Blogs from Hampi, Karnataka, India, Asia


Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi February 18th 2020

Note: If reading the blog on your desktop, this website would give a better view/fonts ............................... All I knew for several years about my country’s history was Mughals and British, as that is what our education system wanted to teach us. But after I started reading about the true history of our country to explain to my kids, I started realizing that our country has SO much to be proud of! We have stories of 10,000+ years being said in our Puranas but – and these are not just mere stories, but actual events that happened in this very country! I have been traveling the last 3 years to just heritage sites and can feel the aura of these places – one such gorgeous place is the pride of a... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 20th 2019

Today is our last day in Hampi and a check of the itinerary showed there were still several places I wanted to see which we hadn’t visited yet. So after breakfast we headed out, intent on walking to the Queen’s Bath about a kilometre away. But we didn’t get far before a rickshaw driver stopped to talk, looking for a fare. He pulled out his Hampi map and I pointed out the places we had yet to visit. We came to an agreement on price for the morning and piled into his auto rickshaw, the idea of walking now completely forgotten. First stop was the Queen’s Bath. This structure was the private bathing chamber of the king and his wives. It has a very plain boxy exterior but inside there’s a two metre deep bathing pool ... read more
Inside the Queen’s Bath
Window balconies inside the Queen’s Bath
Lady sweeping inside Queen’s Barh

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 18th 2019

We have spent the past two days out and about Hampi and the surrounding area with our auto rickshaw driver. He has taken us to some great places that we would never have found on our own, and a couple of places we probably wouldn’t have bothered with. Overall though, we’re happy with our days, and happy to return to our hotel after six or so hours out and about, to get out of the heat and have some down time. We have a long way to go with this trip and need to pace ourselves. Yesterday we visited some of the monuments which had no admission fee, starting with Bhojanasala, the community dining area for 15th century soldiers, with rows of food plates carved on the rock slabs, complete with the dimples of tiny bowls ... read more
Lord Vishnu statue
River views in Hampi
River views in Hampi

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 17th 2019

Hampi, described as a fantasy world of rocks and ruins, lies in the south Indian state of Karnataka, on the banks of the Tungabhadra River. Now a laid-back ancient village which sprawls over both sides of the river, Hampi was once the last capital of Vijayanagar, one of the greatest Hindu kingdoms in India’s history. The magnificent ruins of Hampi dot an unearthly landscape that’s captivated travellers for centuries. Heaps of giant boulders dot kilometres of undulating terrain, their rusty hues offset by jade-green palm groves, banana plantations and paddy fields. The nearest airport to Hampi is at Belgaum 270klm away, and the nearest railway station, where we finally arrived this morning, is at Hospet, 13klm away. Auto rickshaws filled the parking area outside the railway station, but we had secured ourselves a driver within two ... read more
The famous Stone Chariot
The gateway into Vittala Temple
Vittala Temple

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 23rd 2018

After a relative lie in we ventured down for breakfast. Stephen managed to eat something and seemed much better despite not being quite back to 100%. We had arranged to spend the afternoon at the local sloth bear sanctuary and decided to spend the morning relaxing, reading and booking our next accommodation. We were picked up at 2pm by our tuk tuk driver from the tour to Anegundi we did earlier in the week. This chap, Raja, is incredibly cheerful and a real character. He has even pimped up his tuk tuk so it has massive speakers in the back and sparky interior design! There was talk of introducing a safari option to the sloth bear sanctuary last year but this hasn’t yet happened. It costs 100 rupees each to get in and then is a ... read more
Sloth bear

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 22nd 2018

Today started with a short cycle down the road to Bhima’s gate. We stopped on the way to look at the Ganagitti Jain temple, a fairly unremarkable place. The gate itself was slightly disappointing in that it was missing its city walls on either side (the maps suggest you can still see them). Being a rather plain structure it was clearly functional and not used as the main gates for guests etc. We next headed over to the Zanana enclosure, an enclosure with complete walls all around containing the treasury, a water tank, the queens palace (ruins) and the lotus mahal, a beautiful 2 storied pavilion. This is another of the sites you have to pay to go into, and is considered one of the main attractions in Hampi. They are doing a lot of work ... read more
Elephant stables
View of Royal Centre from hill behind
Lotus Mahal - Zenana enclosure

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 21st 2018

A comfy bed, thick curtains & double glazing led to an excellent nights sleep. Almost making the rubbish breakfast (compared to the hostels in Hampi) worth it... We were picked up at 830am by our guide for the morning and a tuktuk complete with driver to see the sights on the other side of the river. Anegundi pre-dates Hampi and is thought to be the kingdom of Kishkindu in Hindu mythology. The first stop was a climb up to the Hanuman (monkey) temple. We bought our bananas to offer to the monkeys at the top for ‘good karma’ and headed up the 500 steps. The views are spectacular and well worth the walk. Once at the top our guide explained the mythology behind the place and why Hanuman is important. From the viewing platform Stephen & ... read more
Stephen enjoying the view - Anegundi fort
Cave in Anegundi fort
By the river in Anegundi

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 20th 2018

Despite the best of intentions with regard to getting up early to see ‘sunrise hill’ after a rubbish nights sleep due to the noise we decided to stay in bed a little later instead... It actually turned out rather well. There was no way we would have been able to navigate the route up in the dark and it would have been rather dangerous. There seem to be a number of ‘sunrise hills’ and ‘sunset points’ in Hampi depending on who you talk to. We took it to be Matanga Hill. We walked up from the Hampi bazaar side. This was a fantastic walk with great views and some interesting, original steps and slightly scary boulders to walk over. On the way up we found a short cave system in between the boulders that eventually led ... read more
Climb up to Mantanga summit
Exploring on way up Mantanga hill
View of Sule bazaar from Mantanga hill

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 19th 2018

Our second day in Hampi started earlier than hoped due to the lack of curtains in our room and the general noise levels. This was more than made up for by the delicious breakfast the hostel provided, whilst sitting enjoying views over the river. We walked back over Mantanga hill, passed the Achyutaraya temple & Sule bazaar and towards the Vittala temple, the ‘undisputed highlight’ of Hampi according to the Lonely Planet (we dispute this!). It’s around 2km from Hampi and along the way there are plenty of other temples and ruins to investigate. We particularly enjoyed having an explore in some caves made by the boulders near the river edge. There are often little shrines down narrow passageways which are fun to discover. Once at the Temple we were greeted by hoards of tourists - ... read more
Cave exploration
The stone chariot
Vittala temple

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi August 18th 2018

We arrived in Hospete pretty much on time (only 1 hour late) - I had found the slightly larger 1st class beds on the train much easier to sleep on. Unfortunately Stephens was wonky so he hadn’t got much sleep. Overall there isn’t much difference between the 1st & 2nd AC classes so its probably not worth the extra money. There wasn’t a food cart on this train either, and we didn’t even get any tea! We did, however, get a steady stream of staff wanting a ‘selfie’ with us. Trying to find a tuktuk to the boat crossing to Anegundi, where we were supposed to be staying, we discovered that the river crossings were shut. They had been shut for over a week, so our accommodation knew that before taking our booking & offering to ... read more
Hampi - over Mantanga hill
Hampi - Hemakutu hill
Hampi - Hemakutu hill

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