for 2 weeks boarders and ski mountaineers were to be seen in the mix. I made it up on 4 separate occasions, one of which was after work, i.e. at night time. The snow conditions at from half way down to the bottom were perfect, a good foot of ... read more
My night time trip, on top of Allermuir
Highland Coos enjoying the snow
Arthur's Seat emerging from cloud in the distance

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow April 13th 2009

Route Map: Easter Monday was upon us already, and that meant just one thing: work the next day and therefore the homeward leg of the trip (ok that was 2 things, but one was a natural consequence of the other). We woke to find we'd actually pitched the tent under a rather precarious looking snapped tree - better not to think about what might have happened! The road south to Gairlochhead was pretty quiet and gently rolling till suddenly a very sharp climb just before the naval base. That was a real struggle on the tourer. By this point we were both feeling a little zapped so when a jolly looking cafe appeared to our right with a sign for breakfast we stopped sharp. Knocking on the door got no answer for several minutes except ... read more
Some mushrooms near camp
Cycling into Glasgow
Last campsite

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Inveraray April 12th 2009

Route map: Day 3 started with an amazing dawn looking over towards the low hills on the south of the Crinan Canal, steeped in some eery low clouds. 3rd day fatigue was setting in, especially as clean clothes were wearing thin, but onwards we rode. Our first destination was out north along the flat flood plain to Kilmartin. There we breakfasted proper (did we have bacon rolls?) at the church cafe, and had a nice wander around the churchyard, admiring some very old Celtic tombstones. From Kilmartin the route wended its way uphill to the start of Loch Awe. Loch Awe is a long loch and on the day we passed extremely calm. The reflection off the surface of the water was almost magical, especially looking through the trees that separated the bank from the road. ... read more
Celtic gravestone detail
At the top, resting
Looking towards Crinan Ferry at breakfast

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