Jen flies solo


Jen flies solo!

Me and Laura are attempting to do our last bit of backpacking before we retire.

India and South America are the chosen destinations.

Fingers crossed we'll be able to eat and sleep somewhere relatively decent on our pitiful budget!!

We left Santiago at 11am and took a 2 hour bus to Viña del Mar. First impressions were not brilliant, bit scruffy. We headed out of the bus station in search of our hostel by foot- it only seemed a small walk from the station. Half an hour and 18 hills later we arrived all sweaty to the hostel. We checked in then headed out for a walk. Bearing in mind Viña is on the coast and we were hoping for some beach time, it was 10 degrees and actually quite cold so we walked up the coast, stopped for a coffee then wandered around some more for a couple of hours taking photos etc. Actually not much happening in Viña, maybe because its the low season, maybe because it was cold, I don´t know but ... read more
Rocks on the coast
The sun put its hat on in the end
Birds crapping all over the rocks

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago April 3rd 2011

So because the woman had only just managed to squeeze us in, we had to find a new hostel for the next night. We jumped onto the metro and made our way to where we had booked the previous night- with the idea to head straight to the festival. We´d got our tickets online and we needed to pick them up from the festival itself. We headed to the new hostel and the man seemed surprised to see us. He had a little look in his reservations book and said ´Hmm, I actually have no room for you, it seems there´s been a mix up online with this festival going on...everywhere is overbooked´. We panicked thinking that we have bought these tickets now and possibly nowhere to sleep afterwards...He said he´d see what he could do. ... read more
Spot the MI5 character
Glasto- Chile style

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 31st 2011

From landing in Buenos Aires I made my way to the bus station, met up with Jenny. We geared ourselves up for a long bus ride and boarded at around 5pm. We got on and our ´bus host´ was a bit of a dude...all leather jackets and slick sunglasses. He introduced himself and explained the route and the itinerary for the journey (it´s just like a flight really) And what a journey it was! We were with Andesmar, the quality of buses can vary in South America, but this company was great! It started off with a film, Due Date playing, then Date Night- but stopped half way through so we could play a game of bus bingo! A bottle of wine was the prize- me and Jenny were so close...we were waiting for the number ... read more
Every day I wonder how I survive these bends
Just before the Arquette spotting

South America » Argentina March 28th 2011

From the boat I headed straight to the airport. I was heading to south Argentina, to El Calafate, to the cold and to hike the Glaciers- something I´ve wanted to do for years. My flight wasn´t leaving until 5am so there wasnt much point heading into town and spending money on a night of accommodation for the sake of 9 I made friends with the airport floor again. I got on my flight and fell straight asleep, only managed 2 hours on the airport floor. When I arrived at the hostel at 10am, they said I couldn´t check until 2pm so I went for a wander to the supermarket and the main town to see what´s what. El Calafate is how I imagine Switzerland; wooden log cabins, little chocolate shops, gift shops, a nice bay, ... read more
Around El Calafate
The boat to head to the Glacier
The Glacier

South America » Uruguay » West » Colonia del Sacramento March 26th 2011

I arrived in the afternoon after taking a 2 hour bus from Montevideo. The weather was gorgeous so I dumped my bag down and headed out to the main square and started to get my bearings. Colonia is a beautiful colonial town (suppose the clue is in the title!). It has cobbled stone streets and quaint restaurants and ice cream parlours...not much to do really except wander round, soaking up the atmosphere and ´taking it all in´. I did spot some dinosaur remains in the municipial museum, which apparently were found on the coast of Colonia 400 years ago. I decided to treat myself to some tea out so I found a nice restaurant and had some steak and wine as the sun was going down. I headed back to the hostel and made friends with ... read more
Beautiful Colonia
The Lighthouse
Cobbled streets and coastline

I got the 2 hour bus and headed to Montevideo, the capital. I was happy to bypass this city as I´d heard mixed reviews and the weather wasn´t brilliant so I probably wouldn´t get much beach time, but I headed there with a purpose- to buy a new phone. My old, battered Sony Ericsson is dying a slow death right before my eyes. It insists that I type U when in fact want a T, it decides when and where it wants to switch off and now its took up the habit of trying to connect me to the radio...repeatedly until I turn it off. I arrived and headed straight to the shopping centre armed with my credit card to get it sorted. Marcello was a very helpful man, showed me this great iphone replica, which ... read more
The German Flag

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este March 22nd 2011

From Florianopolis we took a long overnight bus journey to finally leave the most expensive country on the planet (honestly, more expensive than home!) and head to Uruguay. It was on arrival to Uruguay that Jen&Moz became JustJen so from now on I can bore you all with my solo antics! So the "party beach town" of Punta del Este actually greeted me with a grey and rainy ghost town. My hostel was prebooked and there was no sign of a taxi so I set to finding my hostel. After 10 minutes I had reached it; Punta del Este is a tiny town with only a few main streets. I got chatting to some Aussies (I don´t actually think there any Australians left in Australia...they´re all here in South America) and they were telling me its ... read more
The sun finally made appearance!
Beach time!
The Harbour

South America » Brazil » Santa Catarina » Florianópolis March 18th 2011

Day 16 was spent trapped on another hefty long journey . When we arrived at the main bus terminal we had to then catch a bus to a smaller terminal to then catch a local bus to our lovely little apartment. It worked out about the same price each as sharing a dorm in a hostel so for 3 or 4 nights me, Laura and Jo had our own kitchen, living room and outside pool...heaven! Plus the woman that runs it is the most helpful person and so motherly. Her little girl and her friends were throwing waterbombs at each other over the pool whilst us three were sunbathing- nice little cool down! Overall it was a lovely little family run place and I definitely recommend it. Florianopolis is and Jo went to the beach ... read more
Our patio
Our home for a few days
Relaxing by the pool

South America » Brazil » São Paulo » São Paulo March 15th 2011

So we arrived in Sao Paulo in the late afternoon and didn´t do very much as we felt quite tired after our bus but we´d planned an action packed sightseeing tour for the following day. Sao Paulo is enormous. There are around 20 million people living in this city and it holds about 33% of Brazil´s entire population. That said, it doesn´t seem that manic, probably because the city spans out so wide. Apparently it rivals the Italians foodwise- they have their heritage so the cuisine is heavily influenced by Italian cooking so after our tea we bought some great Italian influenced ice cream for dessert- 7 pounds for 2 scoops! There are tonnes of ´Heladarias´in South´s hard resisting them! The dorm room we had booked in was a bit horrendous though. In the morning ... read more
Municipial Theatre
Cheese heaven
A good way to a clean soul...

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Paraty March 11th 2011

We arrived in Paraty at tea-time ish and made our way to the hostel. Paraty is a little cobble-stoned town, with a harbour and about 150 different beaches nearby. It has only 2 main roads and everything is quaint and dainty. I hope the pictures capture it! After putting our bags down we went to a kilo place for tea, had some wine (or beer in Mozzer´s case) then went back to the hostel for a good sleep. Breakfast is included here- the usual really, ham and cheese, rolls and coffee. It´s a small, family run hostel where everyone who is staying (maximum 20 people) all get up and have breakfast together. There´s a little living room to watch TV and relax in etc. Makes a nice change from hectic party town Rio! All in all ... read more
Amazing cakes
Streets of Paraty
Streets of Paraty

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