Blogs from Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica, Antarctica


3 Types of Expedition Ships For the reason that the Antartica is a famous destination, numerous cruise ships sail to the peninsula. These Antarctica expedition cruise ships can be classified into three types: research ships, expedition ships, and luxury ships. First, you will need to determine which category of cruise ship suits your need. After that, make sure you pay attention to factors like on-board facilities, workers ratio, and meal quality. Every Antarctica cruise ship provides something unique, and it is always worth paying more to get your first preference. Let's look at the three types of cruise ships in Antarctica 1. Research vessels Research vessels are meant for those travelers on a budget. Previously, the research ships were utilized as research vessels, and now they have been a transfor... read more

A modo suo il mio vicino di volo, che grazie a un intuito fuori dal comune aveva capito che non sono proprio iraniano, aveva provato a dirmelo. A Teheran, se avessi dovuto incontrare mai problemi sarebbero stati dovuti al traffico. La città, almeno nella zona dove alloggio, è attraversata da larghe strade a tre corsie ma non è chiaro il loro senso di percorrenza. La maggior parte è sicuramente a senso unico ma sono così tanti ad andare contromano da rendere difficile capire in quale direzione dovrebbe muovere il traffico. I taxi e le automobili più piccole, dal clacson decisamente facile, si fanno strada tra camion, furgoni biciclette e carri tirati a mano. Gli autisti si sporgono dai finestrini per comunicarsi con ampi gesti dove e come si supereranno. Per fortuna che è una zona a ... read more

Overall, the person who has helped me the most is my advisor, Ms.Rosales, shehas always been there for me when I have needed anything, or just when I needed to talk, she always was on my side when she felt I was treated unfairly and pushed for me to be treatedunfairly. She pushes me and always let's me know that I can do anything that I out my mind to. I would have never made it this far without her, she has been my biggest cheer leader through out my entire journey here at UICCP, I will Defeintley remember and be greatfulnfornall the thinks she has done for me.... read more

We're back and easy like Sunday morning are in the wrong order, I got the dates wrong........! Put it down to the altitude......! ... read more

Apologies for the break in continuity......! Feeling better this morning.......breakfast is good: ham & eggs, and ham & cheese croissants - yep, they're beginning to feature more and more in the daily diet...... We head out into Cusco and visit the Inca Walls and wander the narrow cobbled streets where the relentless street hawkers ply their crafts in pursuit of the tourist pound. At every attempt we buy water and when we can, Coke Zero.....even if the sell-by dates have always expired. We visit Inglesia de Santa Domingo, a church from the middle ages and then set off to find the main railway station that we remember Palin arriving into Cusco via. We struggle, even though our map is current and despite several attempts by John......"donde esta l'staticion"......I'm sure that's how Raul taught me to say ... read more

As you can see we are back on the phone and back in Antarctica.......(we've tried believe us) Denise goes for breakfast and brings John back a ham and cheese sandwich.....whilst John pays the bill and checks out. Denise then sips a coco leaf tea and we wait for the taxi. For 10 soles we are taken by little more than a cart-truck to the airport by which point our lungs are suitably full of whatever fumes come from whatever fuel they run these cars on.....? Even pink diesel that most of Barlborough (past life) runs on doesn't taste like this. Regardless, we tip generously and walk into the check-in hall and join the chaos that appears to be for the Aerosur flight to La Paz. Only 2 flights a week run this route and it is ... read more
..our worldly goods - 10kg each
.......welcome to whoever you are.....
......Lake Titicaca.........

Long journey. 24hrs from wake up to head-down. Landed in Newark, new jersey at 12:30 EST at gate C125. It appears that USA is no longer a "free" country after all, as we had to pay our $14 EST immigration charge before leaving uk. And after a very warm send off by the airline staff and much thanks and gratitude for flying their airline, we joined the queue marked "aliens". We checked out at passport control, collected bags, cleared customs..........turned left after the double the bags, queued for security scanning........had to practically get dressed again, queue for passport control, and run to..................gate C125 where a rather familiar air raft was waiting to run a service to lima, Peru. The staff questioned why we were running late............and I nearly...........but Denise restrained me. We took our seats ... read more

Ellie: Despite the fish tank, we're back at our favourite cafe. Today we went to Nusa Dua. Upon arrival we were expecting a line of gleaming five star hotels, backing on to a pristine beach. We were dropped off near a car park, some litter, and some men on jet-skis shouting "water spor? water spor?" Oh. Luckily we weren't put off and set off in search of a nicer patch of sand. It didn't take long to find the row of gleaming hotels we were expecting. I managed to sweet talk a nice Indonesian man called Davna (or something) into letting us have a day on the sun loungers at "Oasis" hotel for only 40 000 rupiah (about three quid). We basked there smugly all day, complete with stripy five star towels. Unfortunately, lying about being ... read more

Instead of passively being beaten, it is better to take the initiative directly to that third party to talk about them. I believe you will be very curious what the other is a kind of person. The relationship between a woman is very subtle, particularly in the situation like you. While the hesitation, but as long as one of the parties make the first step, it is easy to obtain relieved and communication. The same for the woman, the person may understand your feelings, and admiration for your courage. But, unfortunately, if you had to suffer an arbitrary or unreasonable third parties may also wish to show your courage and despot. Since there must be a decision, then the three men had to make choices without any escape route. Of course, we are all adults, they ... read more

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