


The three Musketeers, François, André et Bob (Lina), along with Marc (they were four right?), are taking off for the Mother Road on May 9. The trip of a lifetime! Stay tuned!
Les trois Mousquetaires, François, André, Bob (Lina) et Marc enfourchent les motos pour la route 66 le 9 mai. Gardez contact!

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto June 11th 2009

On Tuesday, some "career development twist" at home in Oakville (Shanna's impromptu departure from Putting-Edge...) prompted a decision from your blogger to head north to be at his wife's side. So we split up! Marc is now home after a little Nashville - Oakville 1300kms dash straight home. Parti a 4:00 am hier pour arriver juste a temps pour souper a 6:00 pm (Francois, Andre, Bob: ca c'est 1300kms en 13 heures compte tenu que nous perdons 1 heure en chemin...). Pour la premiere fois de l'expedition, la derniere journee: de la pluie!! Mais suffisamment par contre pour compenser pour les autres 34 jours sans pluie... Le reste des 3 Mousquetaires ont pris une route direction nord-est en direction du Quebec ou ils arrivent probablement aujourd'hui. The map shows my route home and I will add ... read more

North America » United States » Tennessee » Nashville June 10th 2009

Heading north! Direction: Canada! Well, we left New Orleans yesterday and rode away to cross 3 states today: Mississipi, Alabama and Tenessee. We started to see some clouds in the sky, quite an unusual sight for us... We have yet to see some rain since we left Canada 31 days ago! WOW! Aujourd'hui, "for the record" we had to give Andre a bungee cord to replace the clutch spring that broke on the Yamaha... We will keep under silence that we had to fix the seat on Bob's Suzuki, bend back her (his... it is getting confusing...) brake pedal (although it was due to mitigating circumstances...), fix Francois's harassing crash bar noise, etc... Finally, the Harley only suffered a minor slow leak (...) and we all make a big fuss... Tonight, Andre got carded!!!!... and couldn't ... read more

It is our 1st time in New Orleans. And it has been superb! We are staying at the Ste-Marie in the French Quarter, 100 ft from the heart of Bourbon St, right in the action. Possibly the best possible location to enjoy the beat of the Big Easy, all for $49 per night, parking for the bikes, breakfast & wireless included: we had to splurge! Stayed out late last night as prescribed. Found an absolutely great Blues bar where “Rooster” was in great spirit to perform and entertain the crowd with his band, the “Chicken Hawks”. Il y a de l’eau partout en Louisianne, ce qui en fait un etat spectaculaire. Des autoroutes construites sur pilotis sur plus de 25 kilometres! Des villes comme “Maringouin”! Et bien sur, Bourbon Street, au coeur de New Orleans, ou ... read more
Highways on the water!
Le St Marie
Courtyard at le St-Marie

North America » United States » Texas June 7th 2009

Well we saw lots of what Texas has to offer yesterday. We rode along the Gulf and its beaches to observe what the Houstonians do on Saturday: they show off their motorcycles on the main, invade beautiful sandy beaches and do a little fishing. It is a relax day, especially for those who live on the Galveston beach and have been repairing their homes since a hurricane hit the coast last September. These houses built high to resist the next hurricane testify of the determination of the Texans to win the next encounter as there will be one: they just don't know when... Nous devions prendre le traversier a Galveston mais l'attente de 2 heures (normal pour un samedi...) nous a vite convaincu de faire un petit detour. Attendre le traversier, en ligne, avancant pouce par ... read more
Maisons sur pilotis
Plusieurs en reparation
Impressive these homes!

North America » United States » Texas » Corpus Christi June 6th 2009

Today, we rode along the south of Texas, maybe 10 kms or so from the Gulf of Mexico, enough to catch a glimpse of the occasional "bayou" and the Gulf itself, once in a while. But fields after fields of crops as far as the eye can see, along with oil or nuclear plant. Texas is big indeed. And fun... if you like staring at the infinity! So this was our 3rd straight day of 500 + kms: when we don't stop to take pictures, we cover more ground! Good thing we enjoy the riding part! Did we mention that we have yet to see a drop of rain or a temperature below 30? Not robbing it in. We are longing for nice cool Canadian breeze! Enjoy it for us. We will soon as well! Getting ... read more
Ou est Andre?
Le golfe de Mexico est superbe!
A bridge across the Gulf

North America » United States » Texas June 5th 2009

You must actually sing the title of this blog, an old tune from the Beatles, revisited for thew occasion! Well, we could not "blog" two nights ago as the motel (fancy word for the jail we stayed into just out of San Luis Postosi) did not have internet (neither did it have toilet seats, AC, TV or a key to the room... Metal doors that locked once! But, we could park the bikes right at the door: that put a smile on Andre's face! Finally, we managed to enjoy a beer with the front tires of the bike as foot rest, Andre's definition of a "biker's motel". But we are reaching you today from the Hampton Inn in Brownsville, Texas, just out of the Mexico border. We rode 600kms yesterday to be here. Mexico has been ... read more
No typical bar tonight!
San Luis Postosi Motel
Un cheval pour Karine

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 2nd 2009

"The Destination matters less than the Journey!" "C'est pas tant la destination que le parcours qui compte!" This being said, our Ajijic destination makes us revisit that statement for a little while... Very nice break! We enjoyed a little Mexican immersion at the local Chapala market. To prevent any swine contamination, we made sure to absorb the right amount of liquid as prescribed by DrScotch. Il faut dire que le p'tit break qu'on a a Ajijic rend la destination plutot agreable... On s'est paye un bain de foule Mexicain hier, histoire de tester cette affaire de grippe. Pour limiter les risques de contagion, nous avons consomme une quantite suffisante de liquide, tel que prescrit par le DrScotch. J'ai beaucoup apprecie mes degustations , je suis la gouteuse officiel du groupe. No problema... pas encore. Nous avons ... read more
Chez le boulanger local
Chez le boulanger
Weekly Market in Chapala

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara June 1st 2009

Well, here we are in Ajijic (pronounce “Hahihic”), at Luc & France’s, our most southern destination (this time…). Ajijic is a small town along lake Chapala, south east of Guadalajara, where Luc retired a few years ago with France. The location, on mountain side, with a stunning view of the lake and the Mount Garcia, “The Sleeping Giant”, is simply superb. We will abuse their hospitality a few more days then back on the saddle riding north-east for a change. Our next destination: New Orleans. After which, the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky, then home, first stop Toronto, then Quebec and Lac Bowker. Nous avons atteint notre destination la plus au sud, Ajijic (que l’on prononce “Hahihic”), une petite ville au sud de Guadalajara ou Luc et France apprecient une retraite sedentaire bien meritee. La vue de ... read more
Nos hotes Luc & France
On arrete pas le progres!
Un "late lunch"

North America » Mexico » Nayarit » Tepic May 30th 2009

We are 200 kms from Guadalajara. A flat tire on the HD (of course...) prevented us from reaching our destination yesterday. Luckily, our brother Luc is making a delivery of a new tire this morning so we can pursue our journey. Otherwise, we would have visited "Tepic" for too long a stay, although Andre doesn't seem to mind the late night scenery here. Otherwise, a worry free 12 hour ferry crossing of the Mar de Cortes to Mazatlan during the night (my very first "cruise" - I had to leave the "too claustrophobic for my taste" cabin to sleep on the deck and watch the stars... Bonjour la gang,le voyage est toujours aussi extraordinaire.L'autoroute payante est tres payante, genre 16.00$ par moto pour pas long au Mexique.Tres beau bateau que nous avons pris et tres propre.Andre ... read more
L'office del blogger a La Paz
El Bahia Tresuro
See: no tourists!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz May 28th 2009

Again some majestic sceneries today. Riding though the Sierra La Giganta, with more than 100 consecutive curves on mountain sides. Pour les bikers du Lac Bowker: traverser la Sierra Giganta (chaine de montagnes) avec sa multitude de courbes est une experience de reve pour motocyclistes. Pour les golfeurs de Quebec, un p'tit 18? On a skippe les premiers 18 pour se concentrer sur le 19... ... read more
High tech communication
Crossing La Giganta
ANother peak of La Giganta

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