Sue Wilkins

Blazing BListers

Sue Wilkins

North America » Canada » Ontario November 21st 2010

This Grail Springs is certainly a place of mindful activities. As Gail and I do not fit in with the "spa" mentality or physicality, we decided to have some fun shaking up the other patrons a little. Everyday we pick a different table to sit at for our meals. When people come in expecting to sit at the same table meal after meal, day after day, you can see the looks of confusion and a bit of discomfort. We are bad, aren't we?? This place is a mecca for people from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal who are in high powered jobs and are looking for a reprieve...although I don't know how much of a retreat or reprieve one can have carrying around a Blackberry. We have not had the TV on or read a newspaper since ... read more
A castle fit for 2 BListers
Front entry
Front door up close

North America » Canada » Ontario November 19th 2010

On Monday, November 18th, we struck out from the Sault heading east to North Bay where my youngest son, Chris, lives with his lovely Lady Meg and their beautiful furry child, Oliver Quartz, or Oli for short. Gail has been complaining that she has "fruit fly brain" and in close spaces, this becomes apparent to the eye and ear. At one point along the North Shore, we were driving behind a transport truck and beside the road there were new logs laying a equal intervals. Gail was quite concerned that we were in danger as the truck was dropping its load. Well, the next thing we know the posts are standing up right at the side of the actuality, the truck was not losing its load. They were replacing the posts along the side of ... read more
Gail and Oli make small talk
Another day, another human...
The Last Supper...again.

North America » Canada » Ontario » Sault Ste Marie November 14th 2010

Gail and I have had some short trips since the end of February but as we near the end of 2010, we find ourselves pooped out from the trials and tribulations of oh, so ordinary lives!! You can see how the year affected our appearance. The Zombie Walk at the end of October was where we belonged. At that point, my poor BLister was describing herself as having a "fruit fly brain"...since her son Chris left for university in London ON in August, I have been her designated driver for any out-of-town excursions and believe me, she could not have described it better. So as Gail let her fingers do the walking on her laptop, she came across the website for a wonderful spa in Bancroft ON. Take a look!! We are still packing right now. ... read more
Zombies on the move
Entering the Zone

Still in North Bay but thought I would give you another history/geography lesson re one of the places we visited on the cruise. The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is a two island nation that has a prime minister and is governed as a parliamentary democracy, very much like Canada. These islands are situated on the eastern side of the Caribbean Sea. St. Kitts was originally named St. Christopher after explorer Christopher Columbus and eventually abbreviated to St. Kitts. The residents, called Kittitians, speak English with a Caribbean accent. St. Kitts is the larger of the two, spanning 68 square miles. The island covers 23 miles in length and at its widest point five miles across. There are varying terrains that range from semi-arid to rain forest, from flat to nearly impassable. Most of the ... read more
Flowers in the Botanical Gardens at Romney Manor
More Flowers in the Botanical Gardens

North America » Canada » Ontario » North Bay February 10th 2010

Thanks to all of you who helped me with my decision re my new boots. Don't worry Catherine, I won't do any heels. It was more the design I was looking for. I am so confused. A few nights ago I woke up out of a deep sleep and could not figure out where I was. It was pitch black and there weren't any took a few moments to determine I was at Jacob and Barb's house. Really, it was quite funny. But I am still asking myself, "Which way am I going?" So I thought I would add some more pictures of the trip...... read more
Surprised Sisters
Jan's trip souvenir for Dave
2 sister + 1 on wine run

North America » Canada » Ontario » Hamilton February 3rd 2010

Although we are back in the land of snow and travels have not yet come to an end. I spent the last 2 nights luxuriating at the home of my sister and bro-in-law, Jannette and Dave, near South Cayuga. Won't give you a history lesson on that one. Today, I am on the road again. Saw my foot doc this am and I am off to see my boot maker after lunch. I did not know how I was going to work these pictures into the blog. I took these in a store in Fort Lauderdale so I can tell Phil how I want my next pair to look. So I will number these and help me choose the one for me. Jannette purchased a "ho-bag" in this same store--a big silver bag. When ... read more
#1 and #2

Central America Caribbean January 30th 2010

We are now about 300 nautical miles from Fort Lauderdale and having to pack our very sad!! Last night, we celebrated Sister Lizzie's birthday. Liz is such a good sport and allowed us to decorate the room, wore the crown I brought from home and was so gracious when James the Cruise Director surprised her at the table. We have so many good pictures and memories. Carole had Liz's stateroom decorated and we had champagne when we met before dinner then again at dinner again. I had brought a few things from home for the party, a crown from the dollar store, a badge that said, "Birthday Girl", that sort of stuff then I did do a scavenger hunt on the ship for other things to add to her loot bag. There was the wonderful ... read more

Central America Caribbean January 29th 2010

On one side of the ship we are cruising in the Atlantic Ocean, if we run over to the other side it is the Caribbean Sea. Running from side to side on this ship has been easy. We have had unusually rough seas for this type of cruise, so they say. Maybe they knew we were coming. Actually, we are all still talking so this is a good thing. We are allowing each person some alone time and this is good for all of us. No one has been sent to time out yet. This is complete decadence and I have been told many a time, the best revenge in life is living well. I am writing this from the Celebrity Online Centre and rich, smart people can sure be stupid!! The staff person is a ... read more

Central America Caribbean January 28th 2010

Saint Martin is a tropical island in the northeast Caribbean, approximately 300 km (186 miles) east of Puerto Rico. This small island (37 square miles) is divided roughly 60/40 between France and the Netherlands Antilles. it is the smallest inhabited sea island divided between two nations, a division dating to 1648. The southern Dutch half comprises the Eilandgebied Sint Maarten (Island area of St. Martin) and is part of the Netherlands Antilles. The northern French half comprises the Collectivité de Saint-Martin (Collectivity of St. Martin) and is an overseas collectivity of France. The population of the entire island is avout 75,000 (about 5000 more than Sault Ste. Marie), with the Dutch having a slightly higher population. (Those prolific Dutch people, you know!!) The main towns are Philipsburg (Dutch side) where we are docked and Marigot (French ... read more

OK, it is taking some time to get acclimatized to cruising but I am loving every minute of it. There is just so much to see and do and eat!! If someone, anyone has lost weight on a cruise, they have to be anorexic. The 6 sister + 1 are starting to settle into a good routine of meals, tours, gym time, alone time and taking care of another sister routine. Picture taking has been a challenge as Sister #1 tries to organize us and get the best picture. We did do formal pictures the 2nd night but I think we will give it another try on Friday because no one was completely satisfied with how they looked. Because of the computer systems, I can't upload pics to the blog but Sister #6 has her small ... read more

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