
Forget 9 to 5


"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey!"

Here we go again!
With Africa out of my system (for now), it's time to set out to explore the big wide world and discover some new places to fall in love with. With a one way ticket to Sydney and a WHV in my pocket/email account I'm heading down under in search of streets paved with gold and the Pommie pipedream of living it up in the sun. On the way I'll be checking out the beaches, big buildings and backpacker haunts of Dubai and South East Asia and reporting back on just how relaxing it is swinging in a hammock in the sun all day!

Europe » France » Corsica July 18th 2015

Don't get too excited readers, I'm afraid I've not escaped the world of 9 to 5 again for the luxury of long-term travels. I wouldn't normally blog about a one week holiday, but our recent adventures in Corsica were the closest I've felt to travelling since I returned home more than 3 years ago and have inspired me to get typing! I was also surprised by the lack of up-to-date information I could find about this destination online (at least in English), so thought I would put our experiences out there for anyone else considering visiting this amazing Mediterranean island. Despite all my plans to hit the road again when I returned from my RTW trip in the spring of 2012, I have since found myself rather more settled than I expected, stuck back in 9 ... read more
Enjoying the cool gorges of Corsica
Home Sweet Home
The view from the train

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Dorset » Portland March 30th 2012

You can find creativity and adornment in the most surprising corners, in this case an abandoned stone quarry on the Isle of Portland in the south of England. Who wants to traipse around stuffy art galleries looking at coloured lines on a canvas when you can get your dose of culture out in the fresh air and sunshine? Not I! If you've followed my blogs for a while you will have realised that I get a little bit excited and snap happy when I discover outdoor art, be it graffiti along my daily commute, exhibitions on Sydney beaches, or yarn-bombing in Kiwi towns. So when I found myself with a free afternoon on Portland the other day I wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to explore the sculptures hidden amongst the boulders in the redundant ... read more
Bear coming out of hibernation
Chilling out in the sculpture park

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Dorset » Blackmore Vale March 29th 2012

So I am home. How I feel about all this is for another blog, should I ever work out how to put into words how I actually feel right now! What I can say is that in the past two weeks I have enjoyed immensely rediscovering the area where I grew up. After two years roaming the world, ticking off 'must dos', having life-changing experiences and seeing UNESCO World Heritage sights, I have returned to find they are all on my doorstep and travelling has merely taught me to open my eyes and mind to appreciate them more. I have also made the surprising but very flattering discovery recently that it is not only blood relatives that read my blog these days. It would seem other people are mildly interested, not in if I'm alive, but ... read more
Beach huts and boats
Walkies with Wilma!

How is it even possible that it's been 2 years since I packed up my desk, packed up my room, packed up my bags and left the world of 9-to-5 behind me? Time has flown by and in just a few hours I will be packing up my bags once again, checking in and jumping on a big plane winging its way back to Blighty. In many ways I absolutely cannot wait to set foot on British soil (or tarmac) again, but a part of me will never be ready for this moment. So in a desperate attempt to calm my brain and organise my emotions at this turbulent time, I thought I'd do a blog on all the highs and lows from my travels. Plus it'll save me answering the “what was your favourite thing ... read more
New Years Eve on Sydney Harbour!!
Yucky infected bites

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon March 19th 2012

By the time most people read this I'll be back in the arms of my friends and family. After nearly two years on the road I'm almost home! Back when I booked my flights seven months ago I thought I'd want to extend the adventures as long as possible and planned for time in Sydney and Hong Kong to break up the journey. Now I just want to click my fingers and be there, let this emotional rollercoaster accelerate to its finale and try to bring my nerves and excitement back down to a level my body can cope with! Arriving in Sydney was a homecoming in itself. On the train ride out to the western suburbs everything was familiar, the skyline recognisable, the names comforting. I even nearly forgot to double-take at the double-decker trains, ... read more
Evening at the Opera House
My funky chicken themed hotel room
Symphony of Light

As well as revisiting old favourites, on my quick trip through the South Island I've tried to tick off a few sites on my must-do-still list. Abel Tasman and Dunedin were both on this list, as was Doubtful Sound, and a fortnight ago I finally visited this beautiful and remote part of Fiordland. We piled camping gear into Luke and Lisa's beast of a 4x4 and drove out to Te Anau for a night under canvas...or under a $10 tent from the Salvation Army store as it turned out! We eventually settled on a grassy clearing after testing the off-road capabilities of the beast on a twilight drive up a muddy, overgrown track. I spent the night wearing all the clothes I own, having weird and scary dreams, and trying not to touch the sides of ... read more
Me on our cruise of Doubtful Sound
Albatross, Doubtful Sound
Kayaking Doubtful Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin February 28th 2012

Good afternoon readers, this blog is part David Attenborough documentary, part ecology lesson and mostly promoting two excellent tour operators in the South Island. I have been doing my favourite thing since I finished work last week and hunting out the local wildlife in a foreign country – not with a rifle sight and snares but with binoculars, infra-red torches and some very helpful, knowledgable tour guides. I have done two very excellent and different tours that I thought I should promote, and also rave about what I have seen! Rowi/Okarito Brown Kiwis – Ian Cooper at Okarito Kiwi Tours Kiwis are strange things. In this case I'm refering to the birds not the people, although it is also a pretty strange thing that only 1% of Kiwis (the people) have seen their iconic bird in ... read more
Kiwi in the wild!!!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast February 26th 2012

My Aussie mate Jeffrey had never visited mainland New Zealand in his many years on this earth, despite his home town of Sydney being located on the West Island of NZ!! He's accumulated enough Kiwi (and temporarily Kiwiland-located) buddies during his travels around the rest of the world though and we all persuaded him it was about time he visited. As I was about to leave this wonderful country we decided to travel around the South Island together, visiting friends and seeing some nice stuff along the way. I collected our little hire car - quickly christened Betty - in Christchurch and drove back up to Nelson to pick up Jeff. The radio worked for 40 minutes of the 5½ hour journey so I was very pleased to meet up with friends in Nelson for a ... read more
Sea Cow!
Okarito Beach
Franz Josef glacier

Having lived in the nearest big town to the Abel Tasman National Park for nearly five months it was about time I got out there and actually explored it! I decided on a rather energetic day trip into the park to try and see the highlights. Our trip started with a water taxi ride out to Bark Bay in the middle of the park. On the way we had photo stops at Split Apple Rock (looks quite a bit like it sounds), and the islands to see seals and pups basking on the rocks. Afterwards we were dropped on a pristine stretch of golden sand squashed between the sea and a calm, clear lagoon. As we padded across the sand towards the track up through the forest the sun came out and turned the sea all ... read more
Looking down to Torrent Bay
Chilling out in Abel Tasman NP
The TranzAlpine train

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island January 25th 2012

The view from the road... ...and the air. After the last blog I thought I'd go back to eulogising about just how spectacularly beautiful New Zealand is! And hopefully convincing you all of this fact through a few photos taken on my journey-ings around the South Island recently. A bit of geography first. New Zealand is made up of two main islands, combined they are a similar size to Great Britain and Ireland I suppose. I'm currently living at the very top of the South Island. In order to do my tramp of the Milford Track last month I needed to get to the bottom corner of the South Island, a distance of maybe 600 kilometres as the crow flies. The problem is someone's plonked a chain of tall, steep, snow-capped and extremely picturesque mountains in ... read more
Marlborough Sounds from the air
Lake Tekapo
Mount Cook across Lake Pukaki

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