Page 6 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi March 10th 2015

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the airport to meet Ruth, they charge people to get into meet their loved ones but I didnt bring any money so I had to wait outside. When Ruth arrived she couldn't see me waiting out there and security wouldn't let me in so I grabbed a man entering pointed her out and asked him to send her out. We returned to my hotel so Ruth could have a wash then began the long drive to Orchha stopping a couple of times along the way, the second stop was at Datia where a child magician put on an entertaining show just for us in the shadows of the stunning hilltop palace, it reminded me of the young tightrope walker I saw a few weeks before in Bihar. ... read more
Katra Majid
Datia Palace
Boy magician

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi March 3rd 2015

Five hours over the worst roads in India's most corrupt state coverimg just on 150 kilometres, my spine feels like jelly and my arse throbs and this is just to Madya Pradesh (MP) border. MP has good roads, animals are restrained it is clean and green. There are few horns and traffic is less suicidal so last five hours were almost pleasant. After last nights unpleasant accomodation I didnt know what to expect but the Wildflower resort was pleasant and it seems I was the only guest so every time I moved someone was asking me if I needed anything. We arrived so late in the day that I had to get the lodge to organise my morning safari in to Bandavgarh national park and of course they sent me to the area where the well ... read more
India's national bird
Samba buck
Spotted deer

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Allahabad February 27th 2015

A couple of disappointments firstly after travelling all the way to Similpal national park I discovered on arrival that foreigners now need a special permit that would take four days to arrange anx I cant sit around on my arse that long. It seems a few years ago some Italian idiots went where they werent supposed to and were kidnapped by Moaists. TheI discovered ghat there were some stunning old temples in Bhubneswar that I missed. The next morning we drove for nine excruciating hours almost getting killed on more than one occasion before arriving with the dusk in Buddhism's holiest city Bodhgaya. The lord Buddha achieved enlightenment here sometime around the fourth century BC. Later I went into town for a feed good pizza and some banana choc cheese cake. Nalanda University operated from the ... read more
Main temple
Main temple and stupas

Asia » India » Orissa » Bhubaneswar February 18th 2015

Before leaving Rajahmundry this morning at Mani insistence, I visited the river front where a festival was underway and large numbers of people were being fed out of large steel pots, looking happy despite the morning heat and noise. I had to keep moving otherwise I would be surrounded by camera toting people trying to photograph me. The next destination was an old temple out in a rice field near the town Pithapurum the people here were also celebrating festival which was most colourful. The people here mainly speak Telegu which Mani does not do asking directions from locals was difficult so we failed to find the temple. We continued the journey north to Visakhapatnam or Visag for short, this city by Andra Pradesh standards is clean and pleasant. About 40 kilometers before arrival we stopped ... read more
Asia's third largest bridge
Tour boat

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Rajahmundry February 12th 2015

An early visit to the Undavalli cave temples was a highlight, carved from solid rock by Buddhists in the second century and adapted in the 7th by the Hindus the third level has a wonderful carved figure of a reclining Vishnu. The next hour or two was through rural countryside to the archeological site at Amaravathi where the remains of India's largest Buddhist stupa built at the orders of Ashoka in the 3rd century BC. Much of the carved stone that decorated the stupa are now in the British museum but a few pieces remain in the onsite museum. In the trees nearby was a fruit bat colony and some nesting birds. We traveled further north west to the Buddhist site at Nagarjunakonda which sits on an island in a lake created by the damming of ... read more
Undavalli Cave Temple
Reclining Vishnu
Undavalli cave temple

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Vijayawada February 9th 2015

After a long torturous trip with to many long airport layovers I finally arrived in Mamalapuram just south of Chennai at 9.30pm; 31 hours after leaving Australia. I must have had about two or three hours restless sleep during this time so straight after hotel check in I crashed, rising at 5.45am to bath before heading down to the Shore temple at dawn hoping to get some nice pictures. When I arrived I expected the place to be accessable but it was all locked up, fearing I would miss the light I decided to follow the fence down to the beach where various people were bathing and making a ruckus. In the predawn light I moved around some rocks out of sight of the bathers and climbed over the fence in to the Shore temple complex. ... read more
Mamallapuram beach at dawn
The shore temple
A denison of the shore temple

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Heysen November 2nd 2014

This is the last section of the coastal part of the Heysen Trail, Ruth and I left home around 6.30 am for the long drive down to the trail head at Tunkhead Rd where we left one vehicle the weather was overcast with the expected temperature being 24 degrees. We then drove on to the Deep Creek Conservation Park where we left the other vehicle on a headland overlooking the sea, the first 4 kilometres was few the lovely bushland of the conservation park before arriving at the headland near Boat Harbour Road. The views here were incredible, we then began the steep descent down to a stony beach where the footing was often precarious, we walked for about a kilometre before climbing up the side of another headland. We continued climbing up and down headlands ... read more
Views from a headland
Ruth heading towards a descent
Walking down to the sandy beach

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Heysen October 11th 2014

It has been a couple of years since I have completed a Heysen trail walk, so this morning around 6am we loaded our hiking gear into the cars and drove 75km north of Adelaide to the first trailhead on Cornvale Road near Hamilton leaving the first car there before continuing on to the second trailhead on Peters Hill Road where we left the other vehicle. The weather is cool with fog shrouding the valley so the walk up to the summit of Peters Hill was very pleasant, Peters Hill is not particularly steep so the walk was not taxing. On the way up we were lucky enough to startle a few kangaroos which is always a bonus. When we reached the summit we followed the ridge top south for about two kilometres before frightening a few ... read more
Ruth walks the trail south
Reminds me of the trees from Noah

Europe » Finland » Uusimaa » Helsinki August 14th 2014

I am not sure where to start, I packed my bag and headed down to the harbour just a short walk through the old town. I was a few hours early so I just sat and watched people arrive an hour later it was time to board the ferry. It was a big boat so grabbed a table by the window and ate a bagel washed down with my last, ridiculously expensive beer. The journey was short, just a few hours and the ferry was moving through the islands scattered around Helsinki harbour. Helsinki is an extremely attractive city the harbour area is attractive as are the streets around the city centre. I chose to take a taxi to my hotel which wasn't far from the port or the city centre, arriving after a short time ... read more
Pretty lane
Susisaari bridge

Europe » Estonia » Tallinn August 11th 2014

Tartu is about 4 hours from Riga through country similar to what I have seen since Minsk, the very comfortable bus continued on to St Petersburg after I disembarked. First task was to buy my last bus ticket to Tallin, which I did before popping into Mcdonalds for a Royale with cheese (a very tasty burger). A taxi was next, it had a meter so no rip off for once, my hotel is a fair way from the centre but cheap in comparison to what I would pay in the old town. My room has no aircon and as usual I am cooking, I have decided to do nothing this afternoon as there probably isnt enough here to keep me busy for two days, so tomorrow I will go explore. I caught a local bus in ... read more
Tartu central square
Town Hall
14th century church

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