Roger and Debi Quilty

Following the Son

Roger and Debi Quilty

June 2012, Roger asked me how I would like to retire and move to Ecuador! I thought he would grow out of it, but as we explored the possibilities it became more exciting that we could actually have this adventure.

We went on an exploratory trip to Cuenca Ecuador in December 2012 and fell in love with the city and the people.

After a lot of praying and asking for the Lord's blessing over this decision we will be moving to Cuenca in October 2013.

Please follow us as we start this exciting adventure as we retire there and serve our Lord!

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 26th 2015

Today we went for a walk. It was the “Caminata por la Paz” (Walk for Peace). It started at Parque San Blas and went through downtown Cuenca and ended at Parque de La Madre (Park of the Mother). We were carrying a banner with a quote from Matthew 5:9 (NIV) - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. It took us about two hours. Some of it slow, waiting for traffic to pass, or fast, trying to catch up after the traffic had passed. There were a couple of thousand people in the walk. We took a number of pictures, but people all along the route were taking pictures of all the attendees as well. Those of us from Calvary Chapel were singing worship songs and we even had some cheering ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 21st 2015

On Saturday we finally had the opportunity to volunteer with Happy Dogs Cuenca. This is a group of Ecuadorian veterinary doctors, vet students and vet techs that work with an organization called ARCA (I don't know what it stands for). They set up places in different neighborhoods where they can go and perform spay and neutering on the dogs and cats in those neighborhoods. On Saturday there were four people that performed 70 surgeries. We were there until they were working on the 62nd animal. Debi was working on sterilizing the instruments and getting them to the surgeons... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 14th 2015

Well, the first picture below is one that I took from someone else's FB post. I didn't know he took the picture, but it was while I was on the stage at church taking pictures of all the kids at the Samaritans Purse Shoebox event. For about a year, one of the other elders at church has been trying to get Debi and I to join the Gideons. He is the president of one of the local camps (chapters). So a couple of months ago we did. We have a ttended a few meetings and this morning we wen to one of the hospitals in town, the IESS Hospital (Social Security Hospital). There were 10 of us, Debi and I being the only gringos. We went to all seven floors, to all the rooms and all ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 13th 2015

Some of you may not know what the Samaritans Purse Shoebox is. Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. Part of that is the Operation Christmas Child Program. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. In November each year people form all over the United States put together shoeboxes with items for needy children all over the world. The boxes are all ... read more
Goofy pirates
Pirate scowls

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 10th 2015

Every three months at the SOLCA Cancer Hospital they have a birthday party for all the children with cancer, both in and out-patient. They have a clown MC, dancers, magicians and singers. Since the gringos that participate can't really speak Spanish well enough, we do things on the sidelines. Debi paints faces, Mike and Nancy have a miniature basketball toss and give out candy, I blow up balloons and make swords from them and give the other balloons to Katy to make flowers (floras), monkeys (monos), dogs (perroos), etc for all the kids. To be honest, I usually do not look forward to this even, but once I am there and afterwards, my heart is filled with love for these kids. Regretfully, we are not able to take pictures of the kids. But I do have ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 10th 2015

On the first of August a group of eight missionaries from Calvary Chapel Miami came to Cuenca to conduct Vacation Bible School (VBS) and do outreach around the city. The five women were scheduled to stay with us. When they arrived at about 7 in the evening our first comment to them was, "We hope you don't have to shower, we don't have any water". The water had been off for several hours. After fixing dinner for them, the water came back on. BUT, our water heater decided to quit on us. Quick phone call to Braulio, with a request that he bring his brother Emilio (a great handyman that has so blessed us in our home). Fifteen minutes later they came and after about twenty minutes he had everything taken care of and we had ... read more
Combined service (2)
Combined service
Dinner at Fredy's

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca September 10th 2015

In the latter part of July Bob Relyea, from Creation Ministries International, and his wife Frances, along with two friends of theirs from Peru, Lily and Angie, came to give a seminar on biblical creation and the girls worked in the Sunday School. While they were here we also had the opportunity to take them on the double decker tour bus around Cuenca.... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca August 29th 2015

In June we had Pastor Kevin O'Neil, founder of Calvary Chapel Cuenca, and Pastor Drew McIntyre, Calvary Chapel Alpine, CA come and stay with us. Pastor Drew taught the Way of the Master (street evangelizing) to all who were interested on the evenings of the 15th to the 17th - the Ecuadorians at the church and the gringos at our house. Then on Saturday the 18th about 20 of us, mostly teens went to Parque de la Madre to hand out tracts and talk to people. Since I don't speak Spanish very well, I would just walk up to someone, say "Para usted (for you)" and hand them a tract. The Ecuadorian people are so gracious that they rarely say no when something is offered to them. But there was one woman who was fast walking ... read more
2 - Pastor Kleber, Pastor Kevin, Pastor Drew and Roger
3 - Pastor Drew teaching
4 - Pastor Drew teaching

South America » Ecuador August 20th 2015

In May we took a trip back to the States. Our granddaughter Savannah was graduating from high school and we wanted to be there. So we went for a total of 14 days. We had planned on going to Arkansas to visit our best friend and her family for a few days, then fly to Wyoming to see our youngest son and his family and finally to Nashville to see our eldest son's family and Savannah's graduation. Fortunately, before we bought our tickets our best friend, Nelda, told us about her grandson (almost like our grandson) was going to get married in December in Los Angeles. So we decided to forgo the trip to Arkansas. Nelda and her husband said that wherever we landed in the States they would pick us up and drive us to ... read more
Debi's Surprise
3 inches of snow

South America » Ecuador » South » Cuenca August 20th 2015

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been four months since I posted anything on this blog. And there have been so many things happening here. Maybe I can use that as an excuse. So I have a lot to post, over ten events, so I will probably break it down to each month. First of all, continuing in April we had a beautiful full rainbow practically over our house. Then I have pictures of our local street sweepers. They are dedicated young men and women that come through the neighborhood with brooms, dustpans and pushing a trashcan on wheels. No trucks kicking up all the dust and dirt. The color of their uniform changes for some reeason, sometimes it is orange or lime green. I haven't been able to figure out the schedule or reason ... read more

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