MargAndRob's Guestbook

30th November 2019

Visited Australia in the 90-ies
I spent three months in Australia in the 90-ies. That was the first major travel I did. I don't think I visited Whitsunday Islands but they look nice. /Ake
30th November 2019

Whitsunday Islands
They are beautiful as is the coral reef that surrounds and wanders between them.
29th November 2019
What do idle hands do?

That is amazing.
29th November 2019
Komodo Island

Interesting animals
I would love to see these that some point. Was there anything else going on this island?
29th November 2019
Komodo Island

Komodo Isalnd
There is little else on Komodo Island. It is a small rugged island with scrub type forest and open grass land. A few native deer and pigs, some bird life and that is it really. The dragons are really a historic creature found here and on another small island close by. Singapore Zoo has one as does Australia zoo.
29th November 2019
Aboriginal Artist

Local musician
We love listening to local music. Sounds like this one was special.
26th November 2019
Anchored at Bali

Ship A hoy
Nice looking ship.
From Blog: Sailing away
26th November 2019
Anchored at Bali

Ship Ahoy
We have seen several similar vessels. Not sure if they are tourist charter boats or just belong to the R&F.
From Blog: Sailing away
24th November 2019
Komodo Island

The Komodo dragons are fascinating
I find the Komodo dragons really fascinating. I was there myself about 15 years ago and I'd love to go back. I will publish a blog on my adventures in Indonesia one day. It might take two or three years though because I have to digitize the pics first. /Ake
24th November 2019
Komodo Island

Komodo Dragons
I have an interest in large bitey things like crocodiles, but these are much more rare, but much more agile. Seeing them in a zoo is one thing, but wandering in the wild is rather different. Rob
24th November 2019

I always thought of the Komodo dragons as friendly lumbering creatures - and was shocked to find out they kill humans! I'm very intrigued that they aren't a threat to the locals, especially the children.
24th November 2019

Komodo Dragons
Definitely dangerous, my guide was not all that happy with me squatting for the series of photos which included the drooling mouth. They think that the dragons can identify the scent of the locals as against visitors. Also, it would seem that multiple targets confuse. They attack loan pigs, deer and photographers.
22nd November 2019
Gardens by the Bay

Those towers, or whatever they are, are truly iconic. I don't think they were built when I was there in the 90-ies. But I'd love to go to Singapore again just to see them. There was a lot more that I didn't see last time I was in Singapore so I think I would enjoy another visit. /Ake
22nd November 2019
Gardens by the Bay

Hi Ake, It is an ever changing city. We heard just after we left that the Lion is to be replaced with a more appropriate focal point - whatever that means!
22nd November 2019

You are right!
Thomas Cook it was.
21st November 2019

I'm waiting to see when you were advised that P&O went belly up...
and what then happened to you! I hope you made it safely all the way to Australia.
21st November 2019

Hi Bob, I think you were referring to Thomas Cook going belly up. That would have been very frightening for those outside of their home land. Apparently some (not all) travel insurances do not cover repatriation in the event of such an event
21st November 2019

Happy to follow you on a new trip Marg and Rob. Those finger print things can be a nightmare! And they always assume it's the passenger's fault, rather than a possibly dodgy machine :)
21st November 2019

Marg does now only have limited strength in her hands. Things get dropped if she doesn't reaaly take care.
20th November 2019
Jurong Bird Park

I love Flamingos
From Blog: Jurong Bird Park
20th November 2019
Jurong Bird Park

We love those flamingos too. This whole park is worth a day or more for anyone with a love of bird photography.
From Blog: Jurong Bird Park
19th November 2019

Great post!
Great post and information!
19th November 2019

Glad you found that interesting.
18th November 2019
Gardens by the Bay


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