Dave and Merry Jo Binkley

D MJ Binkley

Dave and Merry Jo Binkley

Photographers, divers, writers, foodies, chefs and music enthusiasts.

Travelers' Century Club Members: 12/2023. MJ 107 and Dave 104.

We appreciate your feedback and if you like our stories we would appreciate it if you follow our blog.

We live on North Hutchinson Island, Florida. If you are in Florida please send us a private message as we would love to meet you.

Two retired nurses who are passionate about traveling the world.
Our love of travel, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures will hopefully take us to wonderful places and allow us the chance to get to know friendly people from other countries. Come join us as we explore "the big blue marble" and its inhabitants!

Travel quotes to enjoy.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the things that you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
- Mark Twain

Life is very short, try everything you've dreamed about (within the perimeters of sanity and the law) and regret nothing. Oh, and don't forget the sunscreen." ~Amber Benson

Asia » Japan » Kyoto March 28th 2024

According to the Lonely Planet book, Eat Japan, Kyotoites will happily waste their fortunes on a fine kimono, and Tokyoites on shoes, the Osakans only have one way to squander their riches - on food. Our time in Japan has been incredible and our next stop was yet another one we awaited with great anticipation....Osaka. It is Japan's third-largest city and if you include the metropolitan area, the number swells to 19 million people, making it the 10th-largest in the world. We are pretty impressed with the number of people in urban areas of Japan, but most likely because in the U.S., the largest is NY City with about the same number. Even the famous Los Angeles has only about 12 million. The fact that Japan has over 120 million people in an area about the ... read more
Spring is in the Air
The Beauty of Japan
The Golden Pavillion

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki March 24th 2024

In the annals of history, there are many moments which stand out, some for positive reasons, some for what can only be considered negative reasons. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the reasons are absolutely mixed. Two events, separated by a mere three days in August of 1945 changed the world forever as the world was thrust into the age of nuclear warfare, a point from which there is no return. Our visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki provided us with yet another reminder of how fierce war can really be, and in this case how a moment in time can change the landscape forever, both locally and worldly. Dave has more than a passing interest in World War II history, so our trip to Japan had to include stops in two of the most memorable cities of the ... read more
Inside the Bomb
Atomic Bomb Dome
Photo from the Museum

Asia » Japan » Kanagawa » Hakone March 18th 2024

The Japanese culture values hard work and social harmony. As modern as this country has become, they seem to continue to practice their traditional values and spiritual beliefs. It is refreshing to visit Japan because the people are polite and respect their elders. This was demonstrated a couple of times when younger people offered us a seat on the train. Yes, it made us feel older, but the kindness and respect were evident. There is also great reverence for the past and many Japanese value this greatly as evidenced by the shrines and embracing traditional clothing. All this is evidenced in our travels..... Nikko A short train ride from Tokyo is the town of Nikko with a population of 80,000. It was nice being out of the hustle and bustle of Tokyo even though we enjoyed ... read more
The Marvelous Mt. Fuji
Ornate decorations on the shrine
Beef Noodle Soup

Asia » Japan » Tokyo March 15th 2024

I love Tokyo. If I had to eat only in one city for the rest of my life, Tokyo would be it. Most chefs I know would agree with me. Anthony Bourdain. We’ve all seen photos of Tokyo, but until you are there you cannot imagine the enormity of this city. Dave refers to this as his “Grand Canyon Theory.” You can tell people how big it is, show them pictures of how big it is, but until you actually put your eyes on it, you do not realize just how big it really is. To start with, Japan is roughly the size of California and has a population of 125 million. Thirty-eight million of those people live in the greater Tokyo area. It’s the largest metropolitan area in the world. Need more perspective? The next ... read more
Spring Onion Sushi
The Ginza at night
Spring is in the Air

Asia » Japan » Nagano March 10th 2024

It is not unusual to hear from us that once again we are chasing a bucket list item. This particular one was generated as usual from those dang National Geographic magazines. This time, we were in search of those wonderfully photographed snow monkeys. Now technically, they are Japanese macaques, but since almost everyone calls the “snow monkeys,” that’s what we’re going with. We were eager to get to Nagano in early March to see the snow monkeys. We had read the best chance of seeing them in the snow was February, but we would not be able to get there until the 10thof March and yet we remained hopeful. Snowy snow monkeys here we come! A late morning flight from Okinawa to Tokyo and then a train ride had us arriving in Nagano late afternoon. We ... read more
The Matriarch
Checking out the visitors
Soothing Thermal Pools

Asia » Japan » Okinawa March 8th 2024

After the great experiences of South Korea and Taiwan, it was time to head for our main destination when we first started planning our voyage…..Japan. There are so many considerations when you have the luxury of some three and a half weeks in a single nation, so where do you begin? A country with some 150 million inhabitants crammed on an island where roughly three-quarters of the terrain is mountainous, this is one populous country. With a little research, we ended up on the island of Okinawa, the southernmost and westernmost part of Japan. Part of the strategy was that it was technically still winter and perhaps we would find more forgiving climes here….and we were right. We are always happy when we get off the plane and see palm trees. We flew on Peach Airlines ... read more
Beautiful Clothing
Many small plates to delight the palate!
Orchids A Plenty

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 4th 2024

A quick look at a map reveals that Taiwan is located off the coast of China, sort of between Japan and the Philippines. When planning this six-week journey, Taiwan became one of those destinations that we refer to as, “while we’re in the neighborhood” stops. When you spend 15 hours in a plane from North America to reach this part of the world, you must consider how you can maximize your travel time. Additionally, we needed to consider if we would find ourselves in this part of the world again and what might become of Taiwan in the next decade or so, given that the Chinese still, and always will, consider Taiwan as part of the Peoples Republic of China. Things could get ugly in this part of the world someday… As with many countries around ... read more
The Best Beef Noodle Soup
2024 Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival

Asia » South Korea » Jeju February 28th 2024

Our third and final South Korea blog comes to you from the southern coastal town of Busan and the Island of Jeju. If you missed our two previous blogs, they are here for you to take a look. After the fantastic experience that was Seoul, we left that amazing city riding in the first-class cabin of the train out of Seoul Station. No surprise that it is very comfortable and provides a lot of room for luggage. Koreans seem to know how to do public transport well. We enjoyed our two-and-a-half-hour ride along the interior of the country. In South Korea, they do not allow you to eat or drink in most of the train but in first class we discovered it was allowed. You can bring food on with you which in retrospect is what ... read more
Tandori chicken wings
Orchids Abound
Train to Busan

Asia » South Korea » Seoul February 23rd 2024

For those of you who have followed us for a while are quite aware, we are foodies who enjoy tasting new cuisine both at home and especially when traveling. The U.S. has plenty to offer those in search of new taste delights, given the size and diversity of the populace, but the opportunity to travel to distant lands and encounter completely new dishes is heavenly. Our friends Galen and Denise are living in Seoul and are fellow foodies so we knew we would be taken care of during our visit, and they did not disappoint. If you don’t care about looking at food photos or reading about a food experience, you might as well close this blog now, because it will hold limited interest for you. We will catch you on the next blog….. Arriving quite ... read more
Negotiations for fish purchases
Enjoying a cold drink at Suzy Q's LP Bar

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Nowon-gu February 22nd 2024

We are keenly aware that for most, South Korea is not on the top of most people’s travel lists. And we will volunteer that this list used to include us as well. So how does one make the decision to hop on a plane and travel some 7700 air miles to visit? Simple…..you’ve got friends living there and you’ve been invited! Our friends Denise and Galen have been living in Seoul since July. Galen retired from teaching in Los Altos, California after 38 years and wanted to try teaching in a foreign country and was hired by Asia Pacific International School in Nowon-Gu. With an invitation to visit them, there really is no way to say no to such a wonderful opportunity to explore a new place with friends. Most travelers have a bucket list of ... read more
 Dongdaemun Design Plaza
Air Canada  Business Class
Monk at Temple

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