Peak turtle

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April 17th 2024
Published: April 17th 2024
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We’ve cracked it, reached the zenith of turtle. First was the Philippines where we saw one and jumped in after it, next was Lord Howe where we snorkelled around them while they were feeding, next Hawaii where we watched them topsy turvy and swum with with them as they moseyed along.

But we have now encountered world’s friendliest and least law-abiding turtles. Unlike the Americans and Australians, they apparently had no idea of this 5m distance rule, and quite liked to get up close and personal. So we were <1 minute in to our snorkel and we were inundated with friendly locals, wanting to hug our legs, swim right under us and feature on insta. They did seem to love having a camera in their faces!

At one stage, there were about five of them, literally a turtle everywhere you looked. And very difficult to keep from kicking or bumping them as we, at least, tried to uphold our side of the marine law. But they would not be dissuaded, and we spent most of our hour-long snorkel face to face to fin to shell with them. Truly an awesome experience and unlikely to be topped anytime soon!

We’ve had a fun and relaxing few days at our Paddy House, chilling in the pool as we watched the monkeys perform death-defying leaps overhead as they pilfer the unripe mangoes from the surrounding trees. Or relaxing on the balcony with drinks and snacks, watching over the rice paddies with their water buffalos and bin-chicken cousins. Or convincing the locals that a gruesome murder taking place via an epic game of Pictionary…the result not so relaxing as Eloise has continued to maintain she was cheated out of certain victory.

We’ve even managed some proper touristy activities, other than intimate encounters with turtles. A lovely swim at Jungle Beach (unfortunately the water wasn’t very clear due to the storm the night before), lunch at Coconut Beach and a whale watching trip. We were lucky to spot and follow a baby Fin Whale who was going about its business. It was very close to the boat and also to the surface so we were able to see it in some detail. Mum wasn’t too far behind but remained more elusive than her offspring.

Tomorrow we’re off to Yala to start the ‘animal’ part of the holiday…well, more animal than the turtles, whales, monkeys, water buffalo and birds so far have delivered!!

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