Page 55 of BobsJoy Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Wassenaar July 25th 2010

We decided against a visit to The Hague as possibly a bit complicated without a good map to find our way there and back again. Instead went to the coast for the day to the local resort of Schevinengen, only 5 km away from the campsite so easy scooter trip. Ha. We are confused by the bike culture here. The roads are cobbled and plastered with cycle route signs, so many that we cannot see wood for trees. Can we go down this road or not ? Is it only for cyclists ? After 20 minutes, including a few on the busy A44 dual carriageway which I did not like, surprise, we were back outside the campsite again. Second attempt did get us to the coast and that was culture shock. Great Yarmouth, Netherlander style. Miles ... read more
Superb decor for the beach cafes

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Wassenaar July 24th 2010

Leisurely start to the day on a pleasant, relaxing campsite. Showered, breakfasted then went for a stroll round the medieval (1400s) star-shaped fortress of Bourtange just a little way from the campsite. Was rebuilt, as a tourist attraction, in the 1950s and comprises the original encircling fortress of high, grass covered (and neatly mowed) ramparts in a star shape, for good protection, and a little village in the centre which has been completely renovated. Pretty spot for a short visit. We then set off for Wassenaar, seaside area next door to The Hague, where cousin Gillian lives. Set Clarissa Tomtom to avoid motorways and drove a rather scenic route for first half of the way following canals, crossing canals and as time went on, going out of our way to positively avoid the many motorways which ... read more
Pretty canal side
The Netherlands are flat !

Europe » Netherlands » Province of Groningen July 23rd 2010

Went to bed really late after late night call to Australia with Jenny and Izzy. (Memo to me: as soon as we get home I will have to get my flights booked as need to be in Melbourne in time for birth of my grandson). Packed up and left in plenty of time for our ferry to Germany from Rodbyhavn to Puttgarden, which was only 10 minutes drive from our campsite. At the ferry port we were loaded straight onto the ferry behind a horse-box containing two unhappy, kicking horses and a train. Yes, really, a train. It seems that the intercity Hamburg to Copenhagen train must travel part of the way, sans rails, on the ferry. Never seen that before ! We were surprised to find ourselves out at sea within minutes of boarding which ... read more
on our ferry to Germany
fields of grain
Breakfast on the ferry in the sun

Europe » Denmark » Region Sjælland » Lolland July 22nd 2010

Slightly better sleep but only because I resorted to earplugs to shut out the traffic noise. Incredibly when we got back to Tandy last night someone had parked so close that we couldn’t open our main window (and it was stiflingly hot) as it would have meant they couldn’t close their door. We headed out of Copenhagen on the motorway but then directed Clarissa Tomtom not to use motorways and she took us along some more minor, ‘straight as the crow flies’ roads right to the south of Julland to a little place called Hummingham. There is a campsite here and probably a beach a mile or so away but we stayed on site so didn’t find out what else was there. Had a swim in the rather nice pool but, as luck would have it, ... read more
Long bridge connecting one of the Danish islands to another
Narrow - marked as 2.5 metres
Reminds me of that joke poster you see in pubs

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 21st 2010

Woke after a not very good night’s sleep. This ‘campsite’ is convenient for central Copenhagen but it is the noisiest place I have ever tried to sleep, right beside a very busy road with trucks thundering and rumbling and pipping and hooting all night. Also very hot and sticky. We decided to use the Hop on Hop off water bus service so caught it from the canal, near the shopping centre by the campsite. We bought an all day ticket but actually stayed on and did a single full trip as we had good seats at the back and the queues to get on at the different stops were long and hectic. Not a bus service at all really as it only runs once an hour, not at all to time and last one back is ... read more
Red Indians in the square

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 20th 2010

Accidentally got up an hour early as the several clocks in the Tandy are set on odd times, non Swedish, and I miscalculated ! A nuisance as campsite office didn’t open until 9am and we were ready to leave at 8. Managed to get on our way by 8.45 heading west to Malmo. First we had to cross the long bridge to the mainland then we followed the same road, the E22, nearly all the way across southern Sweden. Took one short detour when Bob found a minor road we could use instead of the E22, as I tend to nod off on motorway type roads. I immediately woke up and very soon spotted a bright summer-coloured deer in a clearing. Uneventful but pleasant drive as the countryside is very pastoral with plenty of cows and ... read more
Fantasic bridge Malmo to Copenhagen
After the bridge comes the tunnel into Copenhagen
Copenhagen is full of bikes

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County July 19th 2010

Today the scooter came out of its hiding place in the Tandy garage and we set off to explore Öland. The island is bigger than we had thought so we decided to tackle st the south part as that is the Unesco designated World Heritage area. It is a massive plateau of limestone with only a very thin layer of earth on top and has a very unique set of vegetation. Human beings have lived here since prehistoric times. We hadn’t gone far when we realised that we needed fuel for the scooter and there were not many buildings about never mind garages. We would have liked to go right to the bottom tip of the island to Ottenby where there is an important bird watching area as this island is a major migration point for ... read more
Portrait shot of the scooter
One of Oland's many windmills
Landscape in the south of Oland island

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County July 18th 2010

Glorious weather has returned - blue sky and hot sun. Made even better by the news from the UK (which has been having a drought / heat-wave), that it is now wet and chilly. We left our very nice campsite at Gamleby and headed for our last stop in Sweden on the popular holiday island of Oland off the East coast. Easy drive there through pleasant countryside and we stopped at Kalmar to admire the castle, the beautifully maintained cemetery next door and the most wonderful scented roses which filled the air with their perfume. Good to see that down here in the south of Sweden not all the wooden houses are painted the deep red of the north but are in lots of lovely colours. Especially like the bright yellow and egg-shell blue ones. From ... read more
Oland Bridge
 Oland windmill
Wonderful beach for children

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County July 17th 2010

Woke to a grey all-over sky which was quickly followed by an explosive and very wet thunder storm. After all the heat of the last few days we couldn’t quite summon up the energy to decide where to go next so stayed on this very relaxed and pleasant campsite for another day. We did expect the rain to clear up enough so we could go down to the sea pool for a swim but never quite made it. Nor did we get to explore the little nearby town of Gamleby. Very pleasant under our awning though with a view to the water and warm enough to stay in shorts all day so we just had a good read and rest day. After all the hustle and bustle of Stockholm not such a bad thing. Realised that, ... read more
Certainly brought a lot of giant snails out
Swedish meat balls for dinner

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County July 16th 2010

Left the heat of Stockholm and headed south for a quieter spot on the coast. Stopped to shop on the way and bought what we thought was milk but turned out to be ‘curdled milk’. Yuk - does not make good coffee ! Really pretty driving in this part of the country. Everything is far softer somehow though there are still plenty of trees everywhere. We headed for Gamleby which seemed to be a reasonably small town on the coast, albeit in one of the deep coastal inlets as occur all the way down this Bothnian Sea coast. Found our Kustcamp campsite and liked it. Has a super sea water pool which is delimited by a floating pontoon. Our swim was quite delicious as we have needed a proper cool down since the heat of Stockholm ... read more
Super sea swimming pool
Liked our campsite spot so much

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