Monique Nelson

Monique in Motion

Monique Nelson

Hello fellow travel enthusiasts! I’m Monique Nelson. I have traveled to some wonderful places, some of which are Italy, France, Germany, and Greece. I am also a published poet and the author of the novel, “The First and the Last.” My first appearance on was in October of 2014 when "Deke" and I traveled to Greece. I don't know when my next trip will be, but thank you for following me on my journeys to Greece and Hawaii.


North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 20th 2015

Our last day at The Kahala Hotel was too short. Though both Deke and I were both suffering from one physical affliction or another, it was still difficult to leave. I tried to soak in views from our balcony, and remember details—the humidity in the air---the dolphin lagoon below, and the leisurely and pleasant breakfasts. Deke liked the breakfasts most of all; he really loves great service. I learned from people who live in Hawaii that there is something called the “VOG.” Apparently, the VOG is a volcanic fog created by volcanic ash; it can cause respiratory distress and sickness. A couple of people thought that maybe my cold symptoms had come from the VOG. When our driver took Deke and me to the airport, he stated that the longest word in the English language is ... read more
Final View from Balconhy
The Kahala Area of Ohau
Hazy Day at the Kahala

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 19th 2015

Not everything I read sticks with me; though as an English major, I really wish that I had a photographic memory. However, the gist of James Michener’s first chapter of Hawaii – “From the Boundless Deep” stuck with me for years. It is a dramatic narrative of how the islands were born, and it is definitely worth the read. Michener’s sweeping epic style is dramatic, but after having stayed in Hawaii for a week, I see that Hawaii warrants such a style. I came to Hawaii not quite believing that it could live up to its reputation, but it has for me and more. Except for in high school, I haven’t really thought of myself as a fun-in-the sun sort of person. If there was a climate to express how I saw myself, it would be ... read more
Hawaiian Dawn 1
Fun at Sea
Board Yoga

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 18th 2015

Upon awakening, I went to my beloved veranda before dawn. This time, there was more staff than usual buzzing about. I found out from one of the employees that their work was under inspection today. I think that sometimes we forget that our vacationing comfort is due to other people’s hard work. The sunrise was magnificent. Even though I got some good shots, I don’t think that I managed to capture the shot that encapsulated the glory of the experience. I suppose that I am turning into a true shutterbug like my mother, “Mama S.” I used to get frustrated with Mama S because she was always behind the camera, always trying to get us to pose for her shots, but now it looks like I am this way. I have really wanted to go snorkeling, ... read more
Sunrise 5
Enjoying the Sun at The Kahala

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 17th 2015

I awoke very early today, and walked to the veranda overlooking the The Kahala’s lagoon and pool. It was very quiet in the hotel, and I was alone. A glorious sunrise began to unfold, and wouldn’t you know, I didn’t have my camera. However, I believe that the image has settled in my mind and won’t be leaving for a long time. Deke awoke not feeling well again. He needed to sleep so I went to breakfast alone. It was rather busy for 7:30 in the morning. I took a cab to Diamond Head, an inactive volcano. According to the brochure, the name “Diamond Head” is a misnomer. British sailors mistook calcite crystals on the volcano for diamonds—hence the name which has stuck. It is known to the Hawaiians as “Leahi.” It was very crowded on ... read more
Near Summit of Diamond Head (2)
Bright and Happy Day at The Kahala
The Ever-changing Sea

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 16th 2015

Deke woke up this morning and felt better. In contrast to how he was feeling yesterday, he almost did cartwheels in celebration. Additionally, the morning was stunningly beautiful, clear, and there was practically no breeze at all. I woke up early, and made my way to the lobby. The collective mood of the guests even at 6:00 a.m. was optimistic and happy. Not many hit the pool and beach scene yesterday because of the weather, but today looked perfect for fun-in-the-sun activities. The hotel was very busy and it took us a while to get a table at breakfast though we had a reservation. Deke was happy and talkative; he was a new man. People swarmed to the beach and pool. It was as if people were trying to make up for what they were not ... read more
Sea of Blue on the Beach
Calm Seas
Sealed with a Kiss

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 15th 2015

Last night, I did not sleep well so I went out onto the balcony to get some air; I knew that the wind was strong, but I didn't realize how strong until an especially strong gust hit me in the dark. I could also hear things rattling on the grounds of The Kahala Hotel. Throughout the night, I heard the wind whistling, and I wondered if there had been any structural damage. Apparently, all was intact when Deke and I awoke. Deke didn't sleep well either, and he awoke not feeling well. I had reserved a place for Vinyasa Yoga at 8:00 a.m., so I went to my class and let Deke rest in hopes that he would feel better. The yoga class was held in a tiki cabana and on the surrounding grass. Very near ... read more
Beautiful Root System Waialae Golf Course
Flowers for the Senses
Violet Paradise

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 14th 2015

This blog entry and especially the photographs are dedicated to my mother, “Mama S,” for her birthday. Thanks for giving me life over fifty years ago. However, Mama S informs me that in my case, my birth was the easiest part in rearing me. The winds were blowing steadily in Honolulu today. Deke and I could hear them whistling on our balcony, which is on the tenth floor. I wasn't sure if today would be a good day to hang out on the beach and by the pool, but it turned out to be quite comfortable when we did so. We had a lovely breakfast at the hotel overlooking the Pacific. Deke liked the table so much, he reserved it through the rest of our stay. As I have mentioned before, Deke has taught me that ... read more
Palm Trees Blowing in the Wind
Love at the Kahala
Sea Turtle at the Kahala

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu February 13th 2015

On February 8, 2015, my husband “Deke” said that he wanted to exchange Valentine’s Day gifts early. He brought out an array of swimwear then smiled. He stated that there was a reason for the swimwear; we were taking a surprise trip to Hawaii on February 12th for Valentine’s Day. I couldn’t help it; I shrieked with delight. I have never been to Hawaii. As we fly over the Pacific, I think about what a lovely gift Deke has given us. Though Deke has stated that he “can’t be romantic all of the time,” he does a pretty good job of it. When I was at the nail salon yesterday, a beautiful, young woman stated that probably no one would ever give her such a nice a gift as I received from Deke. I don’t believe ... read more
Off of Our Balcony at the Kahala Hotel
My Version of the Selfie
Deke and I in the Lobby of the Kahala Hoteel

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens November 2nd 2014

October 28th was our last full day in Greece. Deke continued to convalesce at the Electra Palace Hotel (not easy to be convalescing in a hotel room on one’s vacation after breaking a bone). Deke and I found out that October 28this a holiday in Greece. From what a couple of Athenians told me, it was the day at the beginning of World War II wherein officials from Italy asked Greece to turn over some land. Greek officials proclaimed a resounding “no,” and Greeks continue to celebrate the bravery exhibited on this day. There was a parade in the morning, which I was not able to attend. I was able to get out for a bit later and walk through The National Gardens not far from the hotel. I found The National Gardens akin to Central ... read more
National Gardens 035
National Gardens 028
National Gardens 055

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens October 28th 2014

Last night, we had another hotel visit from an orthopedist to follow-up on Deke’s condition and ability to travel. We have been very impressed with the willingness of medical professionals to attend to a patient in the hotel room. We have found our travel insurance to be critical in handling this situation. Deke didn’t feel well in the morning so I waited until afternoon to take a short tour of Athens via bus (a hop-on hop-off bus which stops at Athens destinations). Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pics on the tour because I never got off the bus because I needed to get back to Deke. It was cold in Athens with highs in the 50s. I was impressed with several Athenian buildings. The University of Athens is beautiful! Now there’s what a University should look ... read more
Acropolis from Hotel Roof 2
Maiden from Greek Picture in our Room
Electra Palace Hotel Lobby 2

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