Blogs from Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan, China, Asia


Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge November 20th 2015

Descend in the fabulous gorge, with the famous ladders - 10Yuan to use the first path (descend into the gorge). - 15Yuan to continue on the next path (platforms and ladders). - Bus from the guesthouse to Bai Shui Tai, 15:10, 2h, 50Yuan. !---! Guesthouse in front of the pool, Bai Shui Tai, China, 80Yuan.... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge November 19th 2015

An intense and most beautiful hiking. Departure from "Jane's Guesthouse" at 8:30, after breakfast. Main backpack being carried to the "Tibetan Guesthouse" (20 Yuan for the transportation). Hiked this trail with a Swiss couple, as my previous partners planned to stay next night(s) at the "Halfway Guesthouse". The "Tea Horse Guesthouse" was reached at, with a 20 minutes break. The "Halfway Guesthouse" was reached at 14:50, with a 20 minutes break. The "Tibetan Guesthouse" was reached at 17:20. Total distance walked: 34km in 9h including breaks. Exhausting ! A nice evening dinner was offered by the guesthouse staff, as they killed a 2OOkg pig that day, and (as they said) as we are approaching Chinese Newyear (even if that event will happen in three months from now...). !---! Tibetan Guesthouse, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan, China, 100Yuan. ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge November 18th 2015

Decided to skip the Lijiang destination for a while, as I will have my return flight to Hangzhou from this place. So I must anyhow stay there later on. So I can continue directly to the Tiger Leaping Gorge. Built a great team to do the two days hiking trail through the gorge: - a New yorker, 6O+ - a Swedish couple - a girl from London All gathered in the hostel of Dali, and teamspirit confirmed by biking together for one day. bus from Dali to Lijiang, 10:30, booked through the hostel, including pickup at the hostel, 2.5h, 75Yuan. private bus from Lijiang to the guesthouse in the gorge, 300Yuan/5p. entrance ticket to the gorge, 65Yuan. !---! Jane's Guesthouse, Qiaotou, Yunnan, China (extremely basic).... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge October 11th 2015

Our primary destination for this trip was Tiger Leaping Gorge. It's located 74 km North of Lijiang and 50 km South of Shangrila. We spend 2 night and 3 days hiking it. I believe overall we hiked about 25 km. We stayed at 2 hostels with Tina's hostel being our final destination. After leaving our bags at Tina's, we embarked on going to see the actual river which took us about an hour, going down on the steep curve, to get to. Overall, this was amazing experience and I'm really glad to be finally able to do it.... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge July 11th 2015

One of the reasons we visited Lijiang was to do the 'gruelling' 2 day trek to Tiger Leaping Gorge. The legend tells the story of a tiger that leapt from a rock across the raging gorge to the other side. One thing we now know for certain though - There are definately no tigers on the trek. Getting up extra early so we could grab our regular order of baba & bao zi for breakfast we then followed one of the guys from our hostel to the awaiting minibus. The minibus takes you from Lijiang to a small town called Qiatou about an hour away where we were to begin our trek. During the hour bus journey, we got chatting to a couple of others on the mini bus. There were 10 of us in total, ... read more
Local taking in the views
Chris dwarfed by the mountain face
Don't look down

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge March 2nd 2015

1 mars Je quitte Lijiang aux petites heures. Le soleil vient à peine de se lever que je me retrouve déjà dans un bus en direction de Qiaotou, point de départ pour un court trek au Tiger Leaping Gorge. ... Il est 10h30AM lorsqu'on nous débarque à l'entrée d'une route de gravel qui monte tout doucement vers les montagnes. On est 5 foreigns: deux écossais, un philippin, une biélorusse et moi-même. Et sans surprise, un groupe d'étudiants chinois aussi. Ces derniers ne semblent pas avoir bien compris dans quoi ils s'embarquent exactement. Les fillettes chinoises sont en jeans et ballottent maladroitement dans leurs souliers plateformes. Elles rient en me voyant me pavaner en t-shirt. Bientôt, lorsque l'ascension va débuter, elles ne riront plus une seule fois. C'est que la journée de trek n'est pas facile. Des ... read more
Plantations en altitude
Des petites souris masquées

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge May 19th 2014

Období dešťů je stále v nedohlednu, a tak jsem se rozhodl víkend věnovat místu, kde chci přenocovat i pod stanem - v přírodě je přece jen slunečné počasí důležitější, než když spíte v hotelu. Ale lepší bude začít trochu ze široka, kvůli rozhledu. Tedy, řeka Jang-c' čili 长江 čili Dlouhá řeka pramení daleko na tibetské náhorní plošině, v provincii Qinghai. Směr toku se postupně stáčí od východního na jižní, až vteče do provincie Yunnan, kde se podílí na světově unikátní oblasti Třech paralelních řek (三江并流) - jde o místo, kde pár desítek kilometrů od sebe proudí vody tří veletoků - Salavíny (Salwin, čínsky 怒江 čili Divoká řeka) směřující do Barmy, Mekongu (čínsky většinou 澜沧江 čili Bouřlivá azurová řeka) a právě Jang-c'. A to Číňani nepočítají řeku Iravadi, jen nějakých sto kilometrů v Barmě. Jang-c' po oblasti ... read more
Řeka má žlutou barvu
Soutěska skákajícího tygra
天下第一厕. 世界公认.

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge October 3rd 2013

When I was reading LP several months ago and thinking about this next leg of my travels in Yunnan, I already got the feeling that this part could very well be the highlight. And it indeed hasn't disappointed. Tiger Leaping Gorge, one of the deepest in the world, where the mighty Yangtze flows through a series of rapids, and named after a rather implausible story, was my next stop. Legend has it that a tiger once leapt from one of the rocks in the middle of the gorge to the other bank to escape a hunter. As beautifully romantic it is, having now seen the rock and the 40m or so of crashing rapids the tiger would have had to bound over, I can safely say it really is quite impossible. But before I got to ... read more
Middle Tiger Leaping Rock
Here we go!

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge May 16th 2013

I had some serious doubts whether to do this trek or not… I definitely wanted to do it, but wasn’t exactly keen on doing it on my own… but then decided to go for it after all, you never know, maybe it’s the first and last time I put my foot around here… and what’s more this place might not look the same after a few years anymore as there are some serious works going on around here at the river at the moment… As soon as I decided to do this trip I found out that my new Slovenian friends from Dali were doing it on the same day as well, so it looked like I would be having a company after all! Great! :)I booked a bus from the old town to Qiaotou (35 ... read more
river slowly coming out of the clouds...
hiking the Tiger Leaping Gorge
hiking the Tiger Leaping Gorge

Asia » China » Yunnan » Tiger Leaping Gorge March 22nd 2013

Tiger Leaping Gorge (Yunnan trekker's de facto "rite of passage" hike) For anyone coming to Yunnan to hike, this route is No.1. The Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest river gorges in the world. It's 16 km long and walled on either side by neighboring Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (18,360') to the south and Haba Snow Mountain (17,700') to the north. The area gets it's name from a local legend where a tiger once leaped across the Gorge's narrowest point to escape a predator. It must have been a Chinese T-Rex or something to get a big cat like that to leap 82 feet across a raging river! But seriously, the gorge itself is unbelievable. It looks as if an ax struck the mountains between two massive snowy peaks. Why on earth did the ... read more
Tiger Leaping Rock
Sky Ladder
Rope Bridge - Made in China

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