Etch Akhtar


Etch Akhtar

I am an internet entrepreneur and web developer, working most of the time from various locations around the globe. I love to travel, meet people, create magical memories and share the experiences with the rest of you.

Europe » United Kingdom » England June 17th 2015

London ------- After Miami I flew into London Heathrow with the plan of spending a week catching up with people in and around London. Originally I'd also planned to head to Cambridge, however ended up cancelling that trip for a future date. Usually when I come to the UK it's a flying visit where I go to check on my properties, say a quick hello to family then leave. This time I wanted to unwind and make time for the people I haven't seen for a long time. It was a great week, staying with a friend and seeing different people everyday. I definitely ate a lot, that's for sure. In fact, the 1st night I arrived we went out to Tooting for food as that place is guaranteed to be open and serving awesome halal ... read more

North America » United States » Florida June 1st 2015

In June this year, I made another trip back to the US. I wanted to go to a work-related conference and decided to tie in a few other tasks during the trip. Faro ---- My flight to Miami was this time out of Portugal. In fact there were 3 flights, Faro -> Lisbon -> Philadelphia -> Miami. As the 1st flight was at 6am, it made sense to spend the night in Faro despite only being 30 miles away from my home. This would be cheaper than booking an out-of-hours taxi. The train leaving Tavira to Faro was in the evening so I decided to go to a massage parlour next to the station and get greased up ready for my journey. By the time I was finished with the massage, I was so slippery I ... read more

South America » Colombia » Medellin March 3rd 2015

Once I had left Bocas Del Toro, its beaches and the many Kosher shops, I made my way down to David and hopped onto a plane for Colombia. This was my final leg of the month-long trip and to be honest, I was more than ready to go home. For me, 3 weeks is sufficient for travelling. As the plane flew into Medellin and went through the clouds approaching the airport, I saw a very breath-taking site. We were flying through beautiful landscape, hills the size of mountains and villages propped up between them. It's hard to explain into words but this was the most stunning airport approach I've ever witnessed. Part of me thought it could be pretty dangerous flying through this terrain during the night ... a lot of reliance on electronic equipment. I ... read more

My stay in Costa Rica was over and it was time to cross the border to Panama. Initially I wanted to stay in the NorthEast on the islands of San Blas, however that was a 24 hour journey and would lose me a lot of time which was running out. I instead decided to go to Bocas Del Toro, a well-known destination in the NorthWest just across from the border. The journey to Bocas on the shuttle bus was confusing. At first I was on the bus with a number of other travellers going to Panama, some to Bocas and some elsewhere. At border control shortly after, the driver waited for us to get our passports stamped. I had read that you aren't allowed entry into Panama unless you prove you have an exit ticket out ... read more

As my journey across Central America was coming to an end, I had to plan the last days carefully to ensure I can make the most of it and make the flight home on time. There was only one bus a day from where I was on Ometepe island back to the port to get to the mainland. The journey to Costa Rica consisted of a 2 hour bus, 1 hour boat, half hour taxi to Penas Blancas and then the main long-distance Ticabus to San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica. When I first got off the boat I wanted to go to the main Ticabus station close by but the taxi driver told me it was closed and I should go with him to the next town. I thought he was ripping me ... read more

The trip from El Salvador to Nicaragua took 15 hours in total. They had movie screens to entertain us however the driver kept teasing us and only played 5 minutes of a movie, then changed it ... over and over and over. Sometimes he'd play the sound of a movie and turn the monitors off ... such a tease. There were 4 border controls to go through as we went from El Salvador to Honduras then Honduras to Nicaragua. This time we gave our passports and money to the driver and he handled all the paperwork. The only hassle I got was the security guard who came on the bus and was asking me what all the bulges were in my pockets and wanted to get his hands in every hole available (pockets). I had no ... read more

Central America Caribbean » El Salvador » Western » Juayúa February 17th 2015

It was time to leave Guatemala and head over to El Salvador. Many travellers skip over El Salvador and Honduras and jump straight to Nicaragua, however there is a lot of beauty and kindness in El Salvador. I didn't want to take a chicken bus so I booked a minibus to Guatemala City and then a proper pimped out bus to San Salvador the capital. I had no intention of going to San Salvador as I'm not a fan of cities and you don't get to see the beauty of a place staying in capital cities ... however it was easier to take this route and hop off early than to try getting across on multiple local buses and be stranded somewhere random (which would be a great adventure, yet I was unfortunately running out of ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala February 10th 2015

I set off with friends I'd met in Belize all the way to Flores in the north of Guatemala. I was running late leaving as I'd dropped my earphones on the floor by the bed and I couldn't find it ... half hour later I gave up, went outside and walked to the end of the street, and it was there on the floor ... freaky. When we got to the water taxi station we left our luggage by the side and went off for breakfast. There's a lotta trust involved with just leaving luggage there ... one of the guys had left a £2'500 bike there all week. The bus to Guatemala was pretty small and crappy-ass, and our suitcases were thrown to the top and tied down with pieces of rope ... if it ... read more

I left Playa Del Carmen and hopped onto a bus to the small country of Belize. My sister has done this Central America trip before so she told me I have to have to have to go to the island of Caye Caulker in Belize ... and that's where I decided to go. It was a night bus journey taking 8 hours. As I reached border control I remembered an article I read earlier saying that if you are in Mexico for only a few days then don't pay the exit fee despite how much they try and force you to do so. I was tempted to hide on the bus or run around the customs building to the other side and cheat the system (easily doable) but I opted to stay within the boundaries of ... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen February 3rd 2015

From Miami I flew to Cancun, Mexico. It wasn't a place I wanted to stay as it's touristy and all party-party-drinky-party which isn't my thing. For me this was an entry point into the country and the start of my 30 day adventure across Central America and into Columbia. I had no idea and no plans as to how these 30 days were going down, except that I had a flight booked out from Colombia at the end of it so I needed to be there. Landing into the airport, we had to get our bags scanned by placing them into a machine and pushing a button ... it was different, but cool. My 1st mission was to hop onto a bus to Playa del Carmen. I wasn't planning too much time in Mexico as it ... read more

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