Xian and Pingyao

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Asia » China
June 22nd 2011
Published: June 27th 2011
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another night train from shanghai and a lovely free pick up from the chaos of Xian station .
great ! shame the cute danish girl was staying at the sister hostel and not mine 😊
Had a mare refinding my hostel after a wander around on my first day, didnt get my bearings til the very last day 😊
moron !!
loved the muslim quarter, great people watching and proper kebabs !
didnt cycle the wall like a lazy bugger but did the warriors of course minus the tour and went with the aussie lads to some other tomb that was ok but basically more stuff in trenches.
you d think the dudes would have saved money and done one big place for all of them ! would have saved a ton of money and labour !
had a great day with the aussies having kebabs and walking beers and talking shite, followed by more beers at the great hostel then street kebabs outside our hostel, great fun !
big goose pagoda on the last day then off to pingyao on a night train no bed just a seat.
hated it ! awful ! really was , i was so bloody glad to get to the hostel.
loved pingyao but wish i d stayed at the harmony.
didnt go into any of the sights, gave my money to cats and old people instead.
the place was great, real old chinese town surrounded by a wall and great to stroll around
happy days 😊

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