Blogs from Liming, Yunnan, China, Asia


Asia » China » Yunnan » Liming October 18th 2018

September 27th:October 5th - Liming - Dia 98:106 Many days out climbing. Many new climbing friends. Amazing times and memories shared. I went on climbing for 9 days straight. Usually you take breaks after a couple of days but I just felt I needed to take full advantage of all my days in Liming. I started to really enjoy my daily routine. It went something like this. After an extremely good sleep I woke up at around 8am to head over to my usual breakfast restaurant. A nice simple breakfast costing only around 40 cents ?. I usually got 3 steamed buns filled with pork which I ate alongside a bowl of a really good red pepper oily sauce. Accompanying it I served myself green tea and kept on drinking while reading my kindle book. I ... read more
Hello beautiful
Perfect splitter sandstone. This was an amazing route!
The views while climbing

Asia » China » Yunnan » Liming October 11th 2018

September 25th - Back to Shangri-la - Dia 96 Left Yubeng Village bright and early today. We had to walk around 7 hours through another valley to later take a van towards Shangri-la. The walk was incredible. I though I was trekking through Nepal already! Following a river downstream we saw how it grew in power as we descended. It became a massive living creature, bigger then usual as it overtoppled its own banks.  The terrain changed and with it the lush green vegetation disappeared. We now found ourselves walking on a small ledge carved through the wall of a huge canyon. Beneath us a 300 meter drop towards the ranging river. Arriving at the end of the trail we were met with around 8 drivers. Every single one wanting to take us to Shangri-la, a ... read more
Massive cliff side while walking next to jt
Hello Liming
You are beautiful

Asia » China » Yunnan » Liming September 14th 2018

We left Shaxi the following morning and continued our trip north towards Laojan Shan National Park. After almost two hours of driving through nice scenery we stopped in at Shiguzhen. Shiguzhen is a fairly unremarkable town but just happens to be positioned at a point where the Yangtze river does an almost 180 degree turn and runs almost parallel to itself for a few kilometers. We walked through the town until we reached a museum dedicated to the long march (which passed through the town). William talked us through the history of the long march and filled us in on the local context in Shiguzhen as well. After checking out the museum we admired the view of the 180 degree bend in the Yangtze. We then made our way back down the hill and to the ... read more
First bend of the Yangtze viewed from the long march museum, Shiguzhen
Musicians, Shiguzhen

Asia » China » Yunnan » Liming August 24th 2012

CHINA: Liming...1,000 Tortoises Running with the Lisu. Liming...with three sunrises each day and the largest and best developed Danxia geological landforms in China...not on any of my maps and not mentioned in my Lonely Planet Guide. Welcome to China's Best Kept Secret. It is in the area of the three parallel rivers that sweep out of Tibet. The sign describes it thus: "Elevated at 2,300 - 4,200 and covering an area more than 1,500 square kilometers the Danxia landform in Liming and Liguang is the best example of alpine Danxia landform featuring peculiar peak - clusters, precipitous escarpments and beautiful valleys. Developed in Tertiary red sandstone, this Danxia landform is the combination result of regional uplift, glacier excavation, river erosion and surface weathering over tens of million years." It is also the home of the ... read more

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