Seoul ( i ve got , but im not a soldier)

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul
July 5th 2011
Published: July 10th 2011
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Well the seven day trip ended up being five thanks to a delayed flight, following heavy weather in China. Plane was stuck or lost somewhere in China !
(flight back was delayed too)!
After China ,Seoul felt under populated despite being pretty Tiny.
Wish id visited the country or the Border Zone, but the weather in seoul was pretty bad.
Seoul was much more like Japan than China, and more expensive than China, Japanese Prices.
Still the War musuem was very good and lots of info on the Korean war.
Lots of temples which were good but not as cool as the Chinese ones.
The people are interesting, very western , would probably be an interesting place to work and live and get under the skin of the culture.
Met some cool people and discovered the

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