Eric Adomah

Nana Yaw

Eric Adomah

Hey guys. My name is Nana Yaw Adomah as most of you already know. I'm headed to El Salvador on a mission trip for the next 9 months and I wanted to keep you up to date with all that God is using me and my team to do while I'm away. Thanks for all the support over the past few months, and I can't wait to see what God does this year!

That is just what God has done. He has opened doors for us. This month has been one filled with new ministry opportunities, and new experiences. And finally, God has opened the door to allow me to share the team’s experiences with you. So here’s what’s up… Spanish classes have started. And not too to my surprise I was placed in Basico 1. So yeah it’s a bit humbling to start at the basic level, but it also presents an opportunity for me to get better at the Spanish I do know, and learn more in class. I quite enjoy my Spanish class, although the idea of being in school is kind of a drag. Also the atmosphere in class is very different. Our teacher says about five English words per class, which is good cause ... read more
Dia de Indepencia
Fam photos

After one week in El Salvador I couldn’t be happier that God has called me here. Reality is now beginning to hit, and even though I’m on a mission trip, I am also living here for nine months. El Salvador is my home, and it is really starting to feel that way too. The team gets along, and it’s been a pleasure to share testimonies of what God’s done in our lives. Also we’ve spent this week going out together on excursions to see the country. We’ve been to two volcanoes so far. One called Coatepeque had a lake in the crater that we went swimming in, and we managed to get some sweet pictures from the top too. Besides seeing the country we also began attending Vida Nueva services. My favorite so far has been ... read more

So we finally touched down in El Salvador Thursday afternoon. After months of fundraising and patiently waiting we finally made it to El Sal. Being here these past couple days has totally made all the hard work of fundraising worth it, and I am nothing but glad and thankful that God has called me here. It has been such a blessing to be able to work with such awesome teammates, and we're all really becoming a family. We've all opened up a ton, and we're growing closer in unity as well. It's also super cool to see how everyone's gifted in different ways. Asher and Emma are phenomenal worship leaders. Emily is such and extrovert and loves to engage with everyone. Lane came across as quiet but has really opened up and is really fun to ... read more

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