Blogs from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, Antarctica


Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station January 30th 2023

The beginning of this post is from Mikkelson Island, not McMurdo Station. This site demands a region and Mikkelson was not available as a choice, so we just selected another M. The second part is Culverson Island. Between the two we sailed from late afternoon until early this morning. Shore on the port side (our side) was mountainous throughout the transit. Monsters and Doozer there is skiing in Antarctica; we saw many prime locations save for all ending in the ocean. Suspect that would put a dampener on things. But our cruise during daylight was magical consisting of mountains, snow, ocean, and a rarity here, sunshine. P.S. As we compose the post whales are feeding outside the cabin as snow falls. It snows every day, sometimes several times.... read more
Water Boat
Survival Hut
Gentoo Penguins

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station November 4th 2013

My 6th season on the ice. Its been real, its been fun and it has been real fun. Check out In the search box put in "photo library" to view hundreds of photos. Also check out the live view camera links on the lower right side of the page.... read more
Antarctica 2012 - 2013
Antarctica 2012 - 2013
Antarctica 2012 - 2013

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station December 24th 2012

Another completed season. Met new friends, and got the chance to work again with friends from previous years. Arrived in August 2011 and departed 1 March 2012. If anyone has any questions, I can be reached at read more
Antarctica 2011 - 2012
Antarctica 2011 - 2012
Antarctica 2011 - 2012

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station November 10th 2011

Apologies again, this is a Nov 2011 post before leaving The Ice that I never got around to finishing/publishing- so now catching up! and almost there! -thanks for taking a look! Originaly scheduled to leave Mcmurdo Station in early Oct i was extended till early Nov/11 But I greatly enjoyed the transition from summer to winter to full summer again(no other seasons here!) the sun is up, the sun is down-thats it. The pics are mostly from that few weeks extra, and just some shots around 'town' -rather than of penguins and seals. Getting on that C-17 flight off the Ice, I didnt know if I would ever see Antarctica again, none of us ever really do despite our plans. Its still a very wild and unpredictable place-and life is too. So each time I leave ... read more
tower sitting!
Sort and Re-cycle!

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station August 10th 2011

(apologies as this was actually posted Dec 28.11--I had not updated so now getting back on track!) My third winter on the Ice, we had a station population of 151, later 149 due to emergency medical evac of personel (they are now fine!) Lots and Lots of snow, oddly enough not that frequent in Antarctica; and some good *& kicking polar storms. But also much warmer than normal winters-this makes for rough weather. Sadly 3 Norweigian sailors were lost nearby in our first storm of winter, the crew of the Berzerk 2. Winter on the Ice is alot of solitude, reflection and close alliances with your fellow winter -overs. We work very hard, long hours but enjoy our free time, as we are alone for 6 months. yep, internet and tv we have, but the nearest ... read more
camera troubles
medical van
Midwinters Day

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station March 29th 2011

With our winter setting in, and the sea ice beggining to form, the penguins around Mcmurdo/Scott Base will soon walk, slide and swim to other places, the Emperors with their shiny new coats of feathers will head SE to their rookeries, to breed all through the polar winter, in horrific weather (for a human anyway). What Natures' purpose in this ritual is I dont know, survival of the fittest maybe? The smaller, knee high animated Adeleis breed over the summer, complete their molt and head North to warmer climes, out to sea, to the edge of the winter ice pack, to stuff their little faces in preparation for the next breeding season. After a summer of very few penguins, the sea ice blew out, and suddenly we were awash with them! They are fun to watch ... read more
hanging with pengys
Belly boarding!!!

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station March 10th 2011

Antarctica is covered by Ice, so much of it that the entire continent has been pushed hundreds if not thousands of feet down into the Earths crust by the sheer wieght. Its over 3 miles thick in places- pretty amazing really. In the winter the entire landmass is surrounded by a ring of ice that can go out over 100 miles or more in places, its the seasonal Sea Ice, which in summer often breaks up and floats away, exposing rocky shorelines and the very few sand beaches. But here at Mcmurdo Station, which actually sits along a 40 mile wide bay (or sound) the ice has been locked in for over 10 years, some of the thicker ice up to 30 years. All many of us have ever seen here is a thick carpet of ... read more
sea ice airfield Dec 2010
a view out to sea

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 23rd 2011

The following are links for science being done in Antarctica. Within these links are more links to more information. Science Programs United States Antarctic Program Science Summaries About the Continent The Antarctic Treaty Video Clips, Maps, and Images Educational Opportunities and Resources Research Opportunities News on Antarctica. Curious about the current research taking place around Antarctica? Have friends and family back h... read more

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station November 7th 2010

Working and living in the Antarctic environment requires specialized training, especialy if your job has you off-station out on the ice or up in the mountains. Whether you are a scientist or merely supporting science (as I and most of us on station do) there is needed training. From snow- mobile operation to what we call 'Happy Camper' school, (basic polar survival skills) the training is usually intense given the environment, but it can be fun and sometimes awesome! Sea Ice School is one of these, learning how to 'read' the Ice for signs of its condition and thickness, how to drill down and see if its safe to walk or drove over-your life can literaly depend on it, and others with you. Plus you get to go to some cool places! In this class we ... read more
surveying the Ice off Cape Evans
a stranded Iceberg-
me and my Jiffy Drill

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station November 2nd 2010

well some traditions transcend locations, oceans and would be Halloween, at least for Americans, so here we go --its cold and scary down here!!!... read more
party time..
and nobody dressed up as a penguin!
me on all -hallows eve

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