Luna Ray


In May 2013 we set off on a trip of a lifetime. Myself, my husband Luke and our 2 year old son Alexander on our Moody 41 'Luna Ray' with a vague plan to sail around the world. Well that was the big goal anyway!!!! We did plan to sail to Darwin and then Asia but time got the better of us so only got as far as Lizard Island. After a summer in Yeppoon (2014-5) we left earlier to try again and made it all the way to Thailand. For videos/slideshows of the trip go our YouTube Channel "lukerea1"

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand March 19th 2016

After my return from Canada, and some great snowboarding at Whistler/Blackcomb, I returned to Luna Ray at Rebak Resort Marina, Langkawi. This blog has been written with info to help others that might visit the area so has some factual boring details which I’ll put in italics. Please avoid the obvious comment that it should all be in italics ! After a few days re-adjusting to the temperature, doing some boat jobs and frequent visits to the pool, I left on my own. I have moved the boat a couple of times on my own short distances but this was my first proper time as a solo sailor on Luna Ray. I anchored outside the 2 manmade islands at Telaga Harbour (the anchorage inside was far too tight to do it on my own). The next ... read more
View of Luna Ray as I flew into Langkawi
nervously set off on my solo night sail
The sun setting over the Butang Islands

Asia » Malaysia » Langkawi March 13th 2016

The return of the Blog…. Well I did promise back in April when we laid up Luna Ray on the hard that I would return with the blog when I returned to the boat but despite returning to Malaysia in November the blog did not. I guess with cruising on ground that was not new I was not really inspired to write about it, and since there was no public uproar due to its absence, my literary malaise continued. Until now that is… so here’s a bit of a recap of what Luna Ray and her passengers have been up to. Some stuff may only be of interest to cruisers visiting the same areas - so I have put these in italics. As I said, I came back to the boat which was out of the ... read more
Leaving Pangkor Island Marina
Jerry happily climbs the mast underway
collecting Russ and some provisions

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Yeppoon June 1st 2015

I’ve been a bit slack at completing this last blog, and almost didn’t bother but I wanted to wrap it up properly. At Pangkor, back in Malaysia, we had a ton of jobs to take care to get the boat ready to put her to bed. Come monday we hired a moped and with Alex sandwiched between us we drove to the nearby town to visit a couple of offices to check Luna Ray in with customs and the harbour master, and then Tesco’s. Wednesday, at 5:30pm we reversed out of our pen, spun the boat about and straight onto the Sea-lift. I was directed to power the boat left and right a few times before we were perfectly straight on its longitudinal tubes. Then we lifted out the water for a very long wash-down. I ... read more
Haul out successful
on the bus to KL
ready for kindy

Asia » Malaysia » Perak » Lumut April 19th 2015

Well after those weeks of relaxing in the Butangs we are certainly back into ‘work mode’ sailing. Long dull hot days of mostly motoring with little to look at except fishing nets and boats to avoid. The return to Langkawi was frustrating. I got rudely awoken by Naomi as that big wooden boat was drifting near to us again so we pulled up anchor early which meant fighting current as we left the channel between Koh Lipe and Adang. Then the wind was right on the nose and tacking made painfully slow progress so the engine was back on again for most of the trip. As we got within 10 miles of Langkawi large dark clouds were hovering over it and must have been sucking in air as we were delivered a 20 knot breeze from ... read more
Alex's injury
fishing nets
coming into Penang

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lipe April 10th 2015

As I write this we are back in the same spot, off Sunset Beach, Koh Lipe, where I left off last time. This afternoon we walked across the island, down Walking Street and along the beach to check out of Thailand at the immigration office. The official in charge today was very welcoming, inviting us into his air-conditioned cabin, offering us chilled bottled water as we filled out the paper work. Back down the beach we had lunch at Cafe Lipe again. They tend to cater to the healthier side of eating, not even serving Coke or burgers, so I am no sure why we keep going back but the masaman curry with roti bread, and banana shakes are very tasty. This was our last meal in Thailand for a while. We got some groceries and ... read more
Koh Rawi
Clown fish
Naomi pulls out the flag underway

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lipe April 1st 2015

Last time I wrote we were leaving Koh Lipe and now we are back here again. We anchored out in Telaga Harbour when we got back to Langkawi which was crampt so ended up quite near a mooring. The next morning a large wooden boat took up their mooring and then slowly drifted closer and closer to us. I had just caIled the marina about taking a berth but they wanted us to wait 30-60 minutes before entering when they had some staff on hand. I pulled in some anchor chain to distance ourselves but it didn’t seem to make much difference and the tall wooden bow got closer. The owner plopped a fender over the side but otherwise didn’t look bothered. As I got to the 10 m mark on the chain and there was ... read more
Telaga marina
at the Kilim Geoforest
Alex at the waterfall

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lipe March 21st 2015

Its been a while since the last blog and I left off at the bottom of Koh Lanta, half way to Langkawi. I guess I am not so keen to post the blogs now that we are familiar ground, less novelty to inspire me to write. We had some more very pleasant long slow days sailing south to Malaysia - I think our record low was 2.4 knots average one day. Despite this being the NE monsoon, making us anchor on the west side of land, there were westerly afternoon sea breezes. They were light winds so the waves made were small but the land we anchored next to were sheer rock faces the waves would reverberate off them make for sloppy water… so we sailed slowly each day as long as possible as it was ... read more
In the hong at Koh Muk
One of the man-made islands
Enjoying the complimentary tea

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand February 23rd 2015

Well, last time I left off was at Koh Roi and now I am writing most of this back at Phi Phi Don again. Koh Roi is a beautiful little island, with a large enclosed hong and mostly spared the tourist traffic. In the morning we went to northern of the two beaches and the arch way entrance came into view. We waded through the gap in the rock, ducking our heads, and lifting them up to take in the view of the vertical walls of the hong surrounding us. Its mostly taken up my mangroves with a sandy creek skirting one edge. We left the hong to find two tourist long tail boats arriving so we went to hang out at the other beach. From here we travelled over to another chain of attractive islands ... read more
Alex flying his kite
visiting the "Gypsy Village"
James Bond Island

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 4th 2015

We had a couple of days stuck on Luna Ray as we worked on the dinghy which we had lifted onto the front deck. We cleaned away some of the glue like residue from when I cleaned it in Bali with acetone (oops!), prepared the handle areas and handles (with some sanding away of old glue) and I tried to glue down the area where the air leaked around the valve (you’re supposed to take it apart for this apparently but I do not have the tool). Two days later the handles seem pretty well fixed on but the air leak was still there - it seemed to stop with pressure so we applied some with long pieces of gaffa tape. Despite the air still leaking we decided to continue our planned tour rather than rush ... read more
difficulties pulling up the anchor
bye bye goaty
Luna Ray moored off Monkey Beach

Well its been a long absence since my last blog and it’s been a great start to 2015. After seeing Naomi and Alex off on their long trip to Hobart on the 27th I had two days to myself and pottered around doing boat maintenance and cleaning. For a long time the bilge has been collecting water and it finally gave me a chance to dry it all out and find the source which it turned out was from our salt water galley foot pump. Fortunately we had a spare, it was configured the opposite way around but with some new hose I managed to squeeze her in and enjoy a dry bilge for a while. On the morning of the 29th my friend Maggie was arriving from the Netherlands and we had been exchanging emails ... read more
Maggie arrives
NYE cocktails
arriving at Maya Bay

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