


Not much to tell really...

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Peak Hill August 21st 2019

Second last day on the road. A bit sad, but am keen to get back to clean up the house, myself and the touring gear. Got away nice and early to fuel up and get a greasy breakfast (dagwood dogs for the kids - good parenting) at the servo. Out of town before 8am. First stop was Bourke. Not much going on except I got stuck in a toilet and Suz had to bail me out by kicking the door in! Next stop was at Nyngan where we fuelled up and had a look at the Big Bogan. Interesting - reminds me of me… We finally got to Peak Hill after Phil and Jen, who stopped in Narromine for some damper ingredients, accidentally started heading to Dubbo before they realised they were meant to head for ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cunnamulla August 21st 2019

We woke on Sunday morning to a bit of a dust storm. IT was slowly building so it ended up being a good day to leave as we had ourselves on the outskirts of town before it really hit hard. Was a bit of a struggle to drive at times with the vehicle and trailer catching the wind. We drove through Windorah which was our first stop for the day at around 9.30am. A pie, a coffee and top up the fuel and out! At the next stop (Quilpie) I discovered that the same tyre on the Paj had finally given up the ghost i.e. dead flat, so I had to do a quick change out for another tyre that already had a plug in it - so far so good with that one (touch wood)! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Birdsville August 17th 2019

We exited the Hay River track onto massive salt pans that were a bit weird to look at - very white amongst the red of the sand and green/grey of the trees and bushes. After a short time we hit the QAA line, which is one of the main tracks across the Simpson Desert. So after five days of travelling South we took a 90 degree turn to the East. This was some awesome driving up and over the dunes. There were a few that we had to back down and try a few times - mostly because my stoopid traction control kept turning on automatically which kills the wheel spin that is sometimes needed to get over those last few ruts. The pictures that we have do not do justice to how big, long and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory August 17th 2019

Pack up was quick and relatively efficient. Up the road for fuel and toward the Plenty Highway. A fairly uneventful drive besides some nice changing scenery and me accidentally stepping on the new dog - didn’t he let out a yelp!!! We fuelled up at Jervois Station and met Mary, whom we chatted to for quite a while (nice lady) and then down toward Batton Hill camp where we set up for the night. It was a heavily corrugated 80km in - not fun. And then there was no-one there to check-in with. Never fear. We were not afraid. So we set up for a feast and many hours of talking rubbish. After the first bit of driving the following day it became very scenic and pleasant through sandy curves and dips. No water in the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs August 17th 2019

We arrived in Alice Springs today. An interesting drive down from the Mount Doreen ruins, which appeared to be an old mining operation. First stop was at Yuandemu (incorrect spelling no doubt) for some fuel. $2.15 a litre. Ooooof. It was a funny setup in this community - prepay in the store and when there were enough people wanting fuel a fella came out (Swiss backpacker) who tried to organise the chaos. There was one set of pumps that only went to one side (locked in a cage) and cars coming in from both directions. Took ages to get to us but gave me a chance to chat to the people in line. The carnival that we found out about yesterday had been held here and it was a massive event. Home team won the footy ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Tanami Desert August 10th 2019

If yesterday was all about driving then today was…..also all about driving. But it was a more eventual drive than usual. Back to last night. The wind was fair howling after we went to bed. So much so that I got up a few times to add some pegs and remove some somewhat un-required canvas to reduce the damn flapping. Add to that, it was the first night that we separated the two puppies (now five weeks old) for sleeping so when I returned to the tent in the middle of the night, the young fella was keen for a play. I was knackered so he chewed on my ears and beard for a while until we both started dozing. It was still blowing hard in the morning so we did a record quick pack-up and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia August 10th 2019

Today was all about driving. We have all wanted to do the Tanami track - just because. Not much on it but it is an iconic 1,000 km odd stretch of road in Australia. First stop was back in Halls Creek for lots if fuel, including the jerry cans, and a pie. From there it was straight to the Tanami. Approximately 100 km down the track is the Wolf Creek Meteorite Crater. That was pretty cool. Not quite to the scale of Wilpena Pound but still impressive. At the top of the crater was a fella called Benji. He had just finished riding a motorbike across all ten of Australia’s deserts in Guinness Record time! He plans to circumnavigate Tasmania on a jet ski next year as his next adventure. On the way out we passed ... read more
Wolf Creek meteorite crater
Wolf Creek meteorite crater
Wolf Creek ruins

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Bungle Bungles August 10th 2019

Visiting Purnululu was one of the main stops that we were looking forward to on this trip. We drove on from Fitzroy Crossing, stopping briefly for fuel in Halls Creek. After much to-ing and fro-ing we decided to camp at a caravan park (Mabel Downs) rather than one of the free camps so we’d feel a little better leaving our gear when we headed down the 50km track into the NP. In the end, Di and Tony were again kind enough to look after the (now) four dogs - Bella and Bailey, Jack and Kimberley - while the rest of us went in for a look. In short, it was pretty damn cool. We did some walks in the South end first including the Domes, Cathedral and Piccininny lookout. They were as picturesque as the professional ... read more
Nath and Suz at the Bungle
Nath in a hole at the Bungle
Amy or Nath at Echidna Chasm

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Fitzroy Crossing August 10th 2019

Not much to report for today (Sunday). Got up from our park in Broome, packed stuff away and headed down the bitumen highway toward Fitzroy Crossing. The landscape was not overly spectacular and the drive was interrupted by a stack of roadworks so the 400 km drive took a bit over five hours. We spotted a free camp in our camp books up the road towards Tunnel Creek (the other end from a week or so previous). The books gave us a bum steer but we ended up accidentally finding it. A great little spot, that we had to ourselves, that included a bunch of Boabs and Gums in a sort of valley surrounded by beautiful, mini-gorges. I hope the photos do it justice. Next morning, my family and Di did a cruise in the Geikie ... read more
Boab Quarry camp
Boab Quarry sunset
Geikie Gorge

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 10th 2019

I have been quite slack in writing stuff down so a few things are out of order, but you'll get the gist. The drive back to Broome was moderately uneventful. Just wanted to get in and set up camp, grab some tucker and some food. Actually, I think this was the day that Amy, Suz, Jen and Phil did the camel ride on Cable Beach. By all reports it was quite scenic but there were sore butts and legs all round. Went for a drive on the (Cable) beach this morning. Wow! Great beach with the most blue water ever, but missing that darker blue channel we were looking for just off the beach that might hold something a bit fishy. From there we did a little sightseeing down to the port (closed due to a ... read more
Cute little fella and Bailey (Cable Beach)
Waiting for the Cable Beach sunset

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