Leanne Rees

Little Rees

Leanne Rees


since I left Swansea!

I am a primary school teacher from Swansea, Wales who loves to travel and has been afforded the opportunity to take time out of the classroom to travel for a year. I have travelled and worked abroad in the past and see this trip as a fantastic chance to broaden my horizons, bring my experiences and new ideas home with me and to share them with others. I am a keen amateur photographer and am looking forward to showing friends at home the sights and maybe even convey the sounds and smells as I travel to new and exciting destinations.
Follow me as I take the trip of a lifetime.....or of an academic year at least. 😊

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

My planned route for my next trip...so far...

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa November 8th 2014

I'd never been anywhere as remote as Easter Island (Isla de Pascua/Rapa Nui). It's the most remote inhabited Island in the world (the flight was 5 hours from mainland Chile and we crossed two time zones to get there). The closest inhabited neighbour is Pitcairn Island, 2075 km (1289 miles) away with just 100 inhabitants. The minute you land you realise this place is very different. Actually before you land; we flew past the island and took a large u-turn to line up with the runway. The pilot needed to get it right as the runway ended and the Pacific Ocean began about 15 foot from where we stopped. The airport resembled a beach hut, the passport control were nowhere to be seen and we were adorned with fresh floral necklaces as we arrived...I could see ... read more

South America October 27th 2014

Did I say the real travelling started when I left my family in Perth?...Well, scrap that...NOW the travelling REALLY started. I was off to a new continent and a group of countries that spoke languages which I knew very few words in....here goes! I knew the long flight from Sydney to Santiago, Chile was going to be a tiring one and I would be jet lagged from it but I underestimated just how jet lagged I'd be. I left Sydney at 9:30 am on the Monday. I flew to Auckland, NZ, had an hour and a half lay over and then flew to Santiago. The total flying time was about 14 and a half hours, the journey since I left Sydney around 16 hours but I still landed in Santiago at 11:30 am...the same day. I ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales October 20th 2014

I was back! I'd lived in Bondi Junction, Sydney back in 2006/7 and while I was living and working there managed to do almost none of the must-do touristy things so when I booked my flights this time I told my travel agent to get me to Sydney for a week as I had unfinished business there. I arrived in my hostel in Potts Point and checked into my 10 bed dorm to meet some of my new roommates, three Finnish girls who were all lovely and welcoming (and very beautiful too) and after a quick chat and hello, I got some sleep. In fact, I slept from about half two in the afternoon, woke up for about two hours or so and slept again till nine the next morning...I need my sleep! I wasted no ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown September 30th 2014

My flight to New Zealand from Melbourne was not the easiest. The flight itself was fine, in fact it was so empty that there seemed to be more crew members than passengers aboard so after take off I excused myself to the lovely Kiwi bloke sitting next to me and went into a row of my own so I could get some sleep. I had arrived at Melbourne airport so early that I had to wait for 2 1/2 hours before the check in desk opened 2 hours before my flight as my hostel bus could only drop me off at that time. New Zealand is 3 hours ahead of Melbourne, my flight left at quarter to 10 at night and it was a three hour flight. This means I landed in Christchurch airport at 5am ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne September 23rd 2014

Travbuddy Melbourne The flight from Alice Springs to Melbourne was nothing short of horrific (and that's not just my opinion; my two Dutch friends who have never had a problem with flying also said how awful it was). It was mainly the take off and landing that was bad (although as it was a two hour flight then there wasn't that much in between). As we took off from Alice, we quickly started turning to the left and did a u-turn. It was a pretty windy day and the heat rising also caused some bumps. It was a real roller coaster ride. It didn't help that the Alice Springs airport gates look like you are entering a local outdoor swimming pool with its dusty dirt track to walk along to get to the plane. The landing ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin September 23rd 2014

So I was off on my own again, "now the real travelling starts" I said to myself. I had been away for nearly 5 weeks; 33 days in total and had already flown 4 times and visited 3 countries but now the adventure lie ahead. I had gotten used to being with family the last few weeks in both Andrea and Dawn's houses and had become comfortable with being around familiar faces and with people I liked and got on with. Now I was braving the world of travelling which can be daunting and sometimes lonely. I was, however feeling excited too as this would be my first time in Australia's Northern Territory. I'd previously worked in North Western Australia in the mining town of Port Headland for three months but saw the trip to the ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory September 18th 2014

I was picked up outside my hostel at 7am in Darwin which would be my last lie in for a while. There was a mix of nationalities on our bus, Japanese, Australian, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Indonesian, French and also a Welsh couple. (Yay!) Our driver/guide, 23 year old Ross, explained to us that as there was going to be a total distance of 1,500 kms (nearly 950 miles) to cover in the two days down to Alice Springs and so to make it more interesting and fun for us all we were to play games and competitions. Of course, everyone's ears pricked up when he mentioned alcohol as the prize when we arrived in Alice. We set about putting ourselves into teams and chose names, mottos and theme tunes. I went into a group with two ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali September 12th 2014

I landed in Bali airport at just gone midnight as a millionaire as the exchange rate was roughly 20000 Indonesian Rupiah to the Pound, my head was wrecked already and when the taxi driver asked for a couple of million to be taken to the hostel I was completely confused. I checked in to my hostel and went into the night searching for something, anything to eat. I was rewarded with some Pringles and a chocolate donought, not my usual late night snack but it curbed my hanger pangs and I was able to sleep, ready to investigate the area of Kuta the next day. The next morning I went out walking around the town. I was looking for the beach but for some reason couldn't find it. I kept asking people what direction it ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth August 18th 2014

The flight from Perth to Dubai was fairly long at nearly 11 hours but it was only a quarter full so I spent the time laying in a row of my own, eating, sleeping and watching movies so it wasn't too difficult a flight. I have been to Perth before but as I have family living here I wouldn't fly all the way to Australia without visiting. I'd spent most of the time in Dubai on my own so I was excited to see familiar faces. I have basically spent most of my time in Perth eating and drinking, my cousin's have been fantastically good hosts and have spoilt me rotten. I spent the first week in with my cousin Dawn and her family. She has four children aged between16 to 25: a girl, Emily, twin ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai August 13th 2014

I arrived safe and sound in Dubai after a pleasant 7 hour flight from London Heathrow. I hadn't booked to do anything on my first day in Dubai as I knew I'd be pretty tired from the two previous days of travelling. I took a walk around the area I was staying in and visited a mall and had a lovely big piece of chocolate cheesecake and a coffee in a nice cafe. It was very hot in Dubai, around 40-41 degrees and so the mall and it's air conditioning came as a great relief. I tried to get to grips with the exchange rate between the United Arab Emirates Dirhams and the British Pound and worked out that 10 Dirhams was equivalent to around £1.60. On my second day in Dubai, I had booked ... read more
The view from 124 floors up in the Burj Khalifa.
Camel selfie with my new friend Pete!
The hustle and bustle of the mall.

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