


SO I'm Frenchie, the clueless biker, enthusiastic hiker, experience seeker and apprentice blogger.
Although I prefer speaking and writing in french, I know more unilingual english folk than frenchies. ..
I am not heading anywhere in particular, as much in my travel as in this text. I just want to share and see, discover and grow. I do not think there is a limit to what you can learn, it would be foolish to think as oneself as finite in a world of infinite possibilities, wouldn't it be? I do not believe in limits or impossibilities.
I got into traveling in August 2014 with one of my friends during a month long roadtrip through New-Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince-Edouard Island. I got into volunteering in March 2015 with the help of the Workaway program. And finally I got into bike touring in April 2015, during my first long distance bike ride. Well, medium distance. Everything seems more impressive when you're in solo.
This blog is meant to keep track of the places I go, the souls I meet and the lessons I learn. I will use it as much as I can, but I have a tendency to, hem, forget about things, especially when it comes to sitting and typing. But I also want to use it as some kind of newsletter for all of those who would want to know where I'm at, and maybe meet me there 😉 But yeah, here's my journal, have fun!

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff June 27th 2017

Trick of the light - Matt Corby It will happen. It happens to the best of us. Side-stepping. Doubting. Looking back. Did I head the wrong way? Why is my mind filled with regrets? Because I remember and my hurts come from the comparison. But there are many sides to a memory; in a weird way I am better than ever. At least three times in a sedentary year will I retrospect and try to recenter. Because I loose my grip too easily, I’m emotionally clustered, I go blurry. Good thing I write, better thing I have fully lived. I have seen the maritimes and the North-West of the states. Bike through two countries and camped in all kinds of weather. Crossed the Continental Divide five times and witnessed the midnight sun. I have connected, loved ... read more
Here's to that rainy day
Good frens from afar
Viggo is still the one

North America » Canada » Yukon » Whitehorse July 27th 2016

Comme un fou – Harmonium I had not taken everything in consideration when I babbled with Em about her meeting me in Whitehorse and eventually leaving with me on my next adventure. We got so excited after bonding so strongly back in Banff that we forgot a lot of things. Of course in the discussion came bike training, gear shopping and fund raising. We knew that some days would be heavier on our friendship and some others would make it all worth it. But had I plan to open my eyes and completely (finally) morph into a responsible adult? Nope. I’ve been careless and adventurous. For the last year or so I have simply given up on society and decided to establish my own rules for my little world. Using some tools that were provided and ... read more
Clay Cliffs, Whitehorse
Emerald lake, on the way to Carcross
Heartbreak hill, Whitehorse

North America » United States » Alaska » Haines June 5th 2016

Is it failure, lack of strength of some kind or plain good sense? I have set on a little trip, a few days ago. It would be my only occasion to bike solo and see Alaska before my Sister meets me back in Whitehorse. So I have two to three weeks to spare before the happy reunion. I consulted my hosts who also happen to be biking lovers and have a good knowledge of the area, about where would be a realistic destination and which road should be the most interesting. With close to no opposition, everyone agreed: Haines Alaska would be stunning to see, going through Haines Junction and biking the Kluane bike race route, play tourist for a few day on the ferry routes to Juneau and Sitka, and then biking back through Skagway. ... read more
Fairest of them all
Fresh air and freedom

North America » Canada » Yukon » Haines Junction June 5th 2016

It is safe to say that Yukon was, and still everyday is, one hell of a surprise for me. I don’t really know what I was expecting; anyway my hopes fell short. Larger than life is not a false statement. Maybe it’s the people. Having a smaller population, recluse, but not entirely of the crazy ‘civilized’ world might explain some aspects of it. For the seasons and the ecosystems are so much more capricious here than anywhere else I have seen, the people have learn to respect them more. Being aware of the energy it takes to produce quality, in food as in music, coffee and everything is a normal thing. Everything is of astonishing quality; everything that is local, anyway. Also I have never seen such a big concentration of outdoor enthusiasts. They run, half ... read more
My camping skills are getting better.
Or more sun makes happier people?

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff National Park December 10th 2015

Senses - Tom Odell It is kind of foolish to think that the stars have anything to do with our life stories. But aren't they mesmerising? As our human lives go back and forth on random patterns driven by our emotional will, they stare and shine without any alteration possible from our part. The obsession by the untouched and the grand makes me wonder why we don't celebrate the micro world as we pray to the eternal. ---------------------- Strong minded people have populated my world since I was born. It is important to me to make the distinction between what people say and how they actually behave. Being strong headed, having a big personality makes people interesting, energizing. They bite in life like there is no tomorrow and advocate for their doings and sayings without withholding ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff November 12th 2015

Alone - Two Green Cats " I was familiar with storms, and enjoyed them, knowing well that in right relation with them they are ever kindly." John Muir, The Discovery of Glacier Bay by it's Discoverer My anguish for living is what as driven me where I am right now. If you have read my previous blog posts, you can easily see what mind of person I am. How intensely I love, how much the environment and individuality means to me. How young, lucky and easily impressed I am. There is a certain romance to living homeless on your bike, enjoying different places and presence for the length of time I wish to and learning new things. There is in every young adult the hunger for the unknown, the travel bug awaiting your weakest moment to ... read more
The Hoodos' trail
Minnewanka Lake, foggy day
Winter, Lake Louise

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff November 5th 2015

Get ‘em out by Friday-Genesis The thing is; I don’t like talking about Politic. But people assume the opposite when I tell them I studied geopolitics in cégep. It brings me down; like any other sensible being. It gets so confusing so fast, trying to keep straight who has done what, and it is even worse when you try to tie why to who’s gain. The majority of the people I try to maintain a level headed conversation on high impact decisions and means of power with, end up getting biased; parents will put economics and affordability first, dreaming activists will try to push what they take as a forgotten priority while setting the rest aside, frustrated easily-impressed mind will follow the most convincing underdog, forgetting their on reflexions on the line, hard workers will put ... read more
Uncommon friendships
Square St-Louis, Montréal
Room with a view, Banff

North America » Canada » Alberta » Morley October 22nd 2015

Jojo-Jacques Brel One of the interesting things that happens when you move a lot, is that you constantly have to describe and define yourself to new persons. Some questions always come back, yes, but your perception of your own choices and habits will evolve. You will get to see some patterns in your mistakes, the orientation of your opinions will come out clearer and you will have a new look on your most senseless doings. Because we all do things that ‘ do not need explanation’, we never had to justify them because we grew up somewhere where it was the norm, but that doesn’t mean that this common knowledge is so common everywhere. It has you thinking about the legitimacy of such doings. If you can not explain to someone else why and how you ... read more
Winter is coming, et va nous tuer jusqu'au printemps
How many more sunset pictures? I annoy myself, but just can't stop.

North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary October 12th 2015

True colours-Coeur de Pirate I feel really weird anytime someone else tells my story, especially when I am around. Because they make it sound like it’s brave, or unbelievable, or harder than it truly is. I still have some difficulty putting words on the why and how, but the way I live and experience life isn’t that fantastic. It’s just how my personality met the ‘I want’ of my heart and made it happen while caring for my brain and happiness. Because I am not on vacation or just ‘out for a break’, I am living life my own way. It involves moving a lot, instability and way more than one description. I cannot say ‘hi, I’m Hélène and I do this for a living, or I work for this company’, but I can talk about ... read more
Seeley lake, before the Cougar encounter
Columbia Mountain
Highway 5, that moment where it all made sense

North America » United States » Montana » Columbia Falls September 29th 2015

Le scotch goûte le vent – Bernard Adamus I am proud of myself, especially in the last few days. I have found a rhythm that makes travelling like I do an almost sane thing to do. 50 to 60 miles on the first day, next day of hiking, visiting and meditation. And then we do it again. It gives me the time to both recuperate and enjoy the scenery, while covering the ground I want to cover. I also found out that the earlier I start my day, the less important hurrying becomes. I can stop in that cute town or take a nap or whatever; I know I will make it before the sun sets. Of course it depends on the type of road I have to face and the weather, but I like to ... read more
Seeley Lake, my Viggo is a romantic date
Swan lake
Highway 200 and 83

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