


I started this blog on 2010 just when I decided to completely change the road I'm following and decided to make a road of my own. Freedom is definitely power, though it goes hand in hand with knowledge. Travelling once was a dream and vacation was a time to get away from reality. Since 2010, I have been travelling here and there across the globe searching for the real meaning of "a traveller" as suppose to "a tourist". In the latter, I realized that both are the same in some ways.

Throughout my travels and experience, I had learned so much with my experience and encounters. Life is free and beautiful. Now, I am revolutionizing my blog and my travels. I am in search of the beauty of the unkown and the allure of the unexpected experiences.

I have but one goal: to inspire others to travel to the road less travelled as a woman. Here are my adventures. From tourist to a traveller, to an avid backpacker. My search for life's beauty and freedom. I live by these words: The best things in life are free.

Some people dream their life... I live my dreams...

Check my most recent photographs on instagram: #chickyaroundtheglobe

*“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

*“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” - St. Augustine

* To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. ~Aldous Huxley

* The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. ~G.K. Chesterton

* We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. ~Hilaire Belloc


6 hours bus ride and I finally arrived in the small town of Copan. To get through the boarder overland, we were asked by the shuttle driver to fill-up 2 custom papers. The declaration questions I find quite bizarre; I must declare about anything and everything I am bringing to Honduras with no exception to my personal belongings. Maybe it was just me or the alcohol still floating in my system from the night before in Antigua but I found myself repeating the declaration statements over and over again. In my head: how the heck do I answer this!? ... Anyways, confused and feeling like an idiot, I just declared the gifts I purchased in Guatemala and see how it goes. To exit the Guatemalan boarder, I was asked to pay 10Q about roughly $1.40 US. ... read more
macaw's breakfast
all a hard days work

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Jaco February 27th 2012

We booked a shuttle that picked us up right in our hostel and dropped us off at our hostel in Jaco; you just have to ask. We were tired from travelling the chicken bus way so we decided, to be able to get from point A to point B comfortably, we have to resort to shuttles. The drive was was indeed comfortable and the scenery along the way is exquisite. The driver took us in the mountain side where we get to experience the cloud forest early in the morning. Very mysterious with the mist enveloping the trees that surrounds the narrow highway atop the mountain. The roads were filled with sharp turns and at some point it offers a view of the valley in the horizon, ravines filled with trees and jagged rocks, and small ... read more
me and the beach
Jaco Beach
Calm Beach

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Alajuela February 24th 2012

It was that time again, the travelbug made me itch, I have to jet off somewhere- anywhere! These were in my thoughts several months ago, it didn't take long enough for my desire to leave real life behind for another adventure, another place to see and explore. Right after my euro trip I was already searching for places to go, for people to travel with. I guess travelling becomes a life style at some point. It may have become a part of me. The destination to the unkown road somehow makes me feel real, more human. I don't know what it is but it definitely opens up my mind to a world of bizarre possibilities, unexplanable learned experiences, places where life seem to be at ease while the rest of the world stress. I am hooked, ... read more
bird's eye view of Alajuela from our room
a view from our room
someone's house...

I was watching Departures one night and beyond any words Justin, Andre, and Scott inspired me... I thought... it has been the biggest fear for me to travel on my own, especially having no set plan of where to go, how to get there and where to stay... and since I have 6 days off work... and having the chance to stretch a few more days off... this is my chance... it came to a now or never.... I decided to head down to Mexico City... Lucky enough I met a local who became a good friend from my Cabo trip last february and he had told me he would be heading down to Guanajuato around the same time I decided to head down to Mexico. It was just perfect! I do know un poquito of ... read more

Being in Toronto drives me insane... reality is good but most of the time it sux... the travel bug is making me itch... and there I was... finding myself jumping in on an opportunity to travel the moment I saw it... I told myself before that travelling would be a little hard since I moved out on a new condo last Oct 2010... i dont know what it is... but exploring the world is just in my blood... and taking myself out of my very own passion was the most difficult thing ever! So I decided to take the risk, touch my savings, take a week off my 2 jobs (even though one of them was new and btw I am not payed for my vacations), and hopped in on that plane knowing only one thing.... ... read more
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Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 6th 2010

I was beyond exhausted when I woke up knowing that our flight back home is hours away... Was I relieved? Maybe. Did I want to go home? No. I enjoyed every single day and moment I had in Greece... but I always felt that this trip would be incomplete if we didn't go and see Athens... too bad it was not part of the greece package we purchased... as I constantly try to persuade my friend to stay an extra day in athens, it was just not possible... So today, was the day that I bid adeu to this lovely country and hop in a looonngg ride back home.... As we met up with our group to find out which bus to take back to the airport... a very concerned looking tour guide stood right in ... read more
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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini »  Ia August 5th 2010

So the moment came, what I've been waiting for initially for this Greece trip... as the cruise ship stopped in the middle of the Aegean sea not too far from the port of the island of Santorini... we were all asked to head to the deck and boared another smaller ship. Well i must say, I was already liking it, other than the inconvenience of reserving a number for seats ahead of time and lining up with hordes of people trying to make sure they get on the smaller ship... it was all good. I mean when do I ever get to experience something like this... off from one huge boat and on to another smaller one... I just find small things like this fascinating.... As my friend and I boarded this small boat, luckily we ... read more
One of the many churches in Santorini
Photo 23

Europe » Greece » Crete » Heraklion August 5th 2010

As we were coming to the end of our island hoping @ Greece.... the tour cannot be complete without visiting the biggest island (as for our tour guide that is... otherwise not according to my Greek friends) I did not know what to expect in Crete but of our not-so detailed excursion brochure to the Knossos Palace... As we set foot to this old ancient ruins, older than any roman cities built in Greece itself, I found myself very excited. I do not know much about the Knossos history as I was not very much interested about their history when I was younger growing up learning about them in my history class, hence I was either asleep or lost in dreams, or maybe as simple as doodling my infamous stick man.... Anyways... as soon as we ... read more
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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Rhodes » Lindos August 4th 2010

After a long night of dancing, exhaustion dawned in me. I find it really hard to wake up early every morning especially since I am not a morning person to begin with. But this time was an exception, yes the alarm woke me up but I was very drowsy, no energy, eating breakfast with no appetite whatsoever, all I could really think of was to go back to that tiny cabin and crash. But I have to suck it up like a real trooper and start another amazing day in Greece, which island was unkown to me. I always thought I knew history, but as soon as I stepped down that cruise ladder and saw Rhodes for the very first time, I knew right away that I knew nothing about this place. I am a complete ... read more
uggghhh my crazy donkey
Hand made potteries
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Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Patmos August 3rd 2010

Our destination: The Cave of The Apocalypse, and the Monastery of St. John the Theologian (These two places were declaired World Heritage Sites by UNESCO)... so far it's been a very religious day... a few hours sailing from Kusadasi we landed in Patmos.... Although there's something different about Patmos I should say compared to the Greek islands that I've visited... it's a small island... very dry, a sense of quietness and emptyness in this place... We first visited the Cave of The Apocalypse... here John wrote the book of Revelations and in the Bible, Patmos was mentioned and also it said that God's voice was so loud that it created a crack in side the cave.... I saw the crack and investigated it... I believe it... it didn't look man made to me... it was simple ... read more
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