JulieAnn B's Guestbook

23rd September 2019

TUSCANY to England.
Enjoy your stay in England.The college looks magnificent and full of history. Lucky you.
23rd September 2019

Villa Petrea
Have really enjoyed the great photos and commentary, what a wonderful trip. Wish I could taste the food too!!
20th September 2019

Villa Petrea relax day
Great.A day off at last.Make the best of it and Enjoy.I just put on 3 kilos just reading the menu .
20th September 2019

Isle of Capri
Wonderful photos and commentary. I am really enjoying it all. Keep up the good work and all the best with your travels xx
From Blog: Isle of Capri
19th September 2019

Siena,Monteriggioni & San Gimignano-wed 18/9/1Great9
Great commentary and photos again.Spraind my tongue trying to get around some of those names.
17th September 2019

Pisa and Lucca-Tues 17/9/19
Thank You for letting me share your experiences. Wish I was there. Enjoy.
17th September 2019

Big Day
What a day (and night). The Coliseum brought back memories. Not so sure about the Segways - prefer 4 wheels and a V8.
16th September 2019

Chianti - Monday 16/9/19
Enjoy your rest. Recharge your batteries. Tomorrow is another day.
16th September 2019

Isle of Capri.
Beautiful. You never cease to amaze. Must be getting a bit weary by now.Look after yourself.
From Blog: Isle of Capri
16th September 2019

Pompeii &Herculaneum
Great to see you are back on air. Enjoying sharing your travels.Great commentary and photos.
10th September 2019

Marina Della lobra
Great scenery again. Love the clear blue water. We left from Naples in 48 to come to Australia. But don't remember much.
9th September 2019

Marina Della lobra
Back on the road again. Great running comentry and finished off with great photos.
9th September 2019

Marina Della lobra
Good luck. Enjoy your day off. Couldn't think of a better place to do it.
8th September 2019

Sorry we couldn't join you
My stroke may have destroyed our travel plan to join your group but it is great to see Rome again even if only in photos
From Blog: Rome Orientation
10th September 2019

keeping up
So pleased you are able to read the blog and travel along with us in spirit. :-)
From Blog: Rome Orientation
7th September 2019

Your blogs
Hi Julie-Ann, just got three blogs from you yesterday, which I assumed would be about your trip but two were your previous trip when you went to buy a Christmas tree. I had joined as a “supporter” when I got your first blog but had nothing since. However the third blog I just got allowed me to go right back to your first one (when I joined up) so have caught up now. Sounds like not just a great time but a full time doing many many things. Has brought back many memories, but doubt I would have liked the Sedgeway ride! No mention of Ed and A...". Are they okay? xxx
6th September 2019

Walking around Rome.
Great shots as always. Thank you for sharing your story with me.
6th September 2019

Brisbane to Rome.
Air bnb looks interesting Enjoy your journey
From Blog: Brisbane to Rome
6th September 2019

Rome Orientation
Great photos again Next best thing to being there.
From Blog: Rome Orientation
5th September 2019

Wow all looks incredible. Feel like I am there with you with your great descriptions of everything. Don'rt know about the Segways! Looks beautiful at night time. Enjoy
6th September 2019

It was FANTASTIC! All the carvings and buildings are so beautiful when lit up at night.
5th September 2019

Thank you for keeping me updated. Much appreciated
From Blog: Brisbane to Rome
5th September 2019

Thank you for the great commentary and photos. Pace yourself and enjoy. You will come back a superwoman if you survive the itinerary.
Have a great day.
5th September 2019

Julie Ann and Shelley. Bet you were glad of all the balance practise at Pilates when riding those segways!
6th September 2019

Funny you should say that because we commented exactly that to each other. ;-)

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