Blogs from Boracay, Philippines, Asia


Asia » Philippines » Boracay July 26th 2023

The island hopping adventures have kicked in to full gear, as I continue my travels in the wonderful Philippines. Soon after arriving in the islands, a lot of the talk has been about Siargao. To be honest, I had never heard of the island but it seems to be the happening spot now for travellers and locals alike. Well, this mysterious island will remain a mystery no more as I flew in from Cebu for a week's stay. All of the reviews online were raving about a particular hostel, and although a little way off the main road and requiring some off road motorbiking, Hiraya Surf hostel proved to be one of the most enjoyable places I have stayed in anywhere in the world. There was the initial shock after checking in to find I was ... read more
Stunning views
Lovely scene
Palm tree heaven

Asia » Philippines » Boracay January 6th 2018

Ich hatte lange mit mir gerungen. Philippinen ja oder nein, denn geplant hatte ich diesen Aufenthalt nicht. Das auswärtige Amt und viele andere Internetseiten hatten vor einem Aufenthalt gewarnt. Doch manchmal andern sich Pläne und diesmal auch meine. Ich buchte meinen Flug von Singapur nach Boracay. Ich sitze mit Cloe im Spider House. Cloe ist meine Zimmernachbarin im Frendz Resort und durch und durch Aussi! Während sie ein Red Horse Bier trinkt, genehmige ich mir einen Cuba Libre. Wir schauen aufs Meer und genießen das Ambiete des Restaurants. Mit am Tisch sitzen noch 3 Holländerinnen und ein Engländer. Mit vollen Bäuchen schlendern wir den Strand entlang. Es ist mein vorletzter und Cloes letzter Abend in Boracay und wir lauschen den leichten Wellen am Strand. Alles begann damit, dass ich spontan einen Flug nach Boracay gebucht hatte. ... read more
Abendessen im Spider House Restaurant
Strand Boracay

Asia » Philippines » Boracay May 1st 2016

after almost 2 months of being home, we finally got round to posting the final blog. Enjoy! Friday 22nd April 2016 Today we are leaving Pangloa and the man with a van, and I actually mean a green van (think Sooty’s van) arrived to collect us at 8am to drive us to the port. We were expecting a taxi, but considering it was only a 30 minute drive it was fine with us. When we arrived at the port we were told that the next boat only had seats on the roof available and with a 2 hour boat journey ahead we didn’t really fancy sitting on the roof. We decided to book a couple of seats on the 11:40am boat and this gave us time to pop over to a café for some breakfast. When ... read more
Random rocks in the sea
Dragon boat racing
Beer and Jenga

Asia » Philippines » Boracay September 16th 2015

5 years ago, my family and my godmother together with her husband, went to Boracay. It was a marvelous trip filled with a lot of enjoyable experiences. This Boracay trip was my 2nd time to ride an airplane. The moment that the plane was stable on the air, it felt like that I was on top of the world. Especially when you look outside where you'll see the clouds and the tiny city below you. I took photos of what it looked like outside while inside it. Hello there fluffy clouds! (Pardon the bad-looking photos, my photography skills were not yet exercised haha) After an hour or so, we landed on Kalibo airport. But.. Boracay isn't here yet. We took another ride that they called as "jetty". It was like a small RORO ship which took ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay September 9th 2015

Philippines was originally on my list of countries to visit after Indonesia, but (and this sounds big headed to say) I was bored of beaches and I wanted big cities and towns. So coming here after Japan, South Korea and Taiwan I was ready to hit the sand and sea again. My first headache before leaving Taiwan was that to enter Philippines I had to have proof of onward travel for leaving the country. As a backpacker it is impossible to work out when and where I’m going to be leaving but the airport seemingly will not allow you on to the plane without it. However I was told of a website that gives free fake onward travel documents which was a godsend and a little bit illegal! Although nervous when I handed it to the ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay May 19th 2015

NB - This is being not published in order, I'm having PC problems and cant uploads my pics. After tearing myself away from soi dog it was time to meet up with Gary again and start the trip. We met in Kuala Lumpur for 2 nights before flying to the Phillipines. I dont have much to say on KL, it was a pretty boring place! Gld we only had 2 nights there. It was quite western which was nice after Thailand and I could buy muself a Starbucks. The trains were all really nice and airconed and the food was good. Sight wise, not much. On we flew to Boracay for a week of beach and doing as little as possible. In order to get there you need to take a van for about 2 hrs ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay March 15th 2015

A short sum up from my weeks in The Philippines ... read more
Whale sharks, oslob
Habla Habla

Asia » Philippines » Boracay February 10th 2015

We have had such a lay back two weeks doing absolutely nothing after we left Manilla we traveled to the island of Palawan, to Puerto Princesa we found a tree house on a beach and relaxed for a few days met a few travellers and swapped a few travel stories and made new friends which is always good Polish girls who were traveling Philippines to Indonesia. The most lovely couple Vladimir and Katerina who we spend good company with were from Czech Republic and I think I have never seen some one drink so much in my life. Vladimir was crazy and he also danced and sang and even though he spoke English, he did however confuse words like Niece and knees so the story went. This Dutch girl was telling us about her beautiful niece ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Boracay February 8th 2015

Asia » Philippines » Boracay November 9th 2014

Boracay! At last we've met! I would like to share to you guys my most relaxing yet enjoyable vacation in my life. For almost 2 years of non stop working in office my boyfriend invited me to have a get away sometime. So we saved the date and He immediately book a flight for us going to Boracay. He ask me to find a Hotel/Place where we can stay. I am not choosy but definitely I want a place where we can relax and have good night sleep. There were many sites in Internet who offers affordable rooms, I only have a vacation once for a long time, and not sure when I am going to have a vacation again. So I plan this vacation of ours to be enjoyable yet relaxing and most of all ... read more
The Orient Beach Boracay

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