Page 23 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » Tasmania » Hobart January 14th 2008

Hi Everyone! Thanks again for all of your wonderful e-mails. You don’t know how much we appreciate hearing from you. We’ve been on the road 178 days and out of our country for 115 days. We miss all of you and appreciate all of your e-mails and comments. Thanks for keeping in touch. We are very excited to tell you about our time in Tasmania. It is a beautiful island state just southeast of mainland Australia. We spent 7 days and it was over in a blink. We realize now that you could easily spend 3 or 4 weeks touring around Tasmania. We drove up through the central inland part of the state and then headed for the east coast. There wasn’t enough time to explore the beauty of the north or the west coast, which ... read more
Wineglass Bay
Bicheno Blowhole

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown January 5th 2008

Hello again from the South Island….. We’ve decided that scones are woefully underrated!!! New Zealand offers wonderful scones in most towns. We’ve decided that America needs more scones. It makes us long for our next door neighbor in Tampa-- Mildred always made the best scones!!! We also wanted to mention that it is a different experience being south of the equator. It is quite strange when we drive south and it gets colder—because we are going further away from that invisible meridian called the equator. This makes the north island of this nation the warmer of the two…..very strange for us folks used to living in the northern hemisphere. And yes, the drains circle in the opposite direction south of the equator. This has been repeatedly tested. We are currently at about the 45 parallel, which ... read more
Overview of Queenstown
Lupins with mountains
Mitre Peak

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura December 26th 2007

Beauty Abounds!! There is so much to see and to do in New Zealand that you will need more than several weeks we have to take a good look. We spent almost one week on the North Island and 3 and a half weeks on the south island and we feel like we are just getting a quick glance. It is a simply beautiful country and the roads curve through hills and mountains and it slows your travel so you can have a better view. In our previous blog, we forgot to tell you a cute story. While we were in Wellington we were having lunch at the Paradise Café on the harbour. The waitress came up to ask Dave about the t-shirt he was wearing. It was from the Blake Street Brewery in Denver and ... read more
39 million sheep
View from our B&B in Nelson
Nelson is a hiker's paradise

Greetings from New Zealand’s North Island……..we’ve had a wonderful time exploring the north part of this island nation. New Zealand is much cooler and less humid than Asia and we are seriously enjoying the change in the weather. It is not quite summer here and we actually have worn shoes and sweaters for the first time since……Seattle! Some of these clothes we’ve been shlepping around are now coming in handy. We flew from Bali to Kuala Lumpur to Auckland. The flight from KL to Auckland was 9 hours and 45 minutes. We are now 18 hours ahead of Ohio and 15 hours ahead of Seattle. If you are afraid that the world may end tomorrow…. we can assure you that it does not as it is already tomorrow here. Auckland is quite nice. It is a ... read more
Auckland City View
Sky Tower
Great musician

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sanur December 11th 2007

Hi! We would like to start this blog off with a request/ challenge. We have a good friend in Olympia who has a son named Jayson. He is currently in 3rd grade and learning about our world. He has recently started a worldwide stamp collection and we’ve been trying to help him by sending a postcard from each country that we have traveled to. I would like to ask that each of you write down his address and when you travel outside the US in the next few months please send him a postcard from whatever country you are in. I know that many of you have friends and family living and traveling abroad. Would you please send this request to them and ask them to send him a card. We would like to see if ... read more
Boats at Sanur Beach
Dave on the beach
MJ in the lobby

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud December 6th 2007

Ubud, Bali After 5 great days in Lovina Beach, we traveled a little over 2 hours to reach the town of Ubud. The drive takes 2 hours, but the actual distance is only about 40 or 50 km. The roads wind through the volcanic hills of Bali and through many villages along the way. Bali is a very green island thanks to the rich soil and abundance of precipitation. We are here during the rainy season, but it has been unusually dry according to the residents. The land still appears quite green and lush, despite the fact that the rains have not started yet. During our stay, we did witness the start of some prodigious rainstorms, which are about 6 weeks late. They usually happen in the afternoon. Ubud is the cultural center of Bali and ... read more
Rice Terrace
Working in the rice fields

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Lovina December 2nd 2007

Selamat siang from Bali! This blog is one of three we hope to publish regarding our travels in Bali. We are going to be in three different locations in Bali, each of which has a distinct flavor. Bali is only one of the 13,000 islands in Indonesia, which is part of the world’s largest archipelago. We’ve divided our time in Bali to three locations: Lovina Beach in the north, Ubud in the central and Kuta Beach in the south. We would have loved to go to the island of Lompok but we didn’t have enough time. Sounds funny coming from us, but trust us, the world is too big to see it all, and compromises must be made from time to time. We decided to start our time in Bali by heading north to the quiet ... read more
More dolphins
Our guide Katuk
Sunrise at Lovina Beach

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket November 24th 2007

Sun, sand, beaches, beaches and beaches. Hello to everyone and we hope that the holiday was kind to you all and you got your fill. It is hard to believe sometimes that we have been delightfully unemployed for over 4 months and have spent the last 2+ months in Asia. At this point, we decided it was time to take a brief respite from all this fun! Believe it or not, all this traveling is a bit tiring and we needed to kick back for a little while. Now when you stop laughing, remember that this should never be construed as a complaint. For those of you that know us well, you know where we would head for some rest and relaxation……..the beach! And since we were in the neighborhood, Thailand seemed like a fine choice. ... read more
Patong Beach Sunset
Karon Beach
Kata Beach

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor November 19th 2007

Curious & Careful In The Kingdom of Cambodia For whatever reason, our interest in Cambodia was less than in other countries. Our time here was short and so is our blog…unlike the one for Vietnam, which probably seemed too lengthy to some. Our time in this country was split between Phnom Penh, the capital and Siem Reap, which is near Angkor Wat. We understand that the beach areas are nice but we did not go. Our personal opinion is that Phnom Penh is the dirtiest and smelliest of all the Asian cities that we have visited. This is not a city that we recommend spending a lot of time in. We spent a lot of time walking around in this city and you may want to take a taxi or a tuk-tuk to avoid the smells ... read more
Angkor Wat- MJ
Dave at Angkor Wat
Cambodian Countryside

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City November 11th 2007

We sent this blog out on Veterans Day and have recently learned that the travel blog server went down so we are republishing. Sorry for the delay. Vietnam’s Vitality First off, it’s really great hearing from everyone! Thank you for your e-mails. We are a long way from home and it is great hearing from you and keeping in touch. If you are one of those people who haven’t replied to the blog, it’s easy….at the bottom of the page is a spot to write a quick note. We would love to hear from you! We’ve been in Vietnam for the past two weeks; we have spent our time in Hanoi, Hue, north of Nha Trang, and Ho Chi Minh City. After our wonderful time in Laos, it was time to head to a new country ... read more
Dave in Hanoi
Citadel in Hue

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