Blogs from Rajasthan, India, Asia


Asia » India » Rajasthan March 24th 2024

So much to see in this amazing land of contrasts. I’m enjoying observing regular people going about their lives perched above them from our tour bus window, and I love interacting with locals when I get the chance. Indian people are warm and friendly. Several times we’ve been photographed by locals who are intrigued by our differences, and on a few occasions I’ve been asked to join a group shot, not dissimilar to travelling in Japan! This time I’m writing while travelling from Jaipur to Agra, the home of the uber famous Taj Mahal. I’m glad we’ve left the Taj well into the tour, otherwise I fear all other monuments will pale into insignificance! Back to Jaipur, and in fact Pushkar which we visited for one night en route from Jodhpur to Jaipur. Pushkar is a ... read more
Obligatory bicycle
Pushkar mosque

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jodhpur March 21st 2024

We’ve just enjoyed two great days in the fascinating city of Jodhpur and I’m writing this while travelling by bus to our next hotel in Pushkar. It’s been a whirlwind of sightseeing, shopping, chatting, eating and drinking - so much to take in. A ‘feast for the senses’ as many people warned me it would be! Jodhpur is well set up for tourism with an amazing and well preserved fort perched high the hill. It’s much drier than I expected and unsurprisingly, our guide Kamal says it’s surrounded by desert. The nearby countryside is flat and devoid of most vegetation except small scrubby looking plant life. It must be super tough for anyone trying to farm this land. The toughest life in Jodhpur is reserved for the people who live on the street. Right near our ... read more
Jain High Priest - great our guide
Jain Temple
Indian woman

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur March 19th 2024

We arrived in Udaipur airport and after successfully collecting our luggage set off to explore the ‘Venice of the East’. It didn’t disappoint. First up was a visit to the Monsoon Palace perched high on a hill overlooking picturesque Udaipur which is built on a series of lakes, the main one being Lake Pichola. Apparently it was featured in the James Bond classic ‘Octopussy’ although I don’t recall seeing it in the movie. The best part of the so-called Palace was the view which although the city was shrouded in fog was still a grand vista. The Palace on the other hand was more a slightly dilapidated white marble edifice complete with irritating monkeys that stole another tourists food right out of her hands. Then it was on to our very impressive hotel Ananta Udaipur which ... read more
Monsoon Palace
The view from high on the hill

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 26th 2023

Masala omeletted up, we took a surprisingly long Uber to Patrika gate. The tall pink structure centred around a long hall that held a riot of STUNNING craft. Columns, ceilings and scalloped arches displayed a mixture of pastel toned block colour, floral and bucolic motifs, bright repetitive border patterns, realistic architectural paintings, and stylised Indian narrative scenes of Gods, stories and people. We were in awe, it must have taken years and painstaking care to achieve this feast for our eyes. Many natives, especially couples, were dressed to the nines, taking professional photos along with crew, and professional equipment. Hattie wants to do this with Gabe in front of Buckingham Palace and Marble Arch. She settled for Grace instead, getting in on two gorgeous ladies’ photo shoot. We then went to the nearby JKK, an arts ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan December 23rd 2023

After our first lie-in of the trip (9.30 wake up 😮) we fought an uphill pedestrian battle against the vehicles and walkways (with one man asking if we would “pimp his ride” to which we responded “no thanks!!) to the much calmer Museum of Gem and Jewellery Federation where Grace, Hattie and Iksha found some of the most beautiful treasures of the trip. Uncle Vivek met us there and helped us pick out our treats (he has exquisite taste). Hattie has expensive taste and inadvertently picked out items exclusively over £300 - including a gorgeous silver chain belt and spice container necklace. Silly betis did the conversion rates wrong in our heads and got excited that everything was £20 (add a zero!!). Unfortunately collectively this was the budget for the entire trip so Hattie came away ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan December 23rd 2023

6. – 21.12. Von Varanasi reisen wir nach Khajuraho, einem abgelegenen Dorf, berühmt wegen seiner Tempelanlagen aus dem 10. Jhd. Es sind knapp 400km dorthin, aber es gibt keinen einfachen Reiseweg – Zug, Bus, shared Taxi - auf alle Fälle muss man mehrmals umsteigen und es dauert lange. Wir fahren erst mal nach Prayagraj, einer trostlosen Stadt, von wo aus wir den Zug zu nehmen gedenken. Irgendwie klappt es aber mit der Online-Ticket – App nicht, am Schalter ist niemand dazu zu bewegen uns ein Billett zu verkaufen, und ein netter junger Mann, der uns am Ticketautomat eines lösen will (ausländische Kreditkarten funktionieren da nicht), kann nur noch Stehplätze auswählen. So quartieren wir uns im nächsten Hotel ein, für das alleinig die Nähe zum Bahnhof spricht, und besuchen die einzige Sehenswürdigkeit hier, eine Grabanlage eines muslimischen ... read more
detaillierte Figuren
beim Coiffeur

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 22nd 2023

With half closed eyes we ordered an Uber from the hostel and traversed through dimly lit Jaipur. We got out at a beautiful sandstone gate that was blocked by cows and dogs. We sidestepped them and began the trek up to the sun temple as the sun began to rise. Hundreds of monkeys were eating banana breakfasts and the babies were having their morning milk before we’d even had our chai! The view over the trees and mountains and the city was gorgeous and we could hear religious chanting from near by temples. This really was a memorable moment and set a lovely calm tone for the day. The block colour of different dwellings became more vibrant as the sky changed from pink to blue. We walked back down the hill now in the light, half ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 20th 2023

We woke up at the crack of dawn to get a four hour taxi journey to Jaipur. We said goodbye to our gracious hosts and fell into the hands of Iksha and her uncle, many journey snacks in tow. When we arrived to have a chai break at our first Indian service station, we breathed in our first full fresh air since landing in Delhi. In Wiltshire the air pollution is 3 but in Delhi it’s closer to 400 due to fires in the countryside and winds blowing it into the city - also the immensely heavy traffic. The Chai wallah gave us a cute clay no-handle mug which was meant to be one time use but Hattie took a liking to it and popped it in her handbag to have her morning coffees in back ... read more
Albert Hall halls hall
Mini boy
Jaipur’s famous block print

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur April 29th 2023

Later start today at 9.30am as it's basically a free day. Gordon and Peter had booked another driver like we did for the day, but Arjun said it wasn't necessarily as he and the driver were at our disposal. So we all cancelled the driver and just joined the optional cooking class. First stop for photos was the Albert Hall (at my request) which fortunately was on the way to the scheduled stop, the Lakshmi Narayan Temple. This is a beautiful Hindi Temple completely built with white marble. It was nice to witness the end of a service when we arrived. Had our first proper rain fall as we arrived but temperature today had dropped considerably. Week before we arrived the highs were over 40 degrees centigrade. This week, it's dropped to low 30s, much more ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan April 28th 2023

Usual start at 8.30am after breakfast. Seemed like we were the only 6 guests but a few more turned up as we were leaving. First stop was Amber Fort, but instead of our mini-bus, we all hopped into a covered Jeep for the drive up to the Fort entrance. The old traditional method was riding up on an elephant, but tour companies no longer use this method because the elephants are badly treated. The Indian government does not allow any new elephants to be trained in this way. Amber Fort was fantastic. Located 11km from Jaipur, it was the old fort of the Kachwaha clan of Amber. The fort is built with white marble and red sandstone and many interesting parts to it, plus great views of the surrounding area. After that, we stopped to look ... read more

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