Blogs from Bromo Tengger Semeru, Java, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru May 15th 2023

If there is smoke, there must be fire… ~ Indonesian Proverb HE SAID... Today we were travelling south from the Seloliman Nature Reserve to Mount Bromo– by road. We organised our packs, dropped our keys and left the Seloliman Ecolodge in the early afternoon. We had a three-hour drive to Mount Bromo ahead, and it was great to be travelling in a large minibus with a little more room than normal. We crawled over rough rural roads on our way out of the nature reserve, passing a noisy local wedding along the way. The narrow streets gave way to wider and smoother roads once we turned onto a major thoroughfare. As we sped along the highway, the scene playing out on either side of the minibus was all too familiar – rice fields stretching for miles, ... read more
grand whiz hotel bromo
fried wheat noodles
waiting for sunrise

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru December 25th 2019

We left Yogyakarta at 9am by train. Getting train tickets in Indonesia is pretty straightforward once you know how the system works. Kereta Api, the indonesia railway, has a website where you can easily book the train you want. However, many international credit cards are not accepted there. So we booked the train tickets easily on You can chose between ekonomi class (lowest), bisnis class (middle), eksekutif (most expensive one) on normal trains. You pay the ticket by credit card and will be sent a confirmation. With the confirmation, just show up at the train station 1 hour before departure, scan the code on the confirmation at one of the machines and your final ticket will be printed. Easy, quick and really straightforward. We chose bisnis class for our trip from Yogyakarta to Probolinggo. And ... read more
Sea of Sands
the train that brought us from Yogyakarta to Probolinggo
whale sharks!

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru May 30th 2018

After a pleasant overnight stay in a lovely hotel in Malang that was once a Dutch colonial building, we say goodbye to comfort and head off to visit Mount Bromo, one of the many hundreds of volcanoes in Indonesia. Our new driver Tommy offers us a quick visit to the Malang bird market, a street with hundreds of small and mostly colourful birds for sale. Owning caged birds are a symbol of prestige in Indonesia, and seeing them is OK, but we don’t like the sight of half a dozen rabbits squashed up in a small cage and are downright appalled at the sight of two tiny monkeys dressed in sweaters trying to escape their cage. Tommy takes the back routes to Tumpang, which finally afford us a sight of the real countryside. The villages are ... read more
Inside Mount Bromo
Approach to the sea of sand

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru April 23rd 2018

Monday, 23rd April 2018 We signed up for the Bromo Sunrise Tour with Helios Transport in Malang and we must say that it was really comprehensive and well organised. The 12-hour tour began at midnight on Monday morning when the 4WD drove us to King Kong Hill for a glimpse of sunrise over Mount Bromo National Park. There were 3 of us in this tour including a tourist from Germany. The weather was chilly and when we arrived at around 3am and we spent some moments sleeping in the jeep while waiting for the day to break. There was coffee and clean toilets at one of the many huts leading to the viewing point. Given the cloudy weather, we did not have much luck with the sunrise even though the drive-through of the savanaah was probably ... read more
Pelangi Waterfalls
Bakso Breakfast
Light food before dinner

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru August 15th 2017

At 2.30am, a gentle knock on the bamboo door of our room was met by a muffled, "Yeah!" from us and we got up, threw on the clothes we has cleverly left out for ourselves the previous evening and stumbled out to the waiting jeep where our guide practically threw us into the back of the decrepit vehicle and we were off! Whizzing around tight bends in the road, following the tail-lights of the line of jeeps ahead of us, we climbed even higher still, our ears popping and bones shaken to the core. There was a loud growling noise coming from the back of the car, and our driver soon stopped and got out to look what was causing the noise. It transpired that it was the rear door that was the problem, so to ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru August 14th 2017

Having drifted off to such a tranquil soundtrack which made us feel as though we were miles from civilisation, we did not expect to be wrenched from our sleep at 4.30am by the call to prayer echoing from the trees, but rouse us it did, and since we were awake, we were able to appreciate the jungle waking up around us before we enjoyed breakfast with a stunning view. We were taken on a walk around the plantation of the centre itself, a not-for-profit organisation designed to educate both children and adults from Indonesia and elsewhere about the importance of conservation, as well as using all profits to benefit ecological programmes for the local area. It was created entirely from barren woodland in 1990 when all the trees that now surrounded us were planted, and has ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru August 9th 2016

Took an 8 hour train ride from Yogyakarta east to reach Malang. The city has traffic, but not nearly as much as in Jakarta or Yogyakarta. It’s a much smaller town. While the idea that pedestrians should have the right-of-way doesn’t exist here, at least there are sufficient breaks in the traffic to allow a dash across uncontrolled streets. Finally able to walk a bit, I set off on foot. There are a few Dutch colonial buildings of note, but what was great was to happen across the city’s bird market within a few narrow paths in town. There are an amazing range of birds, cages, and other animals for sale. The sounds are incredible and it is good fun just walking around. But, I wasn’t here for Malang. Like all other tourists here, it was ... read more
On Bromo's Edge
Arrival for Bromo Sunrise

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru July 4th 2016

Lieve vriendjes en vriendinnetjes, Het echte avontuur is begonnen, op reis in m'n uppie. Op dit moment sta ik ergens onder een ontzettend idyllisch afdakje ergens in de middle of nowhere op een berg, te wachten tot dat de regen voorbij is. Er is dan ook geen beter moment om maar eens te beginnen met mijn volgende blog. Er zijn al 7 weken voorbij en ik kan je zeggen dat afgelopen week in m'n eentje voorbij is gevlogen. En hoewel ik het ontzettend spannend vond om in m'n eentje verder te gaan ben ik van mening dat het een van mijn beste keuzes ooit was. Tot hoe ver mijn goede keuzes reiken dan... Enfin, voordat ik aan dit avontuur kon beginnen, moest er een project afgerond worden. Zoals ik al had geschreven in mijn vorige blog, ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru May 19th 2015

The idea of getting close to an active volcano known to cause mass destruction was exciting for us and was actually one of the main reasons we wanted to come to Indonesia. The closest either of us had been to an active volcano was when P travelled central america and went to Guatemala but it was too dangerous to get close enough to see into the crater.  Unsure exactly how beautiful the scenary would be, we were more excited about the prospect of a DIY trekking opportunity, up a mountain to watch the sunrise and the trek up the crater itself. From Solo, we woke up and missed our train the only train to Probolingo and so decided to book one of the tourist minibuses picking us up at 10am for 200,000 Rupiah taking 10 hours ... read more
Mount Bromo is the smoking one in left hand corner
During sunrise
Our view of volcanoes from Mount Pananjakan

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bromo Tengger Semeru March 5th 2015

Vulkane: Bromo & Ijen auf Java Teil 1: Bromo Unser Fahrer hat uns um 02:00 Uhr Nachts vom Hostel in Malang abgeholt und hat uns zum Mt. Bromo gefahren. Dort sind wir dann in einen 4-WD Jeep umgestiegen, und über eine steile und enge Strasse zu einer Aussichtsplattform gefahren, um den Sonnenaufgang über den Vulkanen in der Tengger-Caldera zu sehen. Auf dem Weg dort hin haben wir noch eine Russin mitgenommen, die glaubte zu Fuss raufgehen zu wollen. Wir haben sie dann überzeugt, dass man da nicht zu Fuss raufgehen will :-) Nachdem der Sonnenaufgang erledigt war, sind wir mit dem Jeep wieder zurück hinunter, und durch das Segara Wedi ("Sea of Sands") zum Krater des Bromo gefahren. Von dort gings dann zu Fuss rauf (man könnte auch auf einem Pferd rauf reiten - aber hallo!!) ... read more
Sunrise View Mt. Bromo
Sunrise View Mt. Bromo
Sunrise View Mt. Bromo

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