Stephen HS


Stephen HS

North America » United States » Texas » San Antonio August 1st 2017

Today promises to be hot, but not as brutal as the day before, high of only 98! We decide to skip breakfast in the hotel after our previous dinner experience and head out to the Riverwalk to find a nice spot. We try to yelp somewhere, but are having trouble locating anything that’s open at 8am and eventually stumble onto a riverside place named Ostras. We have a very nice breakfast while fending off various finches that have obviously learned to mine a potential food source. We are complaining about the heat from yesterday and our waiter informs us it was the hottest day since 2013. It reached 105 with 40% humidity. After breakfast, we head towards the Alamo. It’s only about 5 minutes away and we exit the Riverwalk and head North a couple of ... read more
The Alamo
Boat Cruise
Tower of the Americas

Neither Antonio nor I sleep very well last night. I am still trying to find a job and things are taking much longer than we had anticipated. If I don’t have something lined up soon he will probably have to stay in the U.S. for a few weeks, or fly back after we arrive, in order to process his settlement visa application. The realities of being separated for a few weeks weigh heavy. We are up shortly after 5am and get the kids ready for breakfast in the hotel. Another complimentary continental breakfast is included, and by now I can recite the menu by rote. AJ is under the weather and doesn’t want to eat which is quite unlike him. We are on the road by 6.45 am and the morning is cool and overcast. We ... read more
Cliff Palace 2
Cliff Dwelling 2
Kids enjoying the tour

North America » United States » Texas » San Antonio July 30th 2017

The drive from Roswell, NM to San Antonio, TX is a long one; 513 miles or 8 hours, plus another time zone jump. We are on the road by 8.00am. The drive East out of Roswell is relatively level and it’s already over 80 degrees with a forecasted high in the triple digits. The land is almost completely treeless and comprised of dry grasses and desert scrub. A couple of hours later and we cross into Texas, losing an hour in the process. Almost immediately oil derricks spring up as if confirming our location, looking like nodding donkeys with their slow and ponderous swing. Pretty quickly we enter farmland on a gigantic scale. Enormous irrigation circles are carved out as far as the eye can see, sucking water out of the ground to allow the green ... read more
Hemisphere Park Tower
Oil Derricks
Riverwalk (2)

North America » United States » Colorado » Cortez July 30th 2017

A quick glance at the map confirms that our next destination of Cortez, Colorado is just over 2 hours away. That gives us some extra time in our schedule today. It’s already 80 degrees in Bluff and we grab a few items from a very basic continental breakfast at the hotel. While Antonio isn’t looking I also borrow a pair of scissors and cut the tarp into the appropriate size. It does make it much easier to wrap, and the end result looks a little neater than the previous day. We head East and have decided to make a small detour to four corners. This is the only place in the U.S. where four different States come together in one point; effectively making it possible to stand in all four States at one time. The desert ... read more
Grand Kiva
Lowery Pueblo 2
Lowery Pueblo 3

The sun is out this morning and I head out early to drop the car off for an oil change. I’m surprised to see that we have already traveled over 3,000 miles despite being less than a third of the way across the country. We have clearly been taking the scenic route. The hotel has free bikes and I cycle the mile back from the Garage to eat breakfast. Antonio and the kids have already begun and we enjoy our third and final buffet at the hotel. After we eat, I walk with the kids back across town to pick up the car, giving Antonio time to pack. He’s bought a bigger and improved tarp but its enormous! We fold it approximately four times and make a suitcase burrito. I threaten to cut it but he ... read more
Arizona Vista
Lake Powell in the Distance
Monument Valley 2

We spent much of Monday afternoon relaxing. After 10 active days on the road and an exciting ATV run we were all a bit wiped. We ate lunch in Kanab at the Peekaboo Kitchen which was very nice. The kids shared a wood fired pizza and Antonio and I each ate salads. After lunch, we napped and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the hotel pool. Dinner was at Houston’s End of the Trail and frankly I wouldn’t recommend it. We woke on Tuesday feeling refreshed. The sky was dark with close grey clouds and the ground outside was wet. We filled up on hot breakfast and set out for Zion National Park, determined to make the best of the weather. As we turned left onto Highway 9, it began to rain; not the ... read more
Water at Park Entrance
Blind Arch and Falls
Braving the rain

North America » United States » Utah » Kanab July 27th 2017

I’ve been hankering to do an ATV tour since we were in West Yellowstone. The four seaters are strategically placed on prominent street corners in order to lure unwitting tourists such as myself. In West Yellowstone, they only rented the four seaters for a full day, more than we were willing to tackle, and in Moab we didn’t really have time to look into it. I see a bright yellow Can-Am in Kanab and check the website. They offer a half day excursion including a tour of a slot canyon which sounds perfect. The hotel provides complimentary hot breakfast each morning which is a nice bonus. After loading up, we head over to the Kanab Tour Company to try our luck. They are just opening at 9am and as luck would have it, their morning tour ... read more
ATV Ride
AJ enjoys the ATV
Slot canyon 1

North America » United States » Utah » Kanab July 26th 2017

It’s warm and sunny this morning which means I am sweating profusely by the time I have completed the ritual of the suitcases. A quick check of the weather forecast and I decide to forgo the tarp as it promises to be clear and sunny all the way. We load up on some free snacks and coffee from the hotel and decide to get breakfast a little further down the road. It’s about 30 miles back out to I-70 and we backtrack the way we came in a couple of days ago. Quick wave to the dinosaurs and a nervous glance at Gemini Bridges road twisting away up the side of the mountain. We take I-70 west and are back on the surface of the moon. Bare dirt, huge spoil piles - some tan, some grey, ... read more
Goblin Valley Family
Goblin Valley Sailing ship

Despite the consistent rain last night, the sun is shining this morning and Moab looks again as though it has never seen a drop of precipitation. Everything has dried and the bare red rock cliffs look as parched as ever. It’s as if this area is somehow water repellent. We have an excellent breakfast at the Jailhouse Café which is just a block down from our hotel. They have outdoor seating in specially constructed huts without walls. Custom canvas sides can be deployed for inclement weather, but this morning is in the high 70s and very pleasant. AJ takes the first meltdown as he wanted to drive to the restaurant and I enjoy a time out with him in the sun. Canyonlands National Park is split into four distinct and quite separate areas, none of which ... read more
Gemini Bridges Road
Grand Vista Point
Rocky Road

Our plan to get on the road early holds firm, mostly with the assistance of Adriana and Wesley waking up at 6.30am to cook us a delicious breakfast. I make multiple trips down the 3 flights of stairs with the suitcases to begin the ritual of loading. Antonio’s done something clever to reduce the number that need to be strapped onto the back from five to four; this allows a new configuration which hopefully keeps everything far enough away from the exhaust. I don’t believe I mentioned it prior, but we have melted the tarp and a couple of the handles from the cases by getting them too close to tailpipes. I have visions of us zooming down the interstate like a rocket with twin streams of fire and smoke trailing us upon re-entry. By 8am ... read more
Arches Vista
Balancing Rock
Highway 6 canyon

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