Page 8 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran September 27th 2013

Today I visited the Cappadocia like fairy chimneys at Kandovan, the main differences between the two sites is that in Kandovan people still live in these dwellings, the town is smaller and not really set up for tourists, still it was a pleasant place to visit. Next it was a long drive through dull unattractive landscape and towns to Takab the closest destination with a decent hotel to Tahkt e Solieman or in English the Throne of Soliman which I will visit in the morning. I went for a walk looking for some dinner when I was approached by a young English student who wanted to chat, the next thing I knew I was in his class meeting his teacher, luckily it was women's night or I would have ended up taking the class. Eventually I ... read more
A panorama of the whole village
A unique and pretty village
This old man is riding his donkey to the next village

Middle East » Iran » North » Tabriz September 24th 2013

It has been seven years but I am back in Iran and this time I will concentrate on the north west of the country. I left Agarak a little after 8 am and was driven to the border by a very old man in an even older car, I then had quite a walk from the Armenia border post across a bridge spanning the Aras River, getting my passport checked by a multitude of officials, police and soldiers along the way. Finally I arrived at the Iranian immigration area and after a short wait passed through changing my dram to rials before exiting the building and meeting my driver and guide. First stop will be the town of Jolfa which is on the border with Azerbaijan where for some reason they dropped me at the hotel ... read more
Caravansari Abbasi
Now a beautifully restored restaurant
Dining rooms

Asia » Armenia » West » Yerevan September 21st 2013

I left the hostel early and travelled to the bus station to get a shared taxi to Yerevan when I arrived I secured the front seat and waited for other passengers to arrive, an hour later none had and the driver suggested I get a mini bus, there was no way I was doing that again so I just paid for the whole car. No sooner did we leave the city then I saw the results of a horror road crash one vehicle was smashed up on the side of the road the other was on its side and the windscreen was spider webbed where two heads had hit, this caused my driver to slow down for a few minutes. About thirty minutes later we crossed the border into Armenia, initially we were met with forested ... read more
Lake Sevan
Hay check out the truck
Train station

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi September 18th 2013

I woke this morning covered in mosquito bites, it rained during the night as well, the first rain I have seen since leaving home. I decided to walk down to foreshore passing some tired soviet era architecture and a few outlandish looking modern hotels. The beach on the Black Sea was covered in pebbles as many European beaches seem to be, I spotted the Mcdonalds so I went to check it out, it has to be the most unique anywhere. I then went to visit a Roman ruin before hopping a bus to Tbilisi, it was horrific, even worse than yesterday, the drivers here are probably the most reckless I have ever seen and they drive way to fast. The mini bus ride was terribly uncomfortable and excruciatingly long which meant again I arrived in the ... read more
Mektekhi church perched above the Mtkvari river
Peace bridge
One of the cities many statues in front of historic architecture

Asia » Georgia » Adjara » Batumi September 14th 2013

Seven hours on the bus today, the countryside reminded me a little bit of Mongolia. I found the hotel easy enough before wandering out to see a few historic mosques, have another shave and track down a few cans of Efes. In the morning I visit the ancient Armenian capital of Ani which was initiated in 961 and later abandoned after earthquake and warfare sealed its destruction in the 14th century. The church of St Gregory perched dramatically above the Arpa Cayi river gorge was certainly a highlight as was the massive cathedral built in 967. The Menusher camii (mosque) has wonderful views of the river gorge and of Armenia. Other highlights include the restored city walls and the Zoarostrian fire temple although little remains of this structure. On returning to the city I had another ... read more
A church converted to a mosque
Ruined hammam
Fresco on the wall of St Gregory's

Middle East » Turkey » Eastern Anatolia » Van September 11th 2013

I woke this , morning and was joined at the breakfast table by the tour driver who wanted to charge me 200€ to go to Nemrut Dagi I literally choked on me food he rushed off to get me water. Between gasps for air I was angrily telling him what I thought of that shit. He dropped his price but it is to late I cold fly to London for that, so I got a Syrian guy and a young Aussie backpacker to agree to share a cab out to a nearby attraction, when we got in he taxi Sameer asked how much to Nemrut Dagi, after some negotiation he set a price of 275 Turkish lira which was about half my earlier quote and they would share that cost. So off we went in the ... read more
The walled lane ways of the old city
The guest house courtyard
Climbing the mountain

Middle East » Turkey » Southeastern Anatolia » Şanlıurfa September 6th 2013

Early start this morning as I wandered into Anatalya's new city to find somewhere to purchase a bus ticket to Gaziantep which is 12 hours and eight hundred kilometres east. There is not a huge amount there but I didn't want to travel for any longer than that in one go. Eventually I found an agent and purchased a ticket for 8 pm. I then decided to go veg in my room till check out time, I left my bag at the hotel and hopped on the old tram to the Anatalya Museum. I had lots of time on my hands so I spent 3 hours wandering around the museum which was truly fascinating as the collection contains some fine sculpture. After the museum I had a late lunch and returned to the pension to collect ... read more
Classical Greek pottery
Aphrodite in white and black marble
Emperor Hadrian

Middle East » Turkey » Mediterranean » Antalya September 3rd 2013

I pulled by backpack on and walked down Leda street to the "border crossing" I entered North Lefkosi and hopped in a taxi for the 30 minute trip to Kyrenia. Kyrenia has a picture perfect harbour surrounded my a maze of alleyways full of bars, hotels and shops and is a great place to stay. The first night I had a room in the maze like back streets which was old but nice and enjoyed a great traditional fish dinner, the second night I moved to a room on the harbour with lovely view. The next day it was time to leave so l packed up and headed to the airport catching my flight to Anatalya in Turkey, on arrival I headed to passport control , there must have been at least 500 hundred people waiting ... read more
Kyrenia Harbour
Fortress and harbour by night
At Dawn

Middle East » Cyprus » Nicosia August 28th 2013

When I woke this Tuesday morning I decided to stay another day so after breakfast I grabbed my camera and headed down towards the port stopping along the way to have a look at the 13th century Ag Kyriaki Church built on the ruins of an early Byzantine Basilica, the church is still active today. I then attempted to visit the medieval fort but it closed off some type entertainment event, so I moved onto the Kato Pafos Archaeological Park which contains some wonderful Roman mosaics, an agora (market), odeon (theatre) and asklepieion (hospital) and also ruined 5th century church and Frankish castle. There are also a series of rock cut tombs, which I couldn't find initially and had given up on, till I had left the site and noticed a bus with "tombs of the ... read more
House of Theseus
The monster Scylla
The United Nations crossing on Ledra St

Middle East » Cyprus » Paphos August 26th 2013

After a horrendous day yesterday, delayed flight to begin then getting stuck with a bundle of Lebanese money I cant get rid of, I then had to pay way to much for my hire car. I had no maps it was dark and it took me hours to find my guest house in Larnaka's old town. Yet today was brilliant, talked to Ruth this morning which is always nice then had an almost full English, visited the tourist office, Larnaka's old fort and Agia Lazarus before hitting the road. First I visited and old mosque on the shoreline of a dry salt lake, cats everywhere, then a pretty church in the village of Kiri. Next was an extremely old neolithic village and a impressive medieval fortress. This was followed up by some stunning Roman ruins, although ... read more
Larnaka fort
The esplanade
The minaret at the Hala Sultan Tekesi Mosque

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