Lorri Klyne


Lorri Klyne

North America » Canada » Alberta April 30th 2018

8 different flights, over 90 hours of combined travel time, 6 different airports. We finally made it home safe and sound after two whirlwind weeks. Feeling incredibly tired but overly blessed. I wanted to make one final post to share a few more thoughts. What did I learn in my time away? Well, I learned that: Swaziland has 280,000 orphans Bulembu currently has 248 in the 5-16 y.o. housing, plus 13 babies (youngest is 2 months but arrived at 2 days) and about 24 toddlers, there is also senior boys, girls and young adults housing. So close to 350 in care. Bulembu is for the children who need to be protected for safety reasons or there is absolutely no one in their community to care for them. The government works hard to keep them in their ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Limpopo April 28th 2018

Thursday morning we left Bulembu with tears in our eyes and a bit of our heart staying behind. Cathie said it best when we got there that she felt small there like when she stands in front of the ocean. There is something there in those mountains that is captivating. God had blessed them with this location and blessed us by calling us there. We hit the road just before 8 because the border doesn’t open until then and Bulembu is right on the border. We had to get out of the van and go through the control office to get our exit stamps, drive through a short no mans land (we decided we should claim it for Canada since at that point all the people in it were Canadian), then get out of our van ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 25th 2018

Today was our last full day in Bulembu. I can’t believe it has gone so fast. We spent our morning helping the Royal Rangers set up camp. I can’t believe the work the leaders put in to prepare for a week with the kids. They are so blessed to have these leaders planning and preparing for them. They will have such a great time. The afternoon was our last play day. We chose to do big team games instead of breaking into small groups. They had a great time. I’m glad we did it that way and both Nicole and I ended up with injuries and had to be cheerleaders. Nothing to serious and are feeling better but enough to side line us for the afternoon. We had a special guest join us today. Our Heartland ... read more

Africa April 24th 2018

Today was another work day. After breakfast we separated into our work groups again. The playground is pretty much completed. The electrical has proven to be a slow project. We actually went back to the house we started yesterday day. Nate found ceiling paint and we got her ceiling finished. And her house is 2 tone so we finished the top colour. Changing it from blue to purple. After lunch we went to play games again with the kids. I was invited up to Melissa’s house to bake cupcakes with Michelle and 9 boys with an Auntie. We had so much fun! Tonight we were asked to attend a church fundraiser. We had no idea what it was about. Turn out it was at Pastor Mussa’s house. We had a Swazi cultural evening. We learned how ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 23rd 2018

We begin our final week away with a work day. We split off to our different projects after breakfast. The playground is coming along well. Teaching some of the guys here to use the welder and plasma cutter. The electricians are making some progress and learning how to use all the wire. The other ladies and I headed to Dvudvusi to paint one of the families homes. The auntie was so happy to have us coming. We painted the entire house in and out. After lunch we had games with the kids again while Rod went and welded a guys hitch. Tonight we were blessed to watch the Bulembu Children’s Choir. Wow!! I didn’t get to see them in Sherwood Park a few years ago but so incredible! Tonight be surprised the staff at the lodge. ... read more

Africa April 22nd 2018

We talked Brendan into letting us all sleep in today and we didn’t start breakfast until 730 with prayer not starting until 815. Off to church for 9. What a most incredible service! It felt very much like home. Familiar worship music and a well delivered sermon. It was so powerful today and Gods presence was definitely felt. We sang and danced (or swayed for some of us) before Pastor Mussa spoke. I love his passion for the word and for God. Like at Heartland he is highly tuned to Gods messages for us - even changing what he wanted to say on Saturday. It was great to see so many familiar faces in church that we’ve already met this week and be greeted with such joy and so many smiles. My spiritual tank definitely got ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 21st 2018

So today was a free day built into schedule. We had a couple options but we all chose the hardest one. Climbing the highest peak in eSwatini called Emlembe. It took us just about 2 hours to the top. Our guide, Benjamin, was very gracious and allowed us to stop as needed. Fortunately, it was cool and socked in the cloud to help us not over heat. Unfortunately, it did not clear at the top but did start to clear on the way down so we could see valley after valley. It’s so gorgeous! Despite feeling a little inadequate from being passed in the way down but locals carrying large logs and wearing crocs, we all made it safely but will see how everyone is feeling tomorrow. The afternoon was quiet and sunny. Cathie, Dean and ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 20th 2018

So yesterday was a work/play day. We finished up painting at the pre-primary school. More work done on the playground and the electrical. Then after lunch we played games with the kids again. Same group of kids but different games. This time I was on the soccer field. 2 hours of running in the sun. At one point the clouds came in and I said to the auntie playing with us that it’s nice to have the clouds come. She said now it’s getting cold. The kids had lots of fun - well those that like soccer. The others just wanted to chat. Cam got accused of cheating because he had shoes on! I got smashed in the face with a soccer ball but luckily the brim of my hat saved me from broken glasses. Have ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 18th 2018

Up early to go for a tour. They’ve been telling us about limited access to the town from the south into Swaziland. Well we got to experience it today. They weren’t kidding...Potholes, boulders galore! Started our tour stopping at Hawane which is home/farm run by challenge ministries. We picked up an intern named Bongani - he was an orphaned child from the streets and became part of the program at age 11. He fell in love with the Lord and now is running programs with the ministry. He kept us in stories and laughter all day. We then went to the proposed new site for Bulembu to move to if the proposed mine comes back into the community. It’s another fabulous place they can start fresh from rather than making do with renovating the houses and ... read more

Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu April 17th 2018

We broke off into groups and did a variety of tasks. Our 4 electricians went out and put in a new transformer. Surprised by the voltage - was supposed to be 380 coming in but it was 430. Apparently that’s not a good thing :) And so have some other work to do. Michele worked in the kitchen - made us homemade pasta for lunch. 2 of the guys went up to start building a playground template so that they can sell playgrounds to other communities as a new adventure. 4 of us went down to the preprimary school that needs painting. But first some scrubbing needs to happen. Not an easy task to differentiate where the dirt ends and the clay brick begins. After lunch, we spent the afternoon playing with the kids. Broke them ... read more

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