Rebecca Kathleen Hindmarsh


Rebecca Kathleen Hindmarsh

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur August 27th 2017

Hi all, Another belated blog! I thought it would be..nice to catch up on the outstanding entries I've been meaning to do. I'd planned on doing it the past few days, but instead decided to have a Lord of the Rings marathon with my family in London instead. Having a day of doing very little after my big portion of the trip felt luxurious to the extreme. Nice was our next French destination after Toulouse. The drive into Nice on the bus was quite nice and the views along the busy highways were very pretty as we entered the outskirts of Nice. The ocean side towns were very pretty and akin to those in Amalfi and Positano. We arrived at the bus stop at Nice Airport. We were trying to find a way to get out ... read more

Europe » France » Midi-Pyrénées » Toulouse August 16th 2017

The expression pretty in pink springs to mind when visiting this rose of a city. Toulouse is renowned for it's uniformly "pink" terracotta coloured roofing. In certain lights, you can certainly see a rosy halo which bathes the city in the warmest of hues. Compared to other cities we have been to, there was a marked lack of tourists around. It was a nice departure from the usual mass of humanity we routinely encountered in our travels. Toulouse is a very walkable city, just as well as we only had a day there really as we changed the itinerary to have one night here to break up what would be an otherwise painful train ride. As it was, the overnight train ride was painful anyway. There were no phone/device charging points (odd considering that such a ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence August 14th 2017

Hi again blog devotees! I realize that I am writing the blog entries out of order. The reason for this, is that depending on what I remember most vividly at the time in relation to having motivation to write the blogs means that more recent entries seem to come before older ones. A fickle thing is my memory. We came to Florence from Sorrento. Our accommodation was in an excellent location in relation to surrounding attractions of the city which was great. The room itself had a rather annoying flaw, the fan had an incredibly loud ticking noise that got louder as the fan speed increased. Considering it was bloody hot in the evening with no air conditioning, we decided that the fan and its incessant noise was the lesser evil. Whilst I could sleep due ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián August 14th 2017

From Nice to San Sebastian, Bex and I were on the 'ole Flix Bus for 6 hours. We arrived at about 10.10pm. Google maps informed us we were but a mere 12 minutes walk from our hostel we were staying at. In good spirits and feeling excited about being in the heart of San Sebastian at night and seeing it all lit up, we started walking towards our accommodation. We should have known things would of course not be so simple. The warning bell started ringing when we walked down the final street towards our hostel. Drunk people were everywhere. It was a difficult road to navigate, made even more difficult when Google informed us that we had arrived, and we were unable to see anything remotely resembling a helpful sign. There were no indications that ... read more

Europe » Italy » Campania » Sorrento August 12th 2017

Getting to Sorrento was a bit of a mission. The train we took stopped at Naples, so we had to get a local train from Naples to Sorrento. That train was very humid and quite full. And it took an hour and a half, a somewhat unpleasant ride some might say. Upon arriving in Sorrento, we caught a local bus to our campsite which was located up a hill and a few windy roads. Our cabin was also up a hill. There were the most lovely of views from our deck though of the rugged cliffs and coastline, peppered with terraced, colourful housing. It is probably the best view I've had yet from my accommodation site. That evening we did laundry and what Bex and I refer to as "Life Admin", or trip sorting. We went ... read more

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice August 12th 2017

So, technological foibles have struck again. After finishing over half of my Venice entry which normally saves to drafts, somehow I have deleted it. Since I am typing this painstakingly on my cellphone, this has sent me into despair. Alas, I shall try and recreate the former glory of ten minutes ago. So back to Venice. Venice was a both beautiful and baffling place. Navigating it, is like trying to send a drunken mouse through a maze. But more on that later. The first hurdle was dealing with our less then ideal accommodation, at a camping ground. It all started with the tent. The surface area of the tent ensured that the maximum amount of comfort would equate to zero. The two slat camping beds took up the vast majority of the minimal space. Poor Bex ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik July 31st 2017

Hi again followers of thy blog! I am writing this entry whilst at my cabin in Sorrento, Italy, in the background an incessant church bell is ringing. I've never heard so many church bells since being in Europe. Dubrovnik was a pearl of place to visit, The Pearl of the Adriatic as it has been famously quoted. Situated in the lovely Adriatic coastline, Dubrovnik is highly pleasing to feast thine eyes upon. After being landlocked for the past few weeks, seeing the coastline again reminded me of home. I am most happiest when near the ocean, so the immediacy of love towards Dubrovnik was thus only natural. Secondly, I love castles. The old town is essentially a fortified castle built into the hillside. The moment our airport shuttle rocked through the gate into the old town, ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome July 31st 2017

Hi again, all you lovely peeps. Today's entry I've been holding off writing because, Rome was just so darn awesome, and I want to do the city justice in trying to convey all of it's awesomeness. We stayed at a local camping ground just outside Rome central for our Rome excursion. I rather enjoy staying at camp grounds, being in an outdoors environment with your own space is quite nice. Basically immediately, I managed to lock our single swipe card inside the cabin, so had to embarrassingly go and get one of the camp staff members to open our door to get the neglected swipe card. Such a typical absent minded thing for me to do, but by the sounds of it, this event seems to happen quite commonly. Our first experience involved going to get ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest July 30th 2017

Hello hello, The last stop on my two week journey with my first travel companion ended here in the transcendent Budapest. It seemed to be such a fitting destination to wrap up this leg of my travels as it was also my favourite place to visit. I have loved every place I've visited of course, but something about this city captured my heart completely. We arrived in the late afternoon and proceeded to sign up to a hop on, hop off bus tour as we knew Budapest was rather large and we wouldn't be able to do the city justice in a day if we walked all of it. Interestingly, we ended up walking far and wide anyway. We went on a quick circuit of the city on the bus to do some reconnaissance before really ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna July 20th 2017

Salutations! I hope all of you back in the heimat (homeland) are weathering the stormy weather. Today I am writing this entry from my hotel room in Budapest. Budapest is the last stop on the two week manic holiday with one of my friends. This will be the last time I have the luxury of using a tablet and wireless keyboard, so will be regressing back to the stone ages soon and writing my blogs on stone and an inscriber of sorts, otherwise known as pen and paper haha. So expect a potential drought of blogs until I return to London for a few days before heading to Thailand. I'll try enter them when I can. So Vienna, you have seduced me with your wily charms and beauty. My friend warned me that Vienna would likely ... read more

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