


To get away from the cold dry winter weather in Central Oregon I'll be spending two months in Costa Rica from January 9 - March 9 2010 and thought doing a travel blog would be a fun and efficient way to let my family & friends know what I'm doing and experiencing in the land of La Pura Vida.

North America » United States » Maryland » Frederick March 12th 2011

I'm quite sure I've successfully downloaded all the missing photos from the trip to Orosi Valley & the recent trip to La Paz. This includes three videos from the Orosi Trip. Still haven't figured out how to download the longer audio/video of the neighbors music from several weeks ago. Well I certainly hope everyone has enjoyed at least certain aspects of my travel blog...I tried to include a variety of things to appeal to many. At the same time I am a novice at this so my learning curve has been rather steep! Thanks for allowing me to share the past 8+ weeks with you! Ciao, Barb ... read more

North America » United States » Maryland » Frederick March 10th 2011

It's good to be back in the states in some ways, the most important is family! But I haven't felt bad at all about missing out on cold weather. Today in Maryland is cold, wet and very dreary. After a fair amount of turbulence during the flight from San Salvador to Washington DC it was nice to be back on terra firma. Going through customs was longer and more involved than I had experienced before. It took at least 1.5 hours. So by the time I met up with Judy there at the airport I was exhausted. We finally arrived at her house around 11pm and had something to eat then went to bed. Today has been a day of checking emails and regrouping....whatever that means. Now I'm going to start downloading photos beginning with the ... read more

My flight doesn't leave until just under two hours! The taxi dropped me off here about an hour and a half ago. Way earlier than I needed to. So I've walked a bunch, shopped a little and ate a typical Costa Rican breakfast at Burger King! Basically that means it includes beans and rice. For lunch yesterday Barb took me out to Fiestas de las Pupusas. I had never had a Pupusa before...I did like it. It's a typical El Salvadorean dish that's has a soft outer corn shell and it's stuffed with beans, cheese, and or pork. It's quite thin so there isn't much filling. The outer shell is thicker that corn tortillas. I also had my favorite, guanabana juice. So I've been up for some 6+ hours and haven't even flown anywhere. A nap ... read more

Hola! Barb and I left Atenas yesterday morning on the 9:00 bus, as planned. The half hour ride to Alajuela was uneventful...always a good thing;) Barb was just digging out her phone to call Maria Elena to let her know we were there when she drove up. I just love it when a plan comes together! The drive to La Paz took about an hour and took us through some spectacular country towards Poas Volcano, lush & green with rolling hills dotted with small pueblos with souvenir shops and restaurants to cater to the tourists....which of course we were! On the way we were fortunate to encounter an elderly Tico with his oxen & beautifully painted oxcart alongside the road....obviously in plain sight for tourists passing by who might want to take photos with his cart ... read more
Nice Looking Oxen
Closer Shot
Back of Main Lodge & Stairs to Various Animals, Birds, etc to See

The title of today's blog entry is due to the fact that we are without water here for now. Actually we're on their emergency backup system but just to flush toilets. Evidently this is affecting all of Atenas. Since it's Sunday they won't try to fix the problem until tomorrow. So no shower for me this evening. Tomorrow morning I'm meeting Barb at the bus station to take the bust to the airport like we did before. Once again Maria Elena will pick us up there but this time we're going to the La Paz Waterfall Gardens Falls Nature Park. You can check it out through this link. I'll be taking many photos but won't be downloading them to my blog until after I get to Maryland. This park should be amazing with all the ... read more

Hmmm...did you notice a trend with the blog title this evening? Food! The MR (Montezuma's Revenge) I've had now for over two weeks has subsided enough that food is tasting better and my stomach is calmer. So today I ate a several foods I've been avoiding for a long time. Of course it just so happens that these are some of my favorite foods but they don't mix well with MR. I had popcorn with my lunch then for dinner I cooked up sauteed some onions & garlic, added water and quinoa and simmered. I then microwaved some broccoli that I cooked in the microwave that I added to the cooked quinoa. It was so flavorful! After both lunch & dinner I had a little dark chocolate! Oh happy day! I actually took two walks into ... read more

Buenos dias, After a decent night's sleep I'm ready to share with you about my day yesterday with Barb and her friend and now mine, Camille, or Cammy. We met just before 9am yesterday at a bus stop in Atenas. Definitely not the bus station but rather just a stop along the street. I knew the area as it's right across the street from the Central Park and unfortunately it's right in front of one of the many bakeries in town that every morning fills the air with the heavenly smells of fresh-baked bread full of gluten! As always I tried to tune it out...not always easy. Somewhat easier though if there happens to be some dark chocolate available, which of course there wasn't;( None-the-less I survived once again! Cammy is originally from Vancouver Canada and ... read more

It was a very good day at the Artisan's Craft Fair in Santa Ana! It was also a very long and tiring day so I'll fill you in on the day tomorrow! Hasta manana, Barb ... read more

Have I aroused your curiosity with today's title? I would guess so. Okay I'm not an expert on bathroom backflow issues but I am privy to what can happen if you don't have plumbing set up right. Now what I and many others have discovered here in Costa Rica and probably other third-world countries is just what the result can be if the plumbing isn't set up correctly. In a nutshell you can get BAD odor coming up from the drains due to the escaping of certain gases. So a quick remedy for the odor issue is to place a paper towel, folded in double or more if you'd like, over the drain when not in use and this tends to take care of much of the problem. Did you know that in the U.S. there ... read more

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