Jo Finestead


Jo Finestead

Europe » Spain October 4th 2016

Day 41 – October 3, 2016 - Cee, Spain to Finisterre, Spain – 10 Miles (Due to the poor internet connections yesterday, I am just now posting my last and final post for my El Camino walk.) What a beautiful day for walking – no fog or rain just beautiful sunshine!!! This is my last and final day of walking the Portugues El Camino that started in Lisbon, Portugal on August 24th and ended today, October 3rd at the lighthouse at Cap Fisterra which was once thought to be the westernmost point of Europe. I definitely have seen a lot of the countryside of Portugal and Spain and have been very fortunate to have had really amazing weather even though there were some days of very hot, hot temps! Today started with us making our way ... read more

Europe » Spain October 2nd 2016

Day 40 – October 2, 2016 - Olveiroa, Spain to Cee, Spain – 12 Miles Once again we woke up to very dense fog. We bid goodbye to Simon and Rachel as they were headed out earlier than us as they were going all the way to Finisterre today. Most of the day we spent walking on tracks, trails and paths going in and out of the forest. We did have several hills but nothing compared to yesterday which was a blessing. Our final descent into Cee was a steep downhill walk.... read more

Europe » Spain October 2nd 2016

Day 39 – October 1, 2016 - Negreira, Spain to Olveiroa, Spain – 21 Miles OMG what a day. First off we woke up to very dense fog. After having breakfast with Rachel who is from Ashville, NC (originally from Chicago) and Simon from Australia we headed out on the trail shortly before 8:30 am. Our plan was to try and leave by 8 am but that did not happen due to it still be dark outside along with the dense fog. Upon leaving our hotel we find our way back to the yellow arrows which then lead us underneath an arch which is the fortress of the old Negreira. After crossing over the bridge, we soon passed by a very ancient cemetery and made our way through a hamlet. As we exited the hamlet we ... read more

Europe » Spain September 30th 2016

Day 38 – September 30, 2016 - Santiago de Compostela, Spain to Negreira, Spain – 14 Miles Woke up to fog this morning. Left the hotel at 8:30 am and made our way back to the Cathedral where we picked up the trail to Negreira, the first stop on our way to Finisterre. We were joined on the trail by several other pilgrims. The majority of the day it was cloudy but pleasant. However, we did get a little light rain shortly after lunch. For most of the day we walked in the forest on either asphalt or gravel roads or dirt paths. The day provided us with a great workout as we had many ups and downs with some of the ups being very steep. We made good time today on the trail as we ... read more

Europe » Spain September 29th 2016

Day 37 – September 29, 2016 - Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Rest Day – 0 Miles Enjoyed breakfast at a little place Harlan and Karen had been to when they were here in Santiago a year ago. After breakfast we walked back towards the hotel where I wondered over to the market and ended up getting a tomato and red pepper to go with our sandwich tomorrow on the trail to Finisterre. When I returned to the hotel, I enjoyed a last cup of coffee with Julian and Moira before they left for the airport to fly back to Australia. We definitely will miss them on the trail to Finisterre. For lunch today, went with Harlan and Karen to a place where we had some octopus and fried green peppers along with a salad. On ... read more

Europe » Spain September 29th 2016

Day 36 – September 28, 2016 - Santiago de Compostela, Spain – Rest Day – 0 Miles Enjoying one of our two rest days in Santiago. First thing we did this morning was to go and get our Compostela stating we had completed the Portuguese El Camino. Next we headed to the cathedral where we went in and put our hands on St James shoulder. After that we made our way back to our hotel to enjoy some breakfast. After breakfast we headed back to the cathedral where we attended the Pilgrims mass at noon which was standing room only. We were very fortunate to get to see the swinging of the giant incense burner Botafumeiro which was totally amazing. The swinging of the Botafumeiro was originally used to fumigate the sweaty and possibly disease ridden ... read more

Europe » Spain September 29th 2016

Day 35 – September 27, 2016 - Padron (Dodro), Spain to Santiago de Compostela, Spain – 16.75 Miles Hip Hip Hooray!!!! It’s official – we made it to the cathedral in Santiago shortly after 5 pm which completes our Portugues El Camino!! However, after a couple days of relaxation in Santiago we will put our boots back on to finish the walk to the sea at Finisterre which will takes us four more days. Our final day of walking the Portugues El Camino started with us backtracking to cross over the medieval bridge and then past the church so we could make our way through the streets of the old quarters of Padron. Today we are joined by many pilgrims who are also making their way to Santiago. After passing by the Colegiate church of Santa ... read more

Europe » Spain September 28th 2016

Day 34 – September 26, 2016 - Caldas de Reis, Spain to Padron (Dodro), Spain – 12.5 Miles As Julian and Moira did not stay at our hotel, we met them at the bridge this morning to begin our day’s walk which was a shorter day. While waiting on them to arrive I took a picture of what I am calling the “plastic blue man” as the metal frame is almost filled with water bottles. We followed the arrows through town and soon reached a dirt path where we headed along the gentle Bermana river valley passing under a viaduct into the woodlands. As we are walking we passed by a couple we learned are originally from the Jalisco area in Mexico but live in California. This is the husbands fourth Camino and the wife’s first. ... read more

Europe » Spain September 27th 2016

Day 33 – September 25, 2016 - Pontevedra, Spain to Caldas de Reis, Spain – 12.6 Miles As we were leaving our hotel, we visited with some guys from Belgium that were doing the El Camino on bicycles. They had started their trip in Porto three days before and would be in Santiago de Compostela tonight. When Harlan asked them how long they had trained for the ride they replied “four months but that definitely wasn’t enough”. We started the morning by passing the excavations of the foundations of the original Roman bridge. We then proceeded across the busy highway and walked over the rio Lerez bridge where we then found ourselves winding our way through the city suburbs. As we are walking we passed by a building where an upper wall was covered in sea ... read more

Europe » Spain September 26th 2016

Day 32 – September 24, 2016 - Redondela, Spain to Pontevedra, Spain – 14.3 Miles When I opened my window this morning, it was very cloudy and looked like it could rain any minute. Upon leaving the hotel we had to backtrack some to get back on the trail. Once on the trail it had us winding through some narrow streets of the city of Cesantes where we passed by a lady getting ready to do her laundry. We then crossed the busy N-550 and climbed up steeply where we turned onto a forest track that took us through the eucalyptus woods where we happened to come across some pilgrims sleeping. A little further on we passed by a large wooden frame filled with various shells left by pilgrims. When we reached the city of Arcade, ... read more

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