Page 6 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Segovia September 24th 2021

Not all those who wander are lost” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien It was simply bugging the hell out of us....we would talk about it, imagine it, even attempt to make plans in the hopes that we could travel....somewhere. We've somewhat mollified this urge by taking a few trips within the U.S., but we all know that the great thrill is to leave your own country and go visit one you've never seen before. That's the thing, right? We’ve spent each day for months longing for travel. Attempting to decide if it was safe, if it was the socially responsible thing to do.. …We’ve studied vaccination rates and we’ve studied the U.S. State department website until we exhausted all the information. In the end we selected a country where many residents have been vaccinated -- since we have ... read more
Cathedral in Segovia
Cathedral of Segovia
Views from the aqueduct

North America » United States » Tennessee » Memphis February 7th 2021

The Memphis BBQ Food Scene is very much a large part of The River City. A BBQ joint is seemingly on every corner and fills every nook and cranny of Memphis. Although larger cities probably have more BBQ places, Memphis certainly has the largest rib joint to per capita percentage in the nation. With just under one million residents in Memphis and surrounding suburbs, that is a bold statement, just like some of the sauces we tasted! Just thinking about it can make your mouth water….superbly slow-cooked meat with a sauce that is just this side of heaven. Meat that literally falls off the bone, having been subjected to several hours of magical heat made possible utilizing the finest wood available. Such is the artistry of preparing barbequed ribs. With great pride many states claim to ... read more
Central BBQ Ranks #1
Memphis Barbecue Co Ranks #2
Great slaw and Mac and Cheese

North America » United States » Tennessee » Memphis July 21st 2020

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato Our latest adventure takes us to a very special place if you're a fan of certain genres of music. We were safely "isolating" on the beach in Florida when the call came in ... would Dave like to work at a pediatric hospital ..... in Memphis? This was too much to pass up, both professionally and because of the special types of music in this city. Memphis is a very special place and is aptly titled the “Home of the Blues” is located in the southwest corner of Tennessee and sits on the mighty Mississippi River. Deep in the heartland of America, rich in history, Memphis is a stone’s throw to both the Arkansas and ... read more
Elvis's Pink Cadillac
Issac Hayes
Sun Records

North America » United States » Mississippi » Tupelo June 7th 2020

The end came with a toxicology report that revealed a laundry list of opiates; dilaudid, percodan, demerol, some codeine and qualludes. Years of drug abuse from the time Elvis was in the military when his friends introduced him to “little brown and green stimulants” to keep him awake during patrols. Once military life ended Elvis didn’t walk away from those pills. Elvis’s thirst and addiction expanded over the years and those drugs took a beloved and admired musician, actor, and celebrity on August 16, 1977. Elvis often referred to as the King of rock and roll, he recorded 710 songs and performed in 31 films. He made women around the world swoon. His fame, movies and music continue on decades after his death. Elvis has now been dead 43 years –he only lived 42 years, so ... read more
Childhood home place
Elvis Memorial
Tupelo Mississippi

Antarctica » Antarctica March 9th 2020

There is no doubt that in our minds, Antarctica makes travel dreams come true. Antarctica is the coldest continent. Antarctica is the driest continent. Antarctica is the windiest continent and we were constantly reminded of that on our trip. Antarctica has a rich history full of brave explorers navigating these waters in days past. Voyages were made by men that seemingly no one in their right mind would attempt. It is the only continent not permanently inhabited. It is all this and so much more....The Antarctic Treaty System was created in 1959 to establish Antarctica as a zone of peace and science. Today, the area is protected, and a great deal of valuable scientific research occurs. People will always question and debate whether visitors should be allowed to visit these areas. Our experience with Quark is ... read more
Elephant Seal Relaxing
Nature's carving makes for a great view
Clear waters show hidden ice

Antarctica February 29th 2020

With sadness we’ve left the South Georgia Islands behind. We can imagine that many a passenger have felt similar emotions and, in an effort, to buoy our spirits Quark threw a BBQ on the aft deck! What kind of craziness is this? A bit frigid but stimulating and for world adventurers we found it an exquisite idea. So yes, we wanted to embrace all that we could and grabbed an outdoor table rather than a more sensible one inside. Really, how often will we be given an opportunity like this… zero… cool. Wrapped in our yellow jackets we grabbed a cup of hot spiced wine as we socialized in the buffet line headed for the lobsters on the grill. We had lovely salads, fresh fruits, grilled vegetables, fish, chicken, beef and those beautiful lobsters. A BBQ ... read more
Looks friendly
Soaring at Sea
Whale of a Time

South America » South Georgia » South Georgia February 24th 2020

This is a tale of Penguins capturing our hearts. From the Falkland Islands we headed southeast across several hundred miles of open sea, the Scotia Sea to be exact. Our captain was steaming toward the South Georgia Islands as our anticipation grew. In one of our lectures they educated us on the Antarctic Convergence which we won’t provide you with many details. If you have interest, you can do more research, but the short version is that this is an area of warm and cold waters. The result is that this area of currents circling Antarctica can create fog and rough seas but is also quite rich in nutrients, so sea birds abound. Krill is the food of choice for many sea creatures and some birds. Remember as we travel along at sea we are having ... read more
Penguins huddle together
Follow Me
Out of the fog

Antarctica » Antarctica February 21st 2020

In the beginning: Our most recent blog was an example of how we just could not wait to share our experiences. We simply could not help ourselves and wanted to jump into our trip to tell you about the breath-taking Falkland Islands and show you some penguins, which are so amazingly cute. It was also an attempt to capture your interest so that you will continue to read along. Okay…mission accomplished (or so we think). At this point, we will take a quick step back now and tell you about the beginning of our trip and our orientation to life at sea. All told, we were gone a little over three weeks. Three weeks on a ship might seem lengthy, but we would let you know it went by blazingly fast. Included in our journey were ... read more
Boarding the Zodiacs
Zooming around in Zodiacs
The Mud Room Lockers

South America » Falkland Islands » West Falkland February 19th 2020

In the end of course, it’s always worth it….all the planning, the packing, the airports and then finally you’re there….ahh…. that exquisite moment when you’re sailing out of port and the journey is on…. the moment you dreamed of had arrived… finally. We find ourselves standing on the aft deck of a reasonably sized ship, watching the sun set as the land gets smaller and smaller in size….and a huge smile comes across our faces as a great adventure begins. We’ve left the southernmost city in the world and are headed towards our first stop some 450 nautical miles to the east-northeast, the Falkland Islands, the site of Great Britain’s last great military victory almost forty years ago, but more importantly, home to penguins, albatross and many other winged creatures. Little did we know at the ... read more
Penguin hiding in the tussock grass
Magellanic  Penguins a Plenty
Climbing to the top of the sand dune

Antarctica » Antarctica February 14th 2020

By the time you read this we will be on our way. A plan long in the is now time to visit the frozen continent. We could not be more excited! This is in celebration of a birthday milestone for Dave....he's not getting any younger. Antarctica is sometimes referred to as the Seventh Continent. We hope you will come along to these enchanting lands. We’ve signed up for a trip called Epic Antarctica….. what more needs to be said. But first....a bit of personal history from Dave. As a young college student at The Ohio State University 1976 -81 working on a degree in journalism – my first assignment and article published in the school paper "The Lantern" was concerning Global Warming. I interviewed a professor from the school of Geodetic Sciences. He told of ... read more
South Light
Battle For The Falklands

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