Blogs from Asia - page 5


Asia » Nepal » Lukla April 20th 2024

It is a rough start to the trek. We leave at 2am from Kathmandu and it is almost 4 hours to Ramechhap and it is not much of a place either. Good news is that the weather is fine and planes will be leaving, the bad news is that as the airport was closed yesterday so there is a backlog of people waiting to fly. There are 3 airlines operating (I am flying with Summit Air) and as the flight is only 20 mins to Lukla it is not long before the queue melts away. We have a 09:30 departure so should make our planned overnight stay at Phadking without too much difficulty. The flight is not for nervous fliers; as we head up the valley we have impressive views of snow-covered mountains, others look worryingly ... read more
Ramechhap departure gate
Our flight to Lukla
Arrival at Lukla

Asia » Japan April 19th 2024

Left the Sanco Inn Hotel at 8:30 and had plenty of time to buy coffee/ matcha lattes and buns before boarding our Shinkansen bullet train to Hiroshima which left on time as usual at 9:12. It was a very comfortable 90 minute trip. Hotel Flex was an easy 10 minute walk from the station. We again took advantage of the luggage forwarding service, but this time sending all three of our big bags and packing everything into backpacks. This time, Krissy used her bigger backpack and I used the backpack that normally attaches to my Osprey suitcase. It worked quite well, I carried the heavier pack on my back and the second one on my front. We were able to leave our bags at the hotel as we were too early to check in. We then ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province April 19th 2024

We were excited to start our search for the elusive Spotted Beeb-Eater, also known as a leopard, given the boastful claims made by Yala National Park that it has the highest concentration of SBEs in the world(?). What they don’t mention in the brochure is that the Beeb-Eaters have chosen this part of the world to congregate because it also has a very high concentration of forest. And safari vehicles. Which does not make spotting a Spotted Eater an easy task! We had a slow drive to our camp, not because of traffic or any actual impediment, but because we were apparently early. We should have made the most of the aircon while we had it, because once we arrived, it was like a furnace. We were able to enjoy some lunch in the shade before ... read more
Beautiful grey faced langur
Eagle taking a bath
Dinner with Dante

Asia » Japan » Gifu » Takayama April 19th 2024

After Hiroshima, my plans were a bit fuzzy, but I headed to Takayama in the Gifu prefecture, to use it as the base for a few places I wanted to visit. Takayama is the largest city by area in Japan, but less populated as it sits in the mountainous Gifu region (Takayama means Tall Mountain). I arrived on the day there was the Spring Takayama Festival (Sanno Matsuri). It is the annual festival of the Hie Shrine to celebrate the arrival of spring, where 11 festival floats (Yatai) are taken through the city. Volunteers gather dressed up in traditional Japanese attire including Kamishimo (traditional Edo period Samurai outfits). Accompanying the procession are Shishimai (lion dance) performers, and the lively, reverberating gongs of Tokeiraku performers, who wear traditional robes decorated with the vibrant image of spirited fighting ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 19th 2024

It's been a few years since I was last here, but I arrive in Kathmandu off a flight from Bangkok. I've come to Nepal to trek to Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp. I haven't had to arrange the trek as I contacted my friend Khim in Pokhara who has his own trekking company, and he has arranged just about everything for me. The trek is planned to take 17 days and will take me from a start at Lukla to Namche, up the valley to Gokyo, across a high pass to the Khumbu valley, onto Everest Base Camp and then back down the main valley following the main Everest trail back to Tengboche, Namche and Lukla. Khim meets me at the airport, and he has booked a good boutique hotel in Thamel for me. We ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto April 18th 2024

Out the door this morning at 8:25 to catch the 9:09 train to Saga Arashiyama Station to connect to the Sagano Romantic train. Since we left earlier than planned I thought we could get the earlier train, but after getting coffee and entering the station we had to walk quite a long way to get to our platform. We were at the front of the line as we were there 20 minutes early. We reached Saga Station around 9:30 and the Romantic Train station was right next door, so bought a few more items at Lawson for breakfast. We were booked for the 10:02 train which left right on time as usual. It's only a short 25 minute ride but we did enjoy it. It basically follows the Hozugawa River valley gorge and we could see ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu April 18th 2024

Bhutan – it has been on our list for a long time! And it did not disappoint. A beautiful country of @ 780k people in the area @ the same size as Rhode Island. It has a constitutional monarchy with the beloved King as head of state. The country is @ 60% forested and/or protected. It definitely felt like the entire area we covered was one large national park with small villages and temples or dzongs on the hillside. Our trip covered an elevational change of 5000’ to 11,500’, many times in one day. The mountain roads consisted of switchbacks, narrow, not always 2 lane, paved roads with some pretty impressive drop-offs. But gorgeous scenery, with prayer flags everywhere!. And the rhododendrons were in full spectacular blooms! It was amazing to see the hillsides covered in ... read more
Tallest Buddha in Bhutan  50 meters
Beautiful painted artwork
Temple entrance

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province April 17th 2024

We’ve cracked it, reached the zenith of turtle. First was the Philippines where we saw one and jumped in after it, next was Lord Howe where we snorkelled around them while they were feeding, next Hawaii where we watched them topsy turvy and swum with with them as they moseyed along. But we have now encountered world’s friendliest and least law-abiding turtles. Unlike the Americans and Australians, they apparently had no idea of this 5m distance rule, and quite liked to get up close and personal. So we were ... read more
Mirissa harbour
Monkey bum shot
Monkey face shot

Asia » Japan » Nara April 17th 2024

Late start today because Krissy and Oscar slept in until 8:30. We still managed to catch the 9:30 train to Nara and got there about an hour later after one train change. As usual we picked up some buns for breakfast and with just 10 minutes to spare Krissy decided to line up at Starbucks for coffees and matcha latte and made an order. Daisy and I waited for the drinks so Krissy and Oscar would have time to find an elevator if needed. We just made it in time at 9.30 and got to Kintetsu-Nara station just over an hour later. We started walking towards Nara Park and there were deer everywhere on the footpath outside the park. Vendors are selling Deer crackers at strategic places for $2. We bought some and entered the park ... read more

Asia » China April 16th 2024

Sometimes, you must go into the water when fishing with a float rod and fly fishing tackle. This situation is typical in areas with a flat coast, where the depth increases gradually. This kind of fishing requires special equipment. You can't do without a wading suit. This article will look at which waders are best suited for various conditions. What should you pay attention to when purchasing clothing? How should you eliminate any tears in apparel? Read to learn the answers. Criteria for Choosing a Wading Suit In many fishing stores, wading suits are usually called waders. These are pants with sewn-on socks made of waterproof material. However, the material may vary. In one case, it is ordinary PVC or nylon. It does not absorb water, but it is not entirely comfortable for the body to ... read more

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