Blogs from Cebu, Philippines, Asia


Asia » Philippines » Cebu April 3rd 2024

We returned to Manila from San Fernando on a surprisingly quick and easy bus . Bizarrely, it was quicker than the taxi we took on the outbound journey and ridicuolously cheap too. On arrival, we transfered to our Airbnb apartment next to Terminal 3 and settled in to watch Netflix and grab an early night before our flight to Cebu the following day. When the following day came, everything went like clockwork and we landed at 10.30am. Having been stung once by an expensive taxi, we were determined this time to cross the island by bus and it couldn't have been easier although i made the mistake of choosing the back seat which magnified every bump and pothole that we came across on this 4 hour journey. Moalboal was our destination and we arrived outside a ... read more
A solitary swim out to the deep blue, Moalboal
Sundowner at the Hale Manna, Moalboal
Stay 'n' Save private shoreline area

Asia » Philippines » Cebu August 31st 2019

I was born and raised in Cebu City and for my entire 26 years living in the City, I have never been able to visit all the places since I am not really a big fan of the local attractions. But this was until I made a decision to try a City tour together with my college friends. Me and college friends went together to experience some of the local attractions and destinations there is in the City. Although it was my first time trying this kind of tour, I am not completely ignorant about the places that are famous or on a trend in the City since I could see them being talked about in the social networking sites. Before we start with the places that we have visited, I just wanna say that if ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Cebu City April 1st 2019

Generally, I need to get away every two months to keep my sanity, especially when I get really busy. So, my friend's wedding in the Philippines was the perfect opportunity. Joselet and I used to be office mates when I first worked in Dubai, and her twin, Joevet, also worked in our company. They were two of my first friends in Dubai and showed me around often. We've kept in contact over the years, even though Joselet moved on to another company. And now - she was getting married! Despite a huge report deadline, and many other things hanging over my head, I still kept to my trip. A much needed trip. I worked in the business class lounge until 1:30 in the morning reviewing reports. Fortunately, when I made my way to the gate, as ... read more
Dubai girls!
Pool at the hotel
Me and the twins

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Lapu-Lapu City March 12th 2019

V ubytku behnutie nad recepciu kde stoliky, kuknuty net a navrat na izbu. Tu problem, karta na dvere mi uz nefungovala, tak nazad na recepciiu nech mi ju zas odblokuju. Z izby mimo mydla beriem aj toaletak. Na ranajky v hrncovni ako vcera. Po jedle este kupa kolacikov na letisko a pesibus smer mini letisko. Vonku dobru hyc, nabuduce radsej zobrat motorolu za 10p nech sa drbat 20min po slnku. Letisko skutocne miniaturne. Prva kontrola letenky, ok, dalej rontgen. Za nim hned natlacene dva check iny a hned dalsia kontrola ku gate. Vsetko od seba vzdialene max 3m. Pred gatom klima na plno a dost ludi. V priebehu 45min odlietali dva lety do cebu. Jedno s philiphines airlines a druhe moje cebu pacific. Bolo zaujimave sledovat prvy let. Lietadlo vrtulove. Obsluha dala najskor signal na start ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu March 4th 2019

Current group: Yaron 45.4, Liya 11.5, Ariel 8.8 I'm not a beach guy. I cannot sit and do nothing as expected from someone at the beach. I was never able to spend hours rolling "from stomach to back". I get restless. Check my phone. Walk around, look for what there is at the end of the beach. Dig a hole in the sand then build a large pile with the sand I just dug out. Go eat something. Look at my phone some more. And that covers just the 1st hour. So going the the Philippines was not an obvious choice for me since it is a nation comprised of over 7000 islands. All these islands are surrounded by... beaches The beach experience so far has been more than tolerable and has even exceeded my expectations. ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Malapascua February 20th 2019

Pohodove vstavanie, docapovanie free vody do 1l flase + asi 0.2l do flasky co som dostal v koreii a smer hrncovna na ranajky. Konecne nudle, tak zmena oproti ryzi. Najedeny smer severna plaz langop. Najskor idem po rovnakej cesticke ako vcera, neskor to ale lomim k zapadnemu pobreziu. Minam vysielac a uz som pri prvej zapadnej plazi. Samozrejme odliv tak nahovno a lodky. No i tak toto neni moj ciel. Obiehaju ma motorky, vzdy zatrubia aby na seba upozornili. Asi po polhodine prichadzam do ciela. Ono idem bosy, inak by som to dal rychlejsie. Bosim idem, bo ma slapky este na camotes island odrali a hoji sa to dost pomalicky. Na plazi rezort s restikou ale to ignorujem a idem az uplne v pravo ku skale , ktora vrcha na plaz tien. Usadzam sa, pomalicky zacina ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Malapascua February 19th 2019

Zobudenie sa tesne pred zazvonenim budika o 3.25. Smer dive centrum. Tu akurat nakladali na karu vybavu, tu potom tlacili az na plaz a vsetko dali na clnok a z clnka na lod. Dnes ideme potapat traja plus guide. Amik ma advance ale ma menej ponorov nez ja, vraj okolo 20. Zrejme si hned po owd spravil aj vyssi level. Inak to je potom dost klamlive, papir ma ale skusenosti nie. Chalan co ide s nami bol aj vcera, francuz abo belgican. Prakticky celu dobu bol na mobile. Bud telefonoval abo vypisoval. Z dive centra ideme na plaz, nalodenie na vcerajsi clnok, ten nas premiestnil na lodku. Fasujeme banany, moje ranajky, a smer tresher zraloci. Ostrov nam ostava za chrbtom, ideme na vychod. Na zapade neskutocny spln mesiaca. Uplna nadhera. Pred cielom vyrazne spomalujeme, kotvime sa ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Malapascua February 18th 2019

Rano v sprche netiekla voda a to sa mi chcelo srat. Tak hned nahlasenie v restike a obsluha sa pustila do opravy. No opravili to az poobede zrejme. Baba co som jej vcera poradil cestu na ubytko ide tiez potapat, odporucila mi fun&sune dive. Po hlavnej ulicke som sa vybral na vychodny breh ostrova. Zastavka v hrncovni na ranajky tesne pred namestickom kde je na vyber viac jedla ale nie rano. Prichadzam na plaz, no sklamanie, same lodky, takze zadny relax. Po pobrezi idem k odporucanemu dive centru. Baba sa ma hned pyta aku mam certifikaciu, tak jej klamem ale kedze ju chce vidiet zistuje, ze je owd. K zralokom teda mozem ist ale musim si zaplatit instruktora a to je drahe. Este mi vola divemastera, s nim debatujem, vraj by sa dalo aj s owd ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Malapascua February 17th 2019

V noci boli vypadky elektriky, takze fan nefungoval a v izbe bez okna do ulice strasne teplo co malo za nasledky, ze som sa budil. Nad ranom do toho vsetkeho este skriekajuce zvuky zvierat. Z ubytka teda padam nieco pred 6.00. Mierim do centra, v pekarni opat ranajky vo forme kolacikov. Pri platbe som sa odrbal, miesto 100p som zaplatil 1000p bankovkou. Mi to aj bolo cudne co predavacka beha po celej pekarni a hlada prachy. Ta mi potvrdila, ze ziadne jeepeney neni. Hned sa mi ponukol chlapik za 120p. Idem von z mesta, predsa ked odchadza lod, musi tam nieco ist,i ked je pravda, ze lod ide az o 8.30 Cestou zastavuju pri mne dalsi motorkari, cena 100p. Vyslapal som kopcek a zas dalsi motorkar. No ten vedel len filipinsky, nakonec mu ukazujem 70p a ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Cebu » Camotes Islands February 16th 2019

Tentoraz som udajne opat v noci chrapal a ten chuj ma v noci aj zobudil. Mi poklepal na rameno, otvorim oci a nademnu smrtak, som sa skoro posral ale po minute som opat zaspal. Tentoraz idem na inu pumpu. No tato bola este drahsia. V pekarni nakupujem kolaciky, tie hodene doseba na promenade. Dnesny plan je ostrov poro. Peknou spojovacou cestickou lemevanou stromami prechadzam na druhy ostrov. Idem protismere hod ruciciek. Oproti vcerajasku je to tu menej zastavane, cesta v pohodicke. Ta ide po pobrezi. Opat odliv ale i tak fajn pohlad na more. Pred skolami kopa motoriek a kopa ludi. Vyzera to ako na neake male volby. Miestny vodopad ignorujem a valim si to do bukilat cave. Opustam pobreznu cestu, stupanie cez mensie stredoostovie, nazad k pobreziu. Parkujem na basketbalovom ihrisku. Tento sport je tu ... read more

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