Page 4 of MargAndRob Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Lightning Ridge March 8th 2015

Dreams, dust and rust. Australia, like many other countries has had many stampedes for wealth, particularly on the gold fields. Lightning Ridge probably has never had the equivalent, but over the past 120 years Black Opal has lured many a miner to burrow 40 to 90 feet underground looking for their fortune. Some have certainly made a fortune, but 90% have had fun but lucked out. The majority of the mining today is done using a boring machine first to test the sub-strata looking for tell tale signs of water having come up from artesian sources or run down through cracks and faults providing the required moisture to create the silica nodules or reefs of silica that will form opal. As we discovered, they can find the black nodules, but only a small percentage of the ... read more
Chambers of the Black Hand 5
John Murray 2
Amigo's Castle 1

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Broken Hill March 6th 2015

1500ks, 3 States, 2 Camels, 3 VW Beetles, and a swarm of locusts From Hahndorf, we headed north east to Murray Bridge and then followed the river northwards to Waikerie and Moorook where we camped overnight by the river, then through Loxton and to complete the Murray River run, to Wentworth. Interestingly, in two days we travelled through three states, starting in South Australia, crossing into Victoria and then into New South Wales. But where this gets confusing is that the fruit fly exclusion zone does not follow the state borders, so it is very easy to have banned fruit and vegies on board that require dumping in the quarantine bins. (or pay a $600.00 fine) As they don't check stomach content, we ate up our contraband and should we have been stopped, all offending fruit ... read more
Sandstone Sculpture
Destination Lightning Ridge
Stanley - The worlds Tallest Emu

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Hahndorf March 2nd 2015

You may have noticed that we only rarely go on a photo spree in commercial and residential locations. However, we have crossed Hahndorf three times previously, but due to lack of parking have not stopped to take a closer look at this town in the Adelaide Hills region. So we decided to set out on Monday morning reasonably early so we could get a park in the town centre. We were in luck with parking across the road from the Visitor Information Centre. We were able to get a street map of Hahndorf from the Visitor Info lady, and a couple of pointers as to where to go as well. Now Hahndorf has not always been known by that name. The local indigenous people, the Peramangk Aboriginal people, lived in this region for nearly 2500 years. ... read more
No Humour?
A popular coffee house
Lane ways of discovery

The Fleurieu Peninsular played a very important role in the development not only of South Australia, but also Victoria and NSW, and to some extent the south west of Queensland. The Peninsular, and specifically from Cape Jervis through to Goolwa was close to very fertile and productive agricultural land. So there was much produce grown here requiring shipment. In the 1850's, the roads we enjoy today didn't exist or were slow rough bullock tracks. So things were initially moved by small steam ships around the coast. Goolwa was a very important port during that era. There was always people and produce and supplies being moved through Goolwa, across Lake Alexandrina and up the Murray Darling River system. The Murray was the life blood of western NSW and Victoria, not only as a water source, but the ... read more
No fluke that the water fountains out
Entrance to Port Elliott
The tram car

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island February 28th 2015

One of the common questions we have been asked in our journeys is 'Have you been to Kangaroo Island?' We can say we have seen it from the main land, but never visited. There is quite a price to take the motorhome across, but the lady in the office in the Beach Front Caravan Park at Victor Harbor told us that there are tours starting from Victor Harbor to Kangaroo Island. So we walked down to the visitor information centre and got all the details. There was some resistance from one to part with more than a few coffees and a lunch for a day tour, but the holder of the credit card decided that it was unlikely we would be back here, and the season was perfect to visit the island. We had an early ... read more
Mr Fluffy
Remarkable rock sculpture
Dawn at Victor Harbor

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Victor Harbor February 26th 2015

This journey takes us across some of South Australia's most productive agricultural and horticultural land. Late last year we crossed the top of the Eyre Peninsular where we saw the grain harvest underway in October. Now the granaries are absolutely bulging with the harvested crops. Ceduna had built a huge temporary grain bunker as big as I have ever seen, and it was bulging. The same is true as we crossed the whole region, grain stored everywhere. Road trains and rail trains moving thousands of tonnes daily, and ships at the various ports loading as fast as the produce arrived. This region has had little or no summer rain, bearing in mind that it is naturally a low rainfall region, so everything looked dry and dusty. Some harvested pastures had sheep eating the stubble, but when ... read more
Low tide
The Big Gallah
Low tide Streaky Bay

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Streaky Bay February 22nd 2015

Lucky Bay in WA to Streaky Bay SA. This will be a relatively short blog as we have driven a lot of ks (1600 approx.) from Lucky Bay to Streaky Bay and to get us just a little short of half way from the west coast to the east coast of Australia. The major part of this stage of our journey is the famous Nullarbor Plains, Norseman to Ceduna, ( about 1200ks) which we covered in two days. Many folk talk of this road with its long straights and barren salt bush terrain as boring or a challenge. We find it neither of the above. There is always something to see and the landscape seems to be always changing. For most of the journey, Nullarbor is inappropriate as there are trees and salt bush covering large ... read more
Drinking Pelican
Camping amongst the trees
Ominous cloud front

When it came time to leave Hopetoun I couldn't resist a last beach photo and also checking out the train timetable to catch the train to Ravensthorpe. Judging by the fares and time table, we must have missed the train by over 60 years! Oh well, you can do the walking trail and dream of the clickity clack and sooty air left behind by the old steamer. Apparently the train took 3 to 3 ½ hours to travel between towns, whereas we drove the roads in 45 minutes. I was having a quick look through Marg's Fitzgerald River National Park photos and she had a very nice set of images of the wild flowers. I have included these with this blog. I hope you like them. From Hopetoun we travelled to Esperance and found that most ... read more
Thistle Cove 6
No luck for this couple
Hopetoun Railway Station

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Stirling Range February 14th 2015

After our brief and unscheduled stay in Albany, we headed north of Porongurup NP through to the Stirling Ranges NP. Originally we had planned to camp in the NP, but these parks have been closed due to fire risk. However, we were able to access the car park at the base of Bluff Knoll. We asked our recovering legs how they felt about a 2 hour climb up to the top of the knoll. There was a deathly silence. We took no time at all to determine that silence = an embarrassed no, but thanks for asking. We asked the cameras what they thought. They were only too happy to provide pictures from the car park, so that is what we have. You will see a Japanese traveller who was only too willing to do the ... read more
Breakfast time
Stirling Range NP
Our legs said....

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Albany February 12th 2015

One hundred years have passed since this harbour, So quiet today, but then primed for war; Soldiers, Officers, horses and supplies, Separated from all they knew of home, Squashed into the ships of war time convoy, Black smoke billowing, ready to set sail. These men of conflict, known now as ANZACS, Thirty thousand, sailed into the unknown. Letters were sent back home from the trenches, But alas, the flowing line of ink, paper, Was replaced with the horror of blood, sand, Long before mail ever reached Mum, home. The agony of war! Hearts torn apart, Men mangled beyond all recognition, Some died but no one held their quivering hand, Others gone, but no one knows where or wh... read more
Ready for service
Steaming convoy
Looking across the harbour

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