Page 56 of BobsJoy Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 15th 2010

Did not repeat the previous day’s mistake of walking too far but found our way to the metro where we purchased two 24-hour travel passes at a reduced rate of 60sek because we are retired (should be 100). A much easier way to get into the city and we travelled straight into the Central Station as we were catching the boat for Drottingholmen Palace from nearby City Hall. Got onto the steam boat along with a big queue and found ourselves, by choice, on top of the boat but in the middle of the deck where it was far far too hot in the direct line of the sun. The ‘cruise’ took 45 minutes and one there, after drinking a couple of gallons of water to cool down, we did the tour of the Palace. This ... read more
Drottingholmen Palace
Drottingholmen Palace
Stockholm centre

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 14th 2010

Within 10 minutes of arriving in Stockholm we had decided it was a wonderful city. We walked into town from the campsite, a pleasant 2.5km along the edge of the lake (could be sea at this point - tricky to tell where one becomes the other !) and over the bridge into Gamla Stan, the old city. The buildings are amazing. Stunning architecture, wonderful decorations and they all seem to harmonise so well with each other. We decided to find the Royal Palace first and did but on the opposite side to the entrance so had a good look round the other side first. There is water everywhere as Stockholm is built on a series of islands all linked by bridges so one side of the Palace is on the lake and the next side is ... read more
Fantastic buildings in Stockholm
Guarding the Royal Palace

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County July 13th 2010

Another long drive (280 miles) today down the E4 ever southwards from half way up the Bay of Bothnia until we got to Stockholm. Again we saw little of the sea though we followed the coastline for most of the way but we did get a couple of momentary glimpses. The ‘wild animal’ fence was in evidence again almost all the way along but obviously not 100% successful at keeping the animals on the forest side of the fence as we saw a dead deer in the road. Not a reindeer, just an ordinary deer as we are now too far south for reindeer. Fortunately just afterwards I spotted a young fawn in a clearing which was lovely to see. The E4 is seemingly endless but far more scenic now with lots of wild flowers and ... read more
Drove right through the centre of Stockholm
Camping under the bridge
A prettier view of our campsite

Long drive today and weather glorious so pleased we have cab aircon in the Tandy. I spent quite a bit of the trip trying very hard, but failing, to stay awake. Driving along the tree-lined E4 is like counting sheep. Its not that I don’t like trees, actually I like them a lot but not in such quantities and in such a monotonous arrangement. Both sides of the E4 are lined continuously with trees, nearly all conifers and, what I think makes it worse is the fence which is obviously newly installed between the forest and the road all the way along. Makes everything so regimented somehow. Not a branch out of place as it were. I presume it is to keep the Elks off the road but did still manage to spot one through the ... read more
Pretty bright blue lake where we stopped for lunch
At last - we started to see pretty countryside once we got to
Suspension bridge

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Luleå July 11th 2010

A far better day today in every way. First of all the weather was fantastic which always makes everything good. We showered in the Tandy, after lugging several containers of water from the sanitaires, as it was obvious that the campsite showers were unlikely to be free. Went down at 9am and amazingly they were closed for cleaning. Great timing. Bob got the scooter out of the garage and we drove to Gammelstad a few miles away. This is the original location of the city of Lulea which was moved to the new site, 8 kms away on the coast, when the water levels dropped / the land rose in the 1600s, leaving Gammelstad, once an island, without any water in its harbour. Gammelstad is a Church town, now designated a Unesco World Heritage site as ... read more
Gammelstad church and cottages
Me and a well
Unesco notice

Europe » Sweden » Norrbotten County » Luleå July 10th 2010

Sadly what we have seen of Sweden so far has just not been quite as good as the other three Scandinavian countries we have visited and enjoyed so much this trip. Hopefully this will improve when we have seen areas other than this “Northern Wilderness”. We left Oulu in Finland and headed, expectantly along the coast road to the Swedish border. Unfortunately, despite having driven from one coastal town to another for 150+ miles on a road which follows the coastline of the Gulf of Bothnia we have still not seen the sea proper, just several very wide river estuaries. The sea is out there somewhere but not where we have been. Just before the border we took a detour at Tornio to some rather dramatic rapids on the Torne river at Kukkolaforsen. These extend for ... read more
Sweden taken from Finland
Welcome back to Sweden
Swedish roads

Europe » Finland » Northern Ostrobothnia » Oulu July 9th 2010

Today is our opportunity to see a real Finnish town as we only have one more day before leaving Finland and returning to Sweden. Bob unloaded the scooter from the garage and after making the trek to the showers and also reporting the non-working wifi to reception again we scootered into Oulo. I wanted to take the easy route, the cyclist path, but Bob, understandably refused and we went the long way round on the dual carriageway. Not hot today like yesterday but ok and the bit of rain which fell during the day was not a problem. Not a lot to see in Oulu but pleasant for a bit of sightseeing and a good chance to see more ‘Finland’. Visited the cathedral and then found our way down to the waterfront. This is quite a ... read more

Europe » Finland » Northern Ostrobothnia » Oulu July 8th 2010

All’s well again with the weather. Can’t do with persistent rain like yesterday’s, it stops us doing things and that is bad. Woke to glorious blue sky, albeit rather later than planned as stayed up late again watching the lovely midnight sun over the river. Packed up as quickly as we could and headed off for the Arctic Circle (Napapiiri), Finnish style this time. Lots of Santa’s Elves about the place as this is Santa’s village, supposedly where he lives, and the site for the Santa’s postbox where children send their Xmas letters to Santa. Stood on the Arctic Circle line and took photos and bought a few presents, as shops excellent, including really nice traditional hat for Emily’s birthday. Used Santa’s postbox to post things but not Emily’s as not sure which is her current ... read more
Arctic Circle in Finland
Santa Claus postoffice
Santa claus park

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi July 7th 2010

After the glorious weather of yesterday, rather a shock to be woken in the middle of the light of night to the sound of heavy rain on our roof (rain is always noisier than usual in a motorhome). Not sure what time it was when it started as at some point this afternoon we remembered that one Scandinavian country was an extra hour ahead and of course it was Finland. So, the photos I took of the midnight sun yesterday are even more impressive - as I obviously took them at 1am and went to bed even later than I realised. Odd how one can lose an hour just by passing under the flag of Finland en route from Sweden but that is where it must have gone. We did ‘not a lot’ today because of ... read more

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi July 6th 2010

Hard to get up this morning as had very little sleep. Went to bed late as had to sort out the laptop which did a major go-slow on the internet and wouldn’t virus scan so was worried it had been ‘got out’ through some of the suspect wifi I have been using. Sorted it out and all ok by 3am ! Couldn’t then get to sleep as caravan behind us were partying - until 3.30 am. At 4.14 am it was not just broad daylight but it was also warm and brightly sunny which is not conducive to sleep. To get to Finland we had to go a little further North. We were hopeful the scenery would be something other than trees and tarmac but really it wasn’t so the I-spy jokes about things beginning with ... read more
Swedish houses
Finnish flag
Finnish reindeer

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