Blogs from Menado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado November 2nd 2016

It’s not often that I write a blog about one specific place, it’s not my style you could argue. I like my tale to encompass a larger geographical range, if possible. Not to get your hopes up, this one isn’t any different. But the pictures are of one spot only and that spot is called Tangkoko National Park, well the official name is longer, but I think Tangkoko will suffice. Why just one spot? Because, I didn’t do anything that was worth taking a photo of until I got here, which incidentally doesn't mean that there wasn't anything worth taking a photo of (a better person than yours truly would have found ample opportunity to use the camera, no doubt presenting you with a mesmerising glimpse of everyday life along the lesser travelled roads of Sulawesi). ... read more
Tangkoko National Park
Tangkoko National Park
Tangkoko National Park

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado April 22nd 2016

The only way to claim that you have dived the world, is to dive , one dive site at a time! Leslie has two weeks of school holidays before starting serious school exams...and Tiffany is already back at school in South the boys are back on the road, and under the water! I have already dived in few places around Indonesia, doing Pulau Weh, Gili Trawanggan, Komodo and even Bali. So for Indonesia, North Sulawesi was still on the list. You may have heard of Lembeh, world class muck diving. You basically dive on a black sandy bottom, meeting little creatures that you will only find here. There is also Bunaken and the wall diving. To complete the triangle, you have at the top north tip of North Sulawesi the islands of Bangka and less ... read more
Nudibranch, Lembeh
Porcelaine crab

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado March 15th 2016

Four nights in Paradise? Well perhaps not paradise but pleasant none the less, there is a mosque opposite the island which is a little annoying at 430am, the lack of running water and power during the day kind of sucked and the steamy mosquito filled nights were terrible but for $25 a night full board who am I to complain. The first full day we visited Malenge Island hoping to see some wildlife, there aparrently is some there we just didn't see any, the jungle hike was extremely hot and comfortable although the guide cracked a few coconuts open so we could have a drink. Finally we reached the other side of the island and popped out at an eco Resort where we had lunch and a lot of h2o. We then headed out to Hotel ... read more
Local transport
Just chillin
Island sunset

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado April 11th 2014

I could not believe I couldn't find Gorontalo in the 'location list'. Anyway, Gorontalo is located in the Northern part of Sulawesi, Indonesia. It used to be part of North Sulawesi province but since a few years ago, it became a province of Gorontalo. Coming from Singapore to Gorontalo via Manado by Silk Air, I felt the stark contrast of the culture between Manado and Gorontalo. During my transit in Manado, I was reminded how friendly the people were; I could not help overhearing an immigration officer asking a tourist at the counter the purpose of his holiday, and jokingly said 'honeymoon' to the middle aged couple - unlike the kind of flat tone we heard from immigration officers anywhere else. While waiting at the airport lounge, I was reminded the outgoing nature of the Manado ... read more
Stunning View around Olele
Paradise Beach
Pygmy Seahorse

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado July 12th 2012

We got onto a boat with Mike and Michelle for the last time as we headed over to Manado. The guys at the resort look every small but picked up our 20kg bags 2 at a time without straining. At the port in Manado, we docked next to another boat and had to walk through it and up a makeshift ladder to get to dry land. Again the bags were transported by the guys as if they were light as a feather.We said goodbye to Mike and Michelle and also to our wonderful diving guide, Adi. He was going back to the mainland for a day off with his family. It was actually quite sad to leave them all. We hadn't booked a car to the hotel and were just going to get a taxi but ... read more
Tomohon Market
Chili at the market
Fried banana with chili

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado February 29th 2012

und hier noch die fehlenden Tauchfotos von den Togian Islands, in Zentralsulawesi (das Paradies) und Bunaken Island, ganz im Norden von Sulawesi, Indonesien, nicht mehr weit zu den Philippinen. für mich und für viele andere Taucher ist bes. Bunaken nach Sipadan, Borneo die Nummer 2 weltweit der besten Tauchplätze. Besonders beim Muck-Tauchen (ähnlich wie Schlammtauchen, also keine Korallen) und beim Nachtschnorcheln (war teilweise ganz schön furchteinflössend) habe ich die bisher verrücktesten Tiere gesehen, kein Wunder dass so viele danach süchtig werden, besonders wenn man schon lange bei den wunderschönen Korallen taucht, siehe die Fotos... read more
die unterwasserwelt
nemo - Clownfish

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado January 24th 2012

Bangka/Sauhong island lies just to the north east of Manado, across the banka strait from the Lembeh Strait. I went there to dive a particular spot which was as stunning as I had been told - I often ask dive guides there favourite spot and this one kept coming up, so I knew I had to get there. Bangka isnt the easiest of islands. There are three dive resorts and liveaboards do visit. Trips from Bunaken and Lembeh and vice versa are available. Your resort will arrange pickup from the airport and take you to Pantai Surabaya (which of course is nowhere near Surabaya) where your boat whisks you away to one of those rare places still largely devoid of bloody tourists. I spent a night on the mainland due to my Lion Air flight being ... read more
My Minahassan Style house on mainland
Pink Ginger
White Ginger

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado October 3rd 2011

So sitze gerade in Bangkok fest, mit einem komischen Gefuehl. Gerade meinen Pass an ein Reisebuero abgegeben, um mein Indienvisum zu organisieren, aber wird nicht einfach, da ich ein laengeres Visum will (4 Monate), als sie hier in Bangkok normalerweise machen und dazu kommt der Pass dann zurueck, wenn ich eigentlich Thailand bereits verlassen haben sollte, da ich nur ein 15 Tage Visum bekam, da ich ueber den Landweg von Kuala Lumpur mit dem Zug eingereist bin. Dazu will ich die Wartezeit mit einem weiteren 10 Tage Meditationsretreat verbringen, warte hier auch noch auf die Zusage, kann aber keinen erreichen, Zuege in die Richtung werden langsam voll... also nette Situation. Und Bangkok ist trotz Nebenzeit (falls es die hier gibt) so voller Touris und Backpacker, da weiss ich warum ich nicht mehr in Thailand reisen will, ... read more
Tana Toraja, Opferschweine auf Markt
Tana Toraja, Beerdigung, Schweineopferung
Tana Toraja, Beerdigung, Vorbereitung fuer Bueffelkaempfe

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado August 6th 2011

5.8. Herätys oli jo 05.25, jotta ehdimme näkemään auringonnousun rannalla. Vähän jotain härmää taivaanrannassa, mutta hienolta se silti näytti. Ei tehnyt yhtään mieli lähteä vielä pois, vaikka Bunakenilta lähtiessä molemmista tuntui siltä, että vois hyvin lähteä kotiin. Oli jo tehty ja nähty niin paljon ja ehditty rentoutua, että alkoi olla valmis palaamaan, mutta Pulisanin jälkeen olis voinut taas jatkaakin. Pikaisen aamupalan jälkeen oli lähtö highland tourille klo 06.30 tutustumaan Pohjois-Sulawesiin ja sen suurimman ryhmän, minahasa-heimon, kulttuuriin. Ajeltiin ensin melkein pari tuntia yhteen kylään, jossa on 144 hautaa, sarkofageja, vanhimmat 1200-luvulta. Ihmiset haudattiin niihin savivadissa istuen kaikki korut tms mukanaan, uusi edellisen päälle kun se on jo maatunut. Oli aika hauskoja, kun ovat raapustaneet niiden kylkiin kuvia sen ajan ihmisistä ja uskomuksista. Harva ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sulawesi » Menado March 2nd 2011

Deep underwater. Deep, deep underwater Postscript: Damn. It took a long while to find the motivation to actually wrap up this blog. Even though it was more or less written it has taken me forever to make the final editing, but here it is. All of the underwater photos were made by Kari Kulonen. Entering the "real" world again My plan after Vipassana was to either go diving or if the meditation had put me in another mood then just head home. But fortunately my appetite for adventures had not been quenched by sitting still for a while. So after the wierdly emotional goodbyes at the Dhamma Center I went straight to the airport. One final note about the friendliness of my fellow Vipassanars (a new word I think). I was along with a couple of ... read more
Yellow Froggie
Ribbon Eel

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